This morning,I read very interesting article about AI and Bill Gates.
Bill Gates outlined some of the biggest areas of concern with AI in his blog this week. But he stressed that these risks are manageable.
In late May, tech leaders, AI researchers and some celebrities joined in signing a one-sentence letter.
They said,
Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.
However , Gates says people should not panic about AI .
He says one of the biggest areas of concern for AI is the potential for deepfakes .
AI- generated misinformation could undermine elections and democracy.
But AI might be able to identify deepfakes.
Gates also says laws needs to be clear about deepfake usage and labeling so that everyone can understand whether that is genuine or not.
In addition to these, Gates has talked about various issues on his blog.
In any case, Gates sounds less worried than some other executives in Silicon Valley about the risks of AI.
Maybe Gates is too optimistic. But his words definitely encourage us.