

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (A-Acar)

2018-02-08 18:08:43 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (A-Acar)

Gr. a-(before a consonant子音の前), Gr. an- (before a vowel母音の前) , Gr. pref., (1) signifies a negation or absence of something, (2) acts as intensive. 欠如、否定、反対や強調の働きをする接頭語

a-(before a consonant子音の前), ab-(before a consonant or a vowel子音あるいは母音の前), abs-(before c or t c叉はtの前) L. pref., means from, without, away. 分離を表わす接頭語. から分離された(もの)、に近縁であるが...ではない(もの)、...もどき

Abarbatia (f.) Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938, (153): 8, 29-30, type species (OD) Barbatia (Abarbatia) oahua Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938, (153): 30-31, pl. 5, figs. 1-4, Recent, Hawaii; Arcidae. a-; Barbatia Gray, 1842, Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus., ed. 44: 81 (fide Vokes, 1980: 11). ホンエガイ属*. ホンエガイ属もどき;フネガイ科エガイ属
*波部 (1977: 31)はBarbatiaをエガイ属、Abarbatiaをエガイ亜属と呼んだが、異物名で混乱するのでBarbatiaをホンエガイ属と呼ぶことにする。

Abbreviatiana (f.) Bourguignat, 1881, 1: 291, type species (T) Anodonta anatina abbreviata Brot, 1867, Ann. 1866: 41, pl. 6, f. 2, Recent, Europe; Unionidae. Derived from the type species A. abbreviata. L. abbreviatus; -ianus (-a, -um), = -anus, L. adjectival ending added to proper names, including personal names, meaning belonging to (Asahina & Shimizu, 1931). –ianusは人名等固有名詞に付けられて「に属する」という意味の形容詞を形成する語尾、寸詰まり(の貝)の意;イシガイ科

abbreviatus L. part. A, past part. of abbrevio, shortened, short (Stearn, 1983) “縮める”の過去分詞、短縮された、(二枚貝の貝殻が)前後に短い Example: Solecurtus abbreviatus Gould, 1861, 8: 26, Hong Kong ズングリアゲマキ; Panopea [as –aea] abbreviata Valenciennes, 1839, 1: 18-19, pl. 6, f. 1a-b.

abildgaardianus M.L., possibly dedicated to Peter Christian Abildgaard (1740-1801), Danish veterinarian (Richard Petit, 2006.1.10, pers. comm.); -ianus. 獣医のペーテル・クリスチャン・アービルゴールに因むか Example: Tellina abildgaardiana Spengler, 1798, Skr. Nat.-Selsk., 4(2): 90-91.

Abra (f.) (Leach MS) Lamarck, 1818, 5: 492, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1846, 1: 1) Mactra tenuis Montagu, 1803, part 2: 572; Mactra [Ligula] compressa tenuis: Montagu, 1808: 23; Semelidae. (1) L. abra, -ae, f., a maidservant(田中, 1966), (2) Gr. adj. abros[abrus], a, on, nitidus, tener (Herrmannsen, 1846, 1: 1), delicate, graceful, pretty (Agassiz, 1842-46, Gen. Moll.: 1; Emerson & Jacobson, 1976: 421). (1)召使女、(2)明るい、輝く、繊細な、優美な、優雅な、美しい.、繊細なもの;アサジガイ科リュウグウザクラガイ属 216

Abrina (f.) Habe, 1952, (3): 210, type species (OD) Abra kanamarui Kuroda, 1951, 16(5-8): 70 (figs. 3-6), 71-72 [= Macoma lunella Gould, 1861, 8(2): 29, China seas, Johnson, 1964, (239): 105, pl. 27, fig. 1 (holotype)]; Semelidae. Abra Lamarck, 1818, 5: 492; -ina. リュウグウザクラガイ属に似た(もの);アサジガイ科シロバトガイ属

abyssicola L. abyssus (Gr. abussos), -i, f., bottomless pit, the deep sea (Brown, 1956)底なしの淵、深海; -cola, (1) L., c, inhabitant, dweller (Stearn, 1983) 住人, (2) adj. A, f., dwelling in (Stearn, 1983)に住んでいる. Example: Fabulina abyssicola Habe, 1958, 7(1): 46フゲンザクラガイ; Kelliella abyssicola Sars, 1870, 17(2-3): 201-209, pl. 12 fig. 11-15, pl. 13, figs. 16-26; Dosinia (Phacosoma) abyssicola Habe, 1961, 2: 132, pl. 59, fig. 15, [Dosinia (Phacosoma) benthicola Habe, 1961, 2: app. 38, pl. 59, fig. 15, obj. junior synonym of D. (P.) abyssicola] フカカガミガイ.

abyssopacificus L. abyssus (Gr. abussos; pacificus, L. adj. A, peace-making, peaceable, Pacific (Lewis, 1915) 平和の、太平洋の. Example: Cuspidaria abyssopacifica Okutani, 1975, (82): 74オキノシャクシガイ.

Acanthocardia (f.) Gray, 1851a, (7): 23, type species (SD by Stoliczka, 1870, 3: 207) Cardium aculeatum Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 824 (emendation of Cardium muricatum on p. 679); Cardiidae. (1) Gr. acantha, hs, h, a thorn, prickle (Liddell & Scott, 1955; Guralnik, 1984) 棘, (2) anacantho-, in Gr. comp., from Gr. akantha, thorny, prickly (Stearn, 1983); Gr. cardia,h, the heart (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 棘の生えた心臓;ワダチザルガイ科*
*波部 (1977: 164, 165)はCardiidaeをザルガイ科、Cardiinaeをワダチザルガイ亜科、Cardiumをワダチザルガイ属、Trachycardiumをザルガイ属、Trachycardium (Trachycardium)(和名なし)、Vasticardiumをザルガイ亜属と呼んだ。混乱を避けるため、和名の整理が必要である。

Acar (f.) Gray, 1857, [2], 19: 369, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1870, 3: xxi) Arca divaricata (Sowerby MS) Hanley, 1843, (3): 155 [= Byssoarca divaricata G. B. Sowerby I, 1833, pt. 1, for 1833: 18]; (SD Woodring, 1925, (366): 36) Arca gradata Broderip & Sowerby, 1829, 4(15): 365-366, Recent, Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America (fide Newell, 1969, 1(of 3): N252); (SD Stoliczka, 1871, 3: 340) type species Arca gradata Broderip & Sowerby, 1829 (fide Habe, 1951, (1): 32; Habe, 1977: 32); Arcidae. Anagram of Arca Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 693. Arcaの文字の並べ替え(アナグラム)で意味はない、性はIredale (1939, 5(6), Moll., part 1: 262)、波部 (1951: 32; 1977: 32)が女性名詞として扱っているのでこれに従う;フネガイ科コシロガイ属

