

二枚貝属名辞典 Lexicon generum bivalvium (Peronidia-Pholadomya)

2018-02-01 06:16:29 | 日記
Lexicon generum bivalvium (Peronidia-Pholadomya)

Peronidia (f.) Dall, 1900b, 23(1210): 291, type species (OD) Tellina albicans Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3238; Tellinidae. Dedicated to Peron, Pierre Alphonse (or Péron, François); -idia. ペロンに献名;ニッコウガイ科(サラガイ属に充てられてきたが、サラガイをタイプ種とするMegangulus Afshar, 1969を使う方が望ましい)  195

Persikima (n.) Iredale, 1937, 8(4): 237-238, type species (OD) Persikima whitleyi Iredale, 1937, 8(4): 237-238, pl. 15, = Tridachnes derasa [Röding, 1798]: 172; Tridacnidae. シャコガイ科ヒレナシシャコガイ属176

petra Gr. petra,h, a rock, crag (Liddell & Scott, 1959). 岩

Petrasma (n.) Dall, 1908a, 22(1): 2, as Solemya (Petrasma), type species (OD) Solemya borealis Totten, 1834, 26(2): 366-367, pl. (unnumbered), figs. 1h and 1i; Solemyidae. Gr. petra; Gr.asma,to, a song, lay (Liddell & Scott, 1959). 岩の歌;キヌタレガイ科キヌタレガイ属 11

Petricola (f.) Lamarck, 1801: 121, type species (SD Schmidt, 1818: 79) Venus lapicida Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3269, no. 148 [= Petricola costata Lamarck, 1801: 121]; Petricolidae. L. petra, ae, f., [Gr.petra], pierre, a rock, crag, stone; colo, colere, habiter, to inhabit; incola, an inhabitant (Chenu, 1847a: 59; 1847b: 139; Woodward, 1868: 476; Jaeger, 1959). 岩に住むもの;イワホリガイ科イワホリガイ属 274

Petricolaria (f.) Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 139-140, type species (OD) Petricola phoradiformis Lamarck, 1818, 5: 505; Petricolidae. Petricola Lamarck, 1801: 121; -aria. イワホリガイ属に似たもの;イワホリガイ科  275

Petricolirus (m.) Habe, 1951a, [A], (15): 95, type species (OD) Petricola aequistriata G. B. Sowerby II, 1874, 19, Petricola pl. 3, fig. 19; Petricolidae. Petricola Lamarck, 1801: 121; Irus Schmidt, 1818: 158, no. 37. イワホリガイ属、マツカゼガイ属に似たもの;イワホリガイ科シオツガイ属. 275

Petroderma (n.) Kuroda, 1945, 14(1-4): 29, type species (OD) Petroderma thaanumi Kuroda, 1945, 14(1-4): 29-32, pl. 1, figs. 1-4 [= Venus quadrangularis A. Adams & Reeve, 1850, 3: 79, pl. 24, fig. 7]; Veneridae. Gr. petra; Gr. derma, atos, to, the skin (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 岩の膚(殻表が石灰質の砂粒で覆われることから);マルスダレガイ科コンゴウハマグリ属 259

Pexocodakia (f.) Iredale, 1930, 17(9): 389, type species (OD) Lucina rugifera Reeve, 1850b, 6: Lucina pl. 1, fig. 1; Lucinidae. L. pexus, adj. A, [part. of pecto], combed, carded, adjusted (Lewis, 1915; Brown, 1956); Codakia Scopoli, 1777: 398, no. 89. 梳られた、刈り込まれた、整えられたツキガイ類;ツキガイ科(ツキガイ属) 125

Phacosoma (n.) Jukes-Browne, 1912, 10(2): 100, type species (OD) Artemis japonica Reeve, 1850a, 6: Artemis pl. 3, sp. 17; Veneridae. Gr. phacos, o, the plant lentil, also its fruit; Gr. soma, atos, to, the body (Liddell & Scott, 1955). レンズマメの体(殻概形が丸く扁平で凸レンズ状);マルスダレガイ科カガミガイ属 260

Pharaonella (f.) Lamy, 1918a, 24(1): 31, type speices (SD Salisbury, 1934, 21: 77) Tellina pharaonis Hanley, 1844, pt. 12, for 1844: 148, Red Sea; Tellinidae. L. Pharao, genit. Pharaonis, Pharaoh, title of Egyptian kings (Jaeger, 1955); -ella. 可愛いエジプト王;ニッコウガイ科ベニガイ属 194

Pharella (f.) Gray, 1854, [2], 14: 24, type species (SD Kobelt, 1881, 2(10): 316) Solen javanicus Lamarck, 1818, 5: 454. Pharus Gray, 1840; -ella. 小さなPharus属(意味は小型の灯台);ナタマメガイ科ナタマメガイ属 225

Pharus (f.) Gray, 1840, ed. 42: 139, 154, Leach MS in Brown, 1844, ed. 2: 113, in synonymy, type species (SD Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 189) Solen legumen Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 672; Solecurtidae. L. Pharos (-rus), i, f., Gr. Pharos, ou, h, an island near Alexandria, with a famous light-house, the light-house at Pharos, a light-house (Lewis, 1915; Liddell & Scott, 1955). アレキサンドリア近くのファロス島(有名な灯台がある)、ファロス島の灯台、灯台;キヌタアゲマキガイ科

Phaxas (m.) Leach in Gray, 1852: 259, 262, type species (M) Solen pellucidus Pennant, 1777, ed. 4, 4: 84, pl. 46, fig. 23; Cultellidae. Pharax F. Haas, 1938, 3(3), Liefr. 2(2): 312 (Pharus Gray, 1840 and Gr. myax) error pro Phaxas (Vokes, 1980: 141). 語源不詳;ユキノアシタガイ科ユキノアシタガイ属 229

Philis (f.) P. Fischer, 1861, 9: 345-346, type species (OD) Philis cumingi Fischer, 1861, 9: 346-347, pl. 16, figs. 8-9, Moluccas; Thyasiridae. Etym. unknon; Phillis, given name, gender feminine. 語源不詳[Phillis フィリス、女性の名前];ハナシガイ科オトギノハナシガイ属  131

Phlyctiderma (n.) Dall, 1899b, 9: 244, type species (OD) Diplodonta semiaspera Philippi, 1836a, 2(1): 225-226, pl. 7, fig. 2; Ungulinidae. Gr.phlyktis, a blister; Gr. derma, atos, to, the body (Liddell & Scott, 1955). 水疱の体;フタバシラガイ科ヤエウメノハナガイ属  136

pholad- Gr.pholas], gen. pholados,h, lurking in a hole (Liddell & Scott, 1955). 穴に隠れること(s)の属格の語幹

Pholadidea (f.) Turton, 1819: 147, type species (OD) Pholadidea loscombiana Turton, 1819: 147; Pholadidae. Pholas Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 669; -ideus, N.L. from Gr. eidos, adj. suffix denoting similarity (Jaeger, 1959). ヒカリカモメガイ属Pholasに似たもの;ニオガイ科

Pholadomya (f.) G. B. Sowerby I., 1823: Pholadomya (119), type species (SD Gray, 1847, (15), for 1847: 194) Pholadomya candida G. B. Sowerby I, 1823: (119), pl. 37; Pholadomyidae. Pholas Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 669; Gr. myax, -akis, a mussel (Pliny) (Woodward, 1868: 489). ヒカリカモメガイ属Pholasに似た二枚貝;ウミタケガイモドキ科ウミタケガイモドキ属

