従軍慰安婦問題に批判的な社説掲載 ジャカルタポスト紙
(2007/08/20 朝日新聞)
(以下、追記 07.08.22)
PM Abe's trust mission
Opinion and Editorial - August 20, 2007
The 40-year-old saleswoman for the Japanese supplement drink company
and the 78-year-old former comfort woman have completely different
views on Japan.
The sentiments of these two Indonesian women reflect the current,
future and past relationship between Indonesia and Japan.
The leaders of Japan and Indonesia need to learn from both of these
perspectives, in order to enhance not just their bilateral relations,
but also to help improve mutual trust among countries in Asia.
While the view of the saleswoman is encouraging, that of the former
comfort woman is especially important for Japanese leaders to consider,
because denials of the country's past have -- unnecessarily -- damaged
the image and reputation of Japan in the international community.
The younger woman is happy to work for a Japanese company, because her
Japanese bosses treat her and her fellow workers well. She is grateful
for the job, and never misses the monthly luncheon with the Japanese
bosses at the company's office in East Jakarta.
The older woman has a lot of bitterness toward Japan because of her
experience as a sex slave during Japan's three-year occupation of
Indonesia. When she was only 13, she was forced to sexually serve
Japanese soldiers in Telawang, South Kalimantan, for three years until
Japan surrendered to the Allies in 1945.
She was angry when several months ago Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo
Abe insisted there was no evidence Japan forced Asian women into sexual
slavery, although he softened his remark later after an international
"I wish I could slap him in the face, tell him he is a liar," she told
the media recently.
As long as Japanese leaders are unable to honestly accept their
nation's history, Japan will never play the pivotal role on the
international stage that the country deserves.
Today, visiting Prime Minister Abe will meet with President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono. The two leaders will witness the signing of the
Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
The two sides have expressed optimism the EPA will accelerate economic
ties and that Japanese investment will flow back into Indonesia after
many Japanese companies relocated their operations to neighboring
countries in the last several years.
No less than 150 top businesspeople, including CEOs and the chairs of
top Japanese companies like Toyota, are accompanying Abe on his trip to
Indonesia, Malaysia and India.
Although domestically Abe could soon become a lame-duck leader, this
in no way takes away from the importance of his visit to Indonesia.
Japan is Indonesia's most important trading partner, biggest money
lender and largest foreign investor. But since the economic crisis in
1997, many Japanese companies like Sony have either scaled down their
activities here or abandoned Indonesia altogether.
Japanese companies have cited China, Thailand and Vietnam as being
much more attractive than Indonesia.
Indonesia, however, is geopolitically strategic, given its position as
the anchor of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and its
potential to play a deterrent factor for Japan against China's rising
Indonesia's supplies of oil and gas also play an important role in
meeting Japan's energy demands.
We welcome Prime Minister Abe and his large entourage. Today's signing
of the EPA is a major landmark for the two countries. A prosperous
Japan is a great benefit for Indonesia and for Asia as a whole, and a
stronger Indonesia is also helpful for the stability of the region.
And its Asian neighbors would be happy to see a mature Japan play a
leading role in building a better world.
(2007/08/20 朝日新聞)
(以下、追記 07.08.22)
PM Abe's trust mission
Opinion and Editorial - August 20, 2007
The 40-year-old saleswoman for the Japanese supplement drink company
and the 78-year-old former comfort woman have completely different
views on Japan.
The sentiments of these two Indonesian women reflect the current,
future and past relationship between Indonesia and Japan.
The leaders of Japan and Indonesia need to learn from both of these
perspectives, in order to enhance not just their bilateral relations,
but also to help improve mutual trust among countries in Asia.
While the view of the saleswoman is encouraging, that of the former
comfort woman is especially important for Japanese leaders to consider,
because denials of the country's past have -- unnecessarily -- damaged
the image and reputation of Japan in the international community.
The younger woman is happy to work for a Japanese company, because her
Japanese bosses treat her and her fellow workers well. She is grateful
for the job, and never misses the monthly luncheon with the Japanese
bosses at the company's office in East Jakarta.
The older woman has a lot of bitterness toward Japan because of her
experience as a sex slave during Japan's three-year occupation of
Indonesia. When she was only 13, she was forced to sexually serve
Japanese soldiers in Telawang, South Kalimantan, for three years until
Japan surrendered to the Allies in 1945.
She was angry when several months ago Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo
Abe insisted there was no evidence Japan forced Asian women into sexual
slavery, although he softened his remark later after an international
"I wish I could slap him in the face, tell him he is a liar," she told
the media recently.
As long as Japanese leaders are unable to honestly accept their
nation's history, Japan will never play the pivotal role on the
international stage that the country deserves.
Today, visiting Prime Minister Abe will meet with President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono. The two leaders will witness the signing of the
Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
The two sides have expressed optimism the EPA will accelerate economic
ties and that Japanese investment will flow back into Indonesia after
many Japanese companies relocated their operations to neighboring
countries in the last several years.
No less than 150 top businesspeople, including CEOs and the chairs of
top Japanese companies like Toyota, are accompanying Abe on his trip to
Indonesia, Malaysia and India.
Although domestically Abe could soon become a lame-duck leader, this
in no way takes away from the importance of his visit to Indonesia.
Japan is Indonesia's most important trading partner, biggest money
lender and largest foreign investor. But since the economic crisis in
1997, many Japanese companies like Sony have either scaled down their
activities here or abandoned Indonesia altogether.
Japanese companies have cited China, Thailand and Vietnam as being
much more attractive than Indonesia.
Indonesia, however, is geopolitically strategic, given its position as
the anchor of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and its
potential to play a deterrent factor for Japan against China's rising
Indonesia's supplies of oil and gas also play an important role in
meeting Japan's energy demands.
We welcome Prime Minister Abe and his large entourage. Today's signing
of the EPA is a major landmark for the two countries. A prosperous
Japan is a great benefit for Indonesia and for Asia as a whole, and a
stronger Indonesia is also helpful for the stability of the region.
And its Asian neighbors would be happy to see a mature Japan play a
leading role in building a better world.
ジャカルタ・ポスト(インドネシア) 2007年8月20日
日本はインドネシアにとって最も重要な貿易相手国であり、最大の借款供与国であるとともに、最大の外国投資国である。しかし1997年のアジア経済危機以降、ソニーなど日本企業の多くは、インドネシアでの活動規模を縮小したり、完全に引き上げたりしている。日本企業は、中国、タイ、ベトナムの方がインドネシアよりも魅力的だとしている。しかしインドネシアは地政学的に戦略的地位にあり、中国の興隆を日本のために抑止 する役割を果たす潜在的能力を持っている。