二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Capsa-carbaseus)
Capsa (f.) Bruguière, 1797, 2: pl. 231, type species (SD Schmidt, 1818: 57) Venus deflorata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 687; Psammobiidae; objective junior synonym of Asaphis Modeer, 1793, [2], 14: 176, 182. ① L.; ae, f., a box, or case (田中, 1966), ② Gr. kapsa [capsa],h, cassette (Chenu, 1847a: 65; 1847b: 145). ラテン語またはギリシャ語の箱;シオサザナミガイ科;リュウキュウマスオガイ属の客観新参シノニム
Venus deflorata Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes, LSL A-F 0020163 (figs. after LSL http://linnean-online.org/17328/).
capsoides Gr. kapsa [capsa], h, cassette (Chenu, 1847a: 65; 1847b: 145); -oides, in Gr. comp., like, resembling, having the form or nature of. 箱に似た Example: Tellina capsoides Lamarck, 1818, 5: 531-532, l’ile St.-Pierre-St.-François, Australia [Merisca (Pistris)] イチョウシラトリガイ.
Capsula (f.) Schumacher, 1817: 43, 130-131, type species (M) Venus deflorata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 687; Psammobiidae; objective junior synonym of Asaphis Modeer, 1793, [2], 14: 176, 182. Dim. of capsa, a box (Woodward, 1868: 481). 小箱;シオサザナミガイ科;リュウキュウマスオガイ属の客観新参シノニムで無効
carbaseus L., adj. A, made of canvas (田中, 1966). 上質の亜麻布の Example: Cytherea carbasea Guppy, 1866, 22: 292, pl. 18, fig. 13, type species of Hyphantosoma Dall, 1902b, 26(1312): 354 マダライオウハマグリ属の模式種.
Cytherea carbasea Guppy, 1866, pl. 18, fig. 13.
Capsa (f.) Bruguière, 1797, 2: pl. 231, type species (SD Schmidt, 1818: 57) Venus deflorata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 687; Psammobiidae; objective junior synonym of Asaphis Modeer, 1793, [2], 14: 176, 182. ① L.; ae, f., a box, or case (田中, 1966), ② Gr. kapsa [capsa],h, cassette (Chenu, 1847a: 65; 1847b: 145). ラテン語またはギリシャ語の箱;シオサザナミガイ科;リュウキュウマスオガイ属の客観新参シノニム
Venus deflorata Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes, LSL A-F 0020163 (figs. after LSL http://linnean-online.org/17328/).
capsoides Gr. kapsa [capsa], h, cassette (Chenu, 1847a: 65; 1847b: 145); -oides, in Gr. comp., like, resembling, having the form or nature of. 箱に似た Example: Tellina capsoides Lamarck, 1818, 5: 531-532, l’ile St.-Pierre-St.-François, Australia [Merisca (Pistris)] イチョウシラトリガイ.
Capsula (f.) Schumacher, 1817: 43, 130-131, type species (M) Venus deflorata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 687; Psammobiidae; objective junior synonym of Asaphis Modeer, 1793, [2], 14: 176, 182. Dim. of capsa, a box (Woodward, 1868: 481). 小箱;シオサザナミガイ科;リュウキュウマスオガイ属の客観新参シノニムで無効
carbaseus L., adj. A, made of canvas (田中, 1966). 上質の亜麻布の Example: Cytherea carbasea Guppy, 1866, 22: 292, pl. 18, fig. 13, type species of Hyphantosoma Dall, 1902b, 26(1312): 354 マダライオウハマグリ属の模式種.
Cytherea carbasea Guppy, 1866, pl. 18, fig. 13.