
2018-11-22 19:32:15 | 日記

  荷物大変、外人の女の子二人が快く見てくれる。今回は  米、少し休憩。

   ノートには(きのう きょう あした)日本語の練習してる、可愛い。


   わたしが色々話す ダンスそしてエジプトでの事。
ルーテルはカソリックに反旗して火炙り 正反対。

    美しい瞳 こんな綺麗な目見たの久し振り。ブルートパーズそのまま。わたしも昔檜原村に座禅に行ってた頃、キヨスクのマダムに「なんてきれいな眼!」といわれたことがある。エジプトの男の子には目を覗き込まれ、「君は男に酷く傷つけられた事があるね。」

    斜めの女性が60? で妊娠したサラの話。「わたしもそれを読んだわ。」
エジプトでクリスチャンのレバノン系アメリカ女性と暮らした事がありBFのコプトエジプト人とその友人とバイブルスタディに参加した。キリストは貴方が成熟するのを望んでます それだけ覚えてる。カイロの大学で教えていてわたしがエジプトの弁護士に拉致される事件に遭ったときはわたしを信じて味方してくれた。ただベリーダンスは反対で衣装やきれいな服が盗まれていた。小松ワークショップで買った8万もした緑の衣装のブラの方とか。「世界は腐敗してるのよ、そしてわたしも悪いのよ。」と言ってた。



TOP OF mountain &VOICE 2

2018-11-22 12:32:32 | 日記
For two people, karaoke Tachikawa getting off! It's on the ground from the fire-sale Tami red snapper crushed and the deck which are in intention.
During a charge, I dance by a karaoke song. It's never attacked or becomes vacant and is pulse-pounding, but I'm relieved today. He waves the hand like a staff and seems funny.
It was good. The next is by an Arabian song.
Please tell me!)
They're good indeed. Voice at young time is surely. I also consult about sexual worries. It's that, if such thing is requested from the first day, it's bad, a man?)  
It's so, it's the one all things are requesting of being not the translations decided that a man associated only with KOKOZO, they seem great.
There can be neither time nor money for two hours, and he who can go to a mountain is to a date with a girl friend 80 years old for me. Though there is a partner by this annual man, too, why is Asami uncrowded for one year and a half?

The female of the alone and the mountain guidance A bear goes out! I say so.
An abnormal man and a ghost can't compare with Mr. bear at any rate.
I consult a grandfather of resin selling.
Even try being superior to a ropeway for now.)

I dance at a dining room. So much, without reactions. A hostess is laughing.
What will you take?)
The least expensive half rice.
There are ten miso soup to which I return and a pickled radish small bowl on a seat.
I see.)

That I'm going to drive in SEKUHARAPAWAHARA if I dance, that I'm almost making them sit down with tantan. Mr. Okinawa treats as fragile items.
Because she's a dancer. The international street UCHINANCHU pub a store manager made waiter's boy avoid where so that he didn't hit me

Chinese noodles are done next.

Ropeway of RI! I'm moved. From the back male N.Y. It's wonderful heard variously, I say. I'd like to see. Maybe a GF lady is a little dissatisfied.
The mountain looking dance at which a hillside arrives. It's said that a wooden aura enters.
To a gift. It's handed and it's thought a salesperson man's staring, I didn't run away right now, so it's satisfied and goes off. It's worst that I went to a restroom to remove it.
The whole body is overturned, and even downtown of sunglasses is the same far in the mountains, a man, in particular, the animal.
I give up eating Japanese hotchpotch, and, ropeway and the one of the oneseater.
Has not this fallen!)
I never have that, this uncle is honest.

There are also no belts, but cheerful. Uh, when associating with him in condition Egypt, you could come. Same
Would you like to go to Japan? You asked me at a date at a villa in Cairo. Super-PLAYBOY of Egyptian British half
Were you saying that Tokyo look red snapper and Mt. Fuji would like to climb? If I come now, it's pushed over from the top. He who mad
でカラオケ立川下車! お気にの激安潰れたみたい、デッキから地上へ。
 そうよね、男性って付き合うと決まった訳じゃないのにここぞとばかりあらゆる事 要求してくるのよね、偉そうに。
    二時間は時間もお金もいられず わたしは山へ、いけてる彼は80才ガールフレンドとのデートへ。この年の男性でも相手いるのになぜ麻美は一年半空いてるの。






2018-11-22 12:30:33 | 日記
Ropeway of child pretense! I'm moved. From the back male N.Y. It's wonderful heard variously, I say. I'd like to see. Maybe a GF lady is a little dissatisfied.
The mountain looking dance at which a hillside arrives. It's said that a wooden aura enters.
To a gift. It's handed and it's thought a salesperson man's staring, I didn't run away right now, so it's satisfied and goes off. It's worst that I went to a restroom to remove it.
The whole body is overturned, and even downtown of sunglasses is the same far in the mountains, a man, in particular, the animal.
I give up eating Japanese hotchpotch, and, ropeway and the one of the oneseater.
Has not this fallen!)
I never have that, this uncle is honest.

There are also no belts, but cheerful. Uh, when associating with him in condition Egypt, you could come. Same
Would you like to go to Japan? You asked me at a date at a villa in Cairo. Super-PLAYBOY of Egyptian British half
Were you saying that Tokyo look red snapper and Mt. Fuji would like to climb? If I come now, it's pushed over from the top. He who made it the appointment scrap paper and got married Isn't it satisfaction?
A young girl of the Muslem in which a British aristocrat and a body warmer Opera house ballerina of GF are very conservative. As I followed grandfather's inheritance.
A father disobeyed and got married to a British upper lady.

There isn't a person who sees a dance. One the person when dancing, it's seen, but who makes a contract.
The father resemblance by which the uncle who could tear off the hard front goes up a slope to a shrine. Is it the vision by which I'm encouraged in a high school mountaineering club? 、

I have come here! Around a child. At the base in stone steps. 、
How much do you have that?)
Considerable. The uncle who has got off.

The heavy baggage. My friend who doesn't even have a pouch and has come to the base has to follow.
It's lit finally that it's still here. A turret. There seems to be a geisha dance, I spoke once, but I look like a hostess and don't say sarcasm right now.

That I wanted to go, to a hotel, not the lady who has that. But he has not come. I ask a foreigner whether a dance is seen. It was declined, but I'm surprised, and it's thought to begin self-taking.
Before even Russian Anna Karenina sits down, one turns, and an aristocrat introduces dance to action. The back employee such as knowing the down ton takes out one leg to the right, and.

In front of the return ropeway, if he sits down, an uncle in a wear place hits a hand between the thigh! Because shikan wants you to stop, it's being written.
The Japanese syllabary by which such one won't be also a crime I'd like to have time refreshingly.

Desperately, I return with one man. Ropeway driver. When I speak about today's sexual harassment, Iがパッとわかる!gooニュースアプリ
アラビアンナイトは生きている LINE GAWAHEIRA(猫抱いた写真) 08081201605 SMS&viber
18/11/21 13:25 日記

 子供振りのロープウェイ! 感動する。後ろの男性N.Yから。色々聞く wonderfulだよ、言う。見たいな。GF女性少し不満げ。

    ベルトもないがウキウキ。あのままエジプトの彼と付き合ってれば、来れた。 一緒  
  「日本に行きたい?」  カイロの別荘でのデートの時聞いてくれた。エジプトイギリスハーフの超PLAYBOY


   ここ来たわ! 子供の頃。石段のふもとで。、   

    まだあるの やっとつく。 櫓が。芸者ダンスあるらしい、1度話したがホステスみたいに嫌味すぐ言わない。

     いきたかったとある女性でなく ホテルへ。でも彼来てない。外人にダンス見るか聞く。断られたが自撮り始めると驚いて見てる

      帰りのロープウェイ前座ったら着場のおじさんが股間に手を当てる! 視姦やめて欲しいから書いてる。
      こういうのも犯罪にならないかな 爽やかに過ごしたい。
     真っ暗、一人の男性と帰る。ロープウェイ運転手。今日のセクハラ話すと、「大体誰だかわかるよ、あいつらそんなことしてましたか 今度注意しときます。」笑って言う。
   流暢な英語の中国人。意見があったので会話。会社経営仕事 時々聞き取れないもっと勉強しなきゃ。連絡交換

   飲み屋でちょっとダンス 店主行くたび「チラシ貼りますよ!」 でも貼らない。 休ませてくれるだけラッキー。
