Pidora の設定が一応終わったので、いろいろ試していこうと思います。 まず、Raspberry Pi の浮動小数点演算の性能を見るために昔行った姫野ベンチを試してみます。比較のためにプログラムはその時のものを使います。Fortranコンパイラは標準ではインストールされていないのでインストールします。
# yum install gcc-gfortran.armv6hl ............. Installed: gcc-gfortran.armv6hl 0:4.7.2-2.fc17.a6 Dependency Installed: libgfortran.armv6hl 0:4.7.2-2.fc17.a6 Complete! # which gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran
$ gfortran -O3 himenoBMTxp.f90 himenoBMTxp.f90:131.7: pause 1 Warning: Deleted feature: PAUSE statement at (1) $
$ ./a.out Select Grid-size: Grid-size= XS (64x32x32) S (128x64x64) M (256x128x128) L (512x256x256) XL (1024x512x512) XS mimax= 65 mjmax= 33 mkmax= 33 imax= 64 jmax= 32 kmax= 32 Time measurement accuracy : .10000E-02 Start rehearsal measurement process. Measure the performance in 3 times. MFLOPS: 36.0227814 time(s): 0.15800000000000000 6.22747932E-03 Now, start the actual measurement process. The loop will be excuted in 1139 times. This will take about one minute. Wait for a while. Loop executed for 1139 times Gosa : 3.48486265E-06 MFLOPS: 36.3105049 time(s): 59.512000000000000 Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.438320935 PAUSE To resume execution, type go. Other input will terminate the job. go RESUMED $
S も試してみます。
$ ./a.out Select Grid-size: Grid-size= XS (64x32x32) S (128x64x64) M (256x128x128) L (512x256x256) XL (1024x512x512) S mimax= 129 mjmax= 65 mkmax= 65 imax= 128 jmax= 64 kmax= 64 Time measurement accuracy : .10000E-02 Start rehearsal measurement process. Measure the performance in 3 times. MFLOPS: 36.3792992 time(s): 1.3580000000000001 3.28862783E-03 Now, start the actual measurement process. The loop will be excuted in 132 times. This will take about one minute. Wait for a while. Loop executed for 132 times Gosa : 1.96013972E-03 MFLOPS: 36.4830971 time(s): 59.582000000000001 Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.440404385 PAUSE To resume execution, type go. Other input will terminate the job. go RESUMED $
Fortranプログラムの結果は残念なもので、浮動小数点演算は遅いようです。しかし、Raspberry Pi にとっては Fortran プログラムをコンパイルできて動作したということで満足です。