

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Myonera-Mytilus)

2018-08-19 07:01:59 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Myonera-Mytilus)

Myonera (f.) Dall and E. A. Smith in Dall, 1886, 12(6): 302, type species (OD) Neaera paucistriata Dall (MS) Bush, 1885, 6: 473, nom. nudum; Myonera paucistriata Dall, 1886, 12(6): 302-303; Myonera paucistriata Dall, 1886 sensu Dall, 1890, 12(773): 283-284, pl. 13, fig. 12; Cuspidariidae. Mya Linnaeus, 1758; Neaera Gray in Griffith & Pidgeon, 1834. MyaNeaeraを合わせた造語;シャクシガイ科タテヒダシャクシガイ属

Myonera pauccistriata Dall, 1886 sensu Dall, 1890, pl. 13, fig12, SL 10.0 mm.

Myrina (f.) H. & A. Adams, 1854, [2], 14: 76, type species (OD) Myrina denhami H. & A. Adams, 1854, [2], 14: 76, nomen nudum; H. & A. Adams, 1857, 2: 514, example Myrina pelagica (Forbes in Woodward, 1854 in 1851-1856: 266, pl. 17, fig. 6) sensu Woodward, 1856 in 1851-1856: 468 [= M. denhami], Recent, South Africa; non Myrina Fabricius, 1807, 6: 286, Lepid.; Adipicola Dautzenberg, 1927, 72: 274, new name pro Myrina H. & A. Adams, 1854; Mytilidae.

Myrtea (f.) Turton, 1822 : xv, 133, type species (M) Venus spinifera Montagu, 1803: 577-579 (1803), pl. 17, fig. 1 (1808); Lucinidae. L. Myrtea, an epithet of Venus (Jaeger, 1959; Lewis & Short, 1984). ビーナスの綽名・異名;ツキガイ科ミルテア属

Venus spinifera Montagu, 1803 sensu Montagu, 1808, pl. 17, fig. 1 (1808).

Mysella (f.) Angas, 1877a, for 1877: 176, type species (M) Mysella anomala Angas, 1877: 176, pl. 26, fig. 22, Port Jackson, Australia; Montacutidae. Gr. mus [mys], o, gen. muos, moule (Fischer, 1886: 967); -ella, us, um, L. suffix added to noun stems to form diminutives. 小ネズミ;ブンブクヤドリガイ科ミュセラ属

Mysella anomala Angas, 1877, pl. 26, fig. 22.

Mysia (f.) (Leach MS) Lamarck, 1818, 5: 543 [in synonymy, Mysia undata Leach], type species (M) Venus undata Pennant, 1777, ed. 4, 4: 95, pl. 55, fig. 51; Petricolidae. Gr. mus [mys], o, gen. muos, moule (Fischer, 1886: 967); -ia, ending of Gr. nouns denoting quality of or state of being (Jaeger, 1959). ネズミの特徴を持つもの;イワホリガイ科ミュシア属

Mysia (f.) Brown, 1827, expl. pl. 16, fig. 11 [non Lamarck, 1818, 5: 543, Petricoliae], type species (M) Mysia rotundata Brown, 1827, pl. 16, fig. 11; Ungulinidae.

Mytilaster (m.) Monterosato, 1883, 3: 89, type species (OD) Mytilus lineatus Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3359, ref. Chemnitz, 1785, 8: 175, pl. 84, fig. 753; Mytilidae. Mytilus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 704; Gr. asthr [aster], o, gen. eos, a star, a flame, light, fire (Liddell & Scott, 1955). 星、炎、明かり、火のイガイ類;イガイ科キザミクログチガイ属

Chemnitz, 1785, pl. 84, fig. 753 nos. 1-2.

Mytilisepta (f.) Habe, 1951, (1): 53, type species (OD) Tichogonia virgata Wiegmann, 1837, 3(1) : 49-50; Mytilidae. Mytilus Linnaeus, 1758; L. septum, pl. septa, a hedge or enclosure, a partition (Jaeger, 1959). 隔板を持つイガイ類;イガイ科ムラサキインコガイ属

Mytilus (m.) Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 704, type species (SD Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 198 ; [Secretary], 1926, 73(4): 12-13 [Hemming, 1958, 1(B) : 348-349], ICZN Opinion 94) Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 705, syntypes, LSL, 4 specimens, box no. 225, Dance label image ref. A-F 0020195; Mytilidae. mytilus, ancien nom de ces coquilles (Chenu, 1847a : 88; 1847b: 168), L. mytilus, moule (Fischer, 1886: 965), or mitulus (mytilus, mytulus), i, m., = Gr. mitulos, an edible mussel (Lewis, 1915).  これらの二枚貝の古名;イガイ科イガイ属

Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes, LSL A-F 0020195 (http://linnean-online.org/17130/).

