O Amerika o kai ni itta Kichijōji. Karudi de kōhī nominagara kaimono, sūpā e iku tochū no supēsu de itsumo no yō ni dansu. Nimotsu taihen, gaijin no on'nanoko futari ga kokoroyoku mite kureru. Konkai wa Amerika, sukoshi kyūkei. `Ara, berīdansu ne, subarashī wa.' Nōto ni wa (kinō kyō ashita) nihongo no renshū shi teru, kawaii. Amerikahito to iuga, amarini kireina safaiya-iro no me. `Suu~ēden?' `Īe, Oranda kara yo.' Watashi ga iroiro hanasu dansu soshite Ejiputo de no koto. `Anata wa jīzasu o shinji teru?' `E e, gakkō wa Kirisuto-kei yo. Anata-tachi no shūha wa?' `Purotesutanto yo.' `Watashi wa yōchien wa rūteru, kōkō wa kasorikkudatta wa.' Rūteru wa kasorikku ni hanki shite hiaburi seihantai. Utsukushī hitomi kon'na kireina me mita no hisashiburi. Burūtopāzu sonomama. Watashi mo mukashi hibaramura ni zazen ni itteta koro, kiyosuku no madamu ni `nante kireina me!' To iwa reta koto ga aru. Ejiputo no otokonoko ni wa me o nozoki koma re,`kimi wa otoko ni hidoku kizutsuke rareta koto ga aru ne.' Kanojotachi wa senkyōshi no yōna katachi de Nihon ni kitasou. Naname no josei ga 60? De ninshin shita sara no hanashi. `Watashi mo sore o yonda wa.' Ejiputo de kurisuchan no Rebanon-kei Amerika josei to kurashita koto ga ari BF no koputoejiputo hito to sono yūjin to baiburusutadi ni sanka shita. Kirisuto wa anata ga seijuku suru no o nozondemasu soredake oboe teru. Kairo no daigaku de oshiete ite watashi ga Ejiputo no bengoshi ni rachi sa reru jiken ni atta toki wa watashi o shinjite mikata shite kureta. Tada berīdansu wa hantai de ishō ya kireina fuku ga nusuma rete ita. Komatsu wākushoppu de katta 8 man mo shita midori no ishō no bura no kata to ka. `Sekai wa fuhai shi teru no yo, soshite watashi mo warui no yo.' To itteta. Josei no jinken yōgo mo shi tete pasupōto o toriage rare kazoku ni nankin sa re teru Saujiarabia no on'nanoko o tasukeru katsudō nado. Kitaku suruto bodi chekku. `U ̄ n, ikenai ko ne, burausu no botan wa koko made shime nasai.' 20-Dai de toshishitananoni. Massāji no toki, nanige ni sasowa re (Arabu hito wa danjo tomo OK to iu kata ōi) shinakattaga, yattereba ishō kaeshite moraeta kamo! ? Kireina musume datte shi... `Sorosoro iku wa' tachiagaru to futari tomo 8 tōshin. `Kyōkai ni iku wa.' Yakusoku shitanode nichiyō ni iku
Kichijoji went to buy rice. Shopping while drinking coffee at Kaldy, dancing as usual in the middle of going to the supermarket.
Luggage, two foreigners girls will be happy to see. This time rice, a little break.
"Oh, it's a belly dance, it's amazing."
I'm practicing Japanese in the notes (yesterday is tomorrow), it is cute.
I say American, but too beautiful sapphire eyes.
"No, from the Netherlands."
I dance a lot and things in Egypt.
"Do you believe in JESUS?"
"Yes, the school is Christian, what about your sect?"
"I was a kuruma in Lutheran and my high school was Catholic."
Luther is countering against Catholic and flames the opposite.
Beautiful eyes It's been a while since I saw such beautiful eyes. Blue Topaz as it is. When I went to Zazen in the old days in Ibarahara village, I was told that Kiyosuku madam "What a beautiful eyes!" Egyptian boys were looked into their eyes and said, "You have been severely hurt by a man."
Let's come to Japan in a way like missionaries.
Diagonal women 60? The story of Sarah pregnant at. "I also read it."
I have lived with Christian Lebanese American women in Egypt and participated in Bible Copt Egyptian and his friends and Bible Study. Christ wants you to mature. I remember that much. When teaching at the university of Cairo and I was caught by an Egyptian lawyer I trusted and favored me. Just the belly dance was opposite, costumes and clean clothes were stolen. I bought it at the Komatsu workshop, 80,000 as well as a bra for green costumes. "The world is corrupt, and I am also bad."
Activities to help girls in Saudi Arabia, who also took up passports, also advocated women's human rights, and was forbidden by their families.
Body check when you go home. "Well, dont you be a child, close the blouse's button so far."
At the time of massage, I was invited to what mind (Arab people are OK with both men and women OK) but I did not have to return the costume if I did it! What?
She even has a beautiful daughter ...
"I will go soon" When they stand up, they are both eight.
"I will go to church."
Because I promised I will go on Sunday.
荷物大変、外人の女の子二人が快く見てくれる。今回は 米、少し休憩。
ノートには(きのう きょう あした)日本語の練習してる、可愛い。
わたしが色々話す ダンスそしてエジプトでの事。
ルーテルはカソリックに反旗して火炙り 正反対。
美しい瞳 こんな綺麗な目見たの久し振り。ブルートパーズそのまま。わたしも昔檜原村に座禅に行ってた頃、キヨスクのマダムに「なんてきれいな眼!」といわれたことがある。エジプトの男の子には目を覗き込まれ、「君は男に酷く傷つけられた事があるね。」
斜めの女性が60? で妊娠したサラの話。「わたしもそれを読んだわ。」
エジプトでクリスチャンのレバノン系アメリカ女性と暮らした事がありBFのコプトエジプト人とその友人とバイブルスタディに参加した。キリストは貴方が成熟するのを望んでます それだけ覚えてる。カイロの大学で教えていてわたしがエジプトの弁護士に拉致される事件に遭ったときはわたしを信じて味方してくれた。ただベリーダンスは反対で衣装やきれいな服が盗まれていた。小松ワークショップで買った8万もした緑の衣装のブラの方とか。「世界は腐敗してるのよ、そしてわたしも悪いのよ。」と言ってた。