連休最後の昨日は秋分の日でした。英語では"The Autumn Equinox Day"といいます。厳密には太陽が「秋分点」を通過する日とのことですが、大ざっぱには春分の日と共に昼と夜の長さが同じという日のことですね。
一年に二回おこる"equinox day"の朝、太陽は真東からのぼり、夕方真西に沈みます。このため、この一年の二回の"equinox day"は「彼岸(あの世)」と「此岸(現世)」が最も通じやすい日とされているそうなのです。
The Autumn Equinox Day usually falls on September 23, but it did on 22 this year because 2020 is a leap year.
The word equinox is Latin for "equal night." In the West, the Autumn Equinox Day also marks the first day of autumn.
In Japan, both the autumn and spring equinox days have been established as national holidays. According to the Public Holiday Law, the Autumn Equinox Day was set as a national holiday in 1948 to honor and remember one's ancestors.
In Buddhism, heaven is believed to be in the west, whereas this world is located in the east.
An equinox occurs when the sun passes directly over the Earth's equator, resulting in a day and night equal in length, which means the sun rises in the due east and set in the due west.
So Buddhism in Japan has considered the equinox week a significant period that connects this world with heaven called Higan. It is a tradition in Japan that people pay visits to their ancestor's graves and offer flower bouquets, and local Buddhist temples hold special services for worshippers during the week of the equinox.
The word equinox is Latin for "equal night." In the West, the Autumn Equinox Day also marks the first day of autumn.
In Japan, both the autumn and spring equinox days have been established as national holidays. According to the Public Holiday Law, the Autumn Equinox Day was set as a national holiday in 1948 to honor and remember one's ancestors.
In Buddhism, heaven is believed to be in the west, whereas this world is located in the east.
An equinox occurs when the sun passes directly over the Earth's equator, resulting in a day and night equal in length, which means the sun rises in the due east and set in the due west.
So Buddhism in Japan has considered the equinox week a significant period that connects this world with heaven called Higan. It is a tradition in Japan that people pay visits to their ancestor's graves and offer flower bouquets, and local Buddhist temples hold special services for worshippers during the week of the equinox.