二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (J-Junonia)
Jactellina (f.) Iredale, 1929, 9(3): 266, type species (OD) Tellina obliquaria Deshayes, 1855, pt. 22, for 1854: 356-357; Tellinidae. Jac-, L. jaceo, to lie, be recumbent, be stuated, adjacent, circumjacent (Lewis, 1915; Brown, 1956); Tellina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 674. ニッコウガイ属Tellinaの傍にある(もの);ニッコウガイ科ゴシキザラガイ属
Jeffreysomya (f.) Nordsieck, 1969: 177, type species (OD) Neaera truncata Jeffreys, 1882, for 1881: 936-937, pl. 70, fig. 9; Cuspidariidae. Gwyn Jeffreys (1809-1885), Welsh malacologist; Gr. muax [myax], -acis, a mussel (Pliny) (Woodward, 1868: 489). ウエールズ人の貝類学者G.ジェフレイスに因む二枚貝;シャクシガイ科チヂワシャクシガイ属
Neaera truncata Jeffreys, 1882, pl. 70, fig. 9.
Joannisia (f.) Dall, 1895, 3(3): 545-546 [non Joannisia Monterosato, 1884: 149, Tylodinidae, Gastr.], type species (OD) Joannisia oblonga Sowerby sensu Dall, 1895, 3(3): 546 [= Cyrenella oblonga Sowerby MSS in Deshayes, 1855, pt. 22, for 1854: 341, Philippines; = Cyrenoidea oblonga Hanley, 1846 in 1842-1856: 10, expl. of suppl. pl. 15, fig. 6 (fide Coan & Kabat, 2012, 55(2): 320)]; Ungulinidae. Dedicated to de Joannis, author of Cyrenoida de J., 1835. Cyrenoidaの著者de Joannisに因む;フタバシラガイ科(see Joannisiella Dall, 1895)
Cyrenoidea oblonga Hanley, 1846, suppl. pl. 15, fig. 5.
Joannisiella (f.) Dall, 1895c: 9(7): 78, new name for Joannisia Dall, 1895 in 1890-1903, 3(3): 545-546, non Monterosato, 1888: 149; Ungulinidae. Joannisia Dall, 1895; -ella, L. diminutive. 可愛いJoannisia;フタバシラガイ科シオガマガイ属
Jouannetia (f.) Des Moulins in Rang & Des Moulins, 1828, 2(12): 244-254, type species (M) Jouannetia semicaudata Des Moulins in Rang & Des Moulins, 1828, 2(12): 254-255, figs. 1-13; Pholadidae. Dicat. Jouannet (Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 562), dédié à F. Jouannet, géologue. 地質学者F.ジョアネットに因む;ニオガイ科スズガイ属
Jouannetia semicaudata Des Moulins in Rang & Des Moulins, 1828, figs. 1-13.
Junonia Seguenza, 1877, 3(1): 1175 [non J. Hübner, 1819 in 1816-1826: 34, Lepid.], type species (subsequent monotypy Fischer, 1886: 985) Leda acuminata Jeffreys, 1870, [4], 6: 69 [= Leda messanensis Jeffreys, 1870, [4], 6: 69]; Nuculanidae. Junonia, N. L., from L. Junonius, pertaining to Juno. ローマ神話のユーノーに関係する(もの);ロウバイガイ科ウロコソデガイ属
Ledella messanensis (Jeffreys, 1870) variety sensu Verrill & Bush, 1897, fig. 13.
Jactellina (f.) Iredale, 1929, 9(3): 266, type species (OD) Tellina obliquaria Deshayes, 1855, pt. 22, for 1854: 356-357; Tellinidae. Jac-, L. jaceo, to lie, be recumbent, be stuated, adjacent, circumjacent (Lewis, 1915; Brown, 1956); Tellina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 674. ニッコウガイ属Tellinaの傍にある(もの);ニッコウガイ科ゴシキザラガイ属
Jeffreysomya (f.) Nordsieck, 1969: 177, type species (OD) Neaera truncata Jeffreys, 1882, for 1881: 936-937, pl. 70, fig. 9; Cuspidariidae. Gwyn Jeffreys (1809-1885), Welsh malacologist; Gr. muax [myax], -acis, a mussel (Pliny) (Woodward, 1868: 489). ウエールズ人の貝類学者G.ジェフレイスに因む二枚貝;シャクシガイ科チヂワシャクシガイ属
Neaera truncata Jeffreys, 1882, pl. 70, fig. 9.
Joannisia (f.) Dall, 1895, 3(3): 545-546 [non Joannisia Monterosato, 1884: 149, Tylodinidae, Gastr.], type species (OD) Joannisia oblonga Sowerby sensu Dall, 1895, 3(3): 546 [= Cyrenella oblonga Sowerby MSS in Deshayes, 1855, pt. 22, for 1854: 341, Philippines; = Cyrenoidea oblonga Hanley, 1846 in 1842-1856: 10, expl. of suppl. pl. 15, fig. 6 (fide Coan & Kabat, 2012, 55(2): 320)]; Ungulinidae. Dedicated to de Joannis, author of Cyrenoida de J., 1835. Cyrenoidaの著者de Joannisに因む;フタバシラガイ科(see Joannisiella Dall, 1895)
Cyrenoidea oblonga Hanley, 1846, suppl. pl. 15, fig. 5.
Joannisiella (f.) Dall, 1895c: 9(7): 78, new name for Joannisia Dall, 1895 in 1890-1903, 3(3): 545-546, non Monterosato, 1888: 149; Ungulinidae. Joannisia Dall, 1895; -ella, L. diminutive. 可愛いJoannisia;フタバシラガイ科シオガマガイ属
Jouannetia (f.) Des Moulins in Rang & Des Moulins, 1828, 2(12): 244-254, type species (M) Jouannetia semicaudata Des Moulins in Rang & Des Moulins, 1828, 2(12): 254-255, figs. 1-13; Pholadidae. Dicat. Jouannet (Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 562), dédié à F. Jouannet, géologue. 地質学者F.ジョアネットに因む;ニオガイ科スズガイ属
Jouannetia semicaudata Des Moulins in Rang & Des Moulins, 1828, figs. 1-13.
Junonia Seguenza, 1877, 3(1): 1175 [non J. Hübner, 1819 in 1816-1826: 34, Lepid.], type species (subsequent monotypy Fischer, 1886: 985) Leda acuminata Jeffreys, 1870, [4], 6: 69 [= Leda messanensis Jeffreys, 1870, [4], 6: 69]; Nuculanidae. Junonia, N. L., from L. Junonius, pertaining to Juno. ローマ神話のユーノーに関係する(もの);ロウバイガイ科ウロコソデガイ属
Ledella messanensis (Jeffreys, 1870) variety sensu Verrill & Bush, 1897, fig. 13.