If Marcos is also elected, he said, "I promise to promote the introduction of nuclear power."
It seems that all the main presidential candidates have turned to the promotion of nuclear power generation.
However, building a nuclear power plant is not easy. It will be a project for more than 10 years. First of all, where to build a nuclear power plant? Before the land is acquired, it is necessary to investigate the active faults of the land. Small modular reactors are said to be safe, but they need to be set up on a stable bedrock site in the earthquake-prone Philippines, which will take years to investigate. After that, it is necessary to acquire the land. The operation of a nuclear power plant cannot be operated by buying home appliances and reading the instruction manual. It is necessary to train engineers at the same time as constructing the power plant.
Once you have nuclear power, you need to manage your waste for tens of thousands of years. Politicians do not understand.
If you need electricity in Metro Manila, shouldn't you make it in Metro Manila? In other words, if you need enough electricity to need a nuclear power plant, you can build a nuclear power plant where you need it.
Wouldn't it be nice to build a nuclear power plant next to the Malakanian Palace or in Rizal Park?
Recorded about 100 fires in the first 4 days of March
The Ministry of Home Affairs urged the public to prevent fires because it recorded 94 fires in the first four days of March. According to the data of the Fire Department, 64 cases, which is 68%, are considered to be accidents, but the main cause is the electric line, which is "ignition due to overheating of overloaded line, arc discharge, ignition due to loose connection". It is said that. The number of fires from January 1st to March 4th was 2181, which is higher than 1984 in the same period last year. "Fulfill our responsibilities to prevent unfortunate fires," said Anyo, the Minister of Home Affairs. (9th, People's Journal)