

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Curvemysella-Cycladicama)

2018-05-14 18:15:22 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Curvemysella-Cycladicama)

Curvemysella (f.) Habe, 1959, 7(2): 294, type species (OD) Pythina paula A. Adams, 1856: 47, Torres Straits; Montacutidae. L. curvus, adj. A, bent, bowed, arched, curved, crooked (Liddell & Scott, 1953); Mysella Angas, 1877, for 1877: 176. への字状に曲がったタナベガイ属Mysella(文法的にはCurvi-だが、原著者の綴りを採る);ブンブクヤドリガイ科ヘノジガイ属

Cuspidaria (f.) Nardo, 1840a, (1839, Pisa): 175; 1840b, 10: 50; 1840c, 3: 30, type species (OD) Cuspidaria typus Nardo, 1840b, 10: 50 [= Tellina cuspidata G. Olivi, 1792: 101-102, pl. 4, fig. 3]; Cuspidariidae. L. cuspis, idis, f., a point, esp. the point or head of a spear (Marchant & Charles, 1952); -arius, L. adj. A suff., indicates connection or possession, noun base (Stearn, 1983). 投げ槍や矛の先に似た(もの);シャクシガイ科シャクシガイ属

Cyathodonta (f.) Conrad, 1849b, 4(7): 155, type species (M) Cyathodonta undulata Conrad, 1849b, 4(7): 156; Trachiidae. Gr. kuaqos [cyathos], o, a cup for drawing wine out of the Gr. kuathr or bowl (Liddell & Scott, 1953); Gr. odous [odous], o, gen. odontos [odontus]. 鉢からワインを汲むためのカップ形の歯;スエモノガイ科スナゴスエモノガイ属

Cycladicama (f.) Valenciennes in Rousseau, 1854, 5: 116, type species (OD) Cycladicama luciniformis Valanciennes, 1854, 5, [4, (2)]: 116-117, pl. 3, figs. 3, 3a-b [= Cyrenoida oblonga Hanley, 1846, 1856: 353(1856), pl. 15, fig. 6 (1846)]; Ungulinidae. Gr. kuklas [cyclas], ados,h, a encircling (Liddell & Sott, 1953); Gr. kamax [camax], h and o, a pole, stake, a vine-prop, the shaft of a spear (Liddell & Sott, 1953; Brown, 1956). 取り囲んでいる柱、棒、ブドウの支柱、やすの柄;フタバシラガイ科シオガマガイ属 .

Cyrenoida oblonga Hanley, 1856, pl. 15, fig. 6 (1846).

