Habe, Tadashige, 1951a. Petricolidae, Cardiliidae and Anatinellidae in Japan. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, [ser. A, vol. 1], no. 15: 95-100. [10 Sept.]
波部忠重, 1951b-1953. 日本産貝類概説. 第1-3冊, 斧足綱(二枚貝類), pp. 1-96 (28 Feb. 1951), 97-186 (15 Oct. 1951), 187-278 (30 May 1952); 第4冊, 斧足綱(二枚貝類)及び掘足綱(角貝類), i-v, 281-326 (15 Jan. 1953), 貝類文献刊行会, 京都. [Habe, Tadashige, 1951-1953. Genera of Japanese shells. No. 1, Pelecypoda: 1-96 (28 Feb. 1951); no. 2: 97-186 (15 Oct. 1951); no. 3: 187-278 (30 May 1952); no. 4, Pelecypoda and Scaphopoda: i-v, 281-326 (15 Jan. 1953). Kairui-Bunken-Kankokai (= Publishing Committee for Molluscan Literature), Kyoto.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1953. Limopsidae and Arcidae (1) in Japan. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, [ser. A, vol. 1], no. 25: 201-213, pls. 29-30. [15 Dec.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1955a. Fauna of Akkeshi Bay. XXI. Pelecypoda and Scaphopoda. Publications from the Akkeshi Marine Biological Station, no. 4: 1-31, pls. 1-7. [Feb.]
波部忠重, 1955b. 二枚貝ヌマコダキガイについて. 動物学雑誌, 第64巻, 第9号: 271-272. [Habe, Tadashige, 1955b. Notes on Potamocorbula (gen. nov.) amurensis (Schrenck). Zoological Magazine, vol. 64, no. 9: 271-272.] [Available online at https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10838329]
波部忠重, “1957” [1958a]. 日本産二枚貝類4新種. 貝類学雑誌, vol. 19, nos. 3-4: 177-183. [Habe, Tadashige, “1957”[1958a]. Descriptions of four new bivalves from Japan. Venus (Japanese Journal of Malacology), vol. 19, nos. 3-4: 177-183.]
波部忠重, 1958b. 日本産二枚貝類5新種. 貝類学雑誌, vol. 20, no. 2: 173-180. [Habe, Tadashige, 1958b. Descriptions of five new bivalves from Japan. Venus, vol. 20, no. 2: 173-180.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1958c. Report on the Mollusca chiefly collected by the S. S. Soyo-Maru of the Imperial Fisheries Experimental Station on the continental shelf bordering Japan during the years 1922-1930. Part 3. Lamellibranchia (1). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 6, no. 3: 241-280, pls. 11-13. [20 June; available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174592/1/fia0063_241.pdf]
Habe, Tadashige, 1958d. Report on the Mollusca chiefly collected by the S. S. Soyo-Maru of the Imperial Fisheries Experimental Station on the continental shelf bordering Japan during the years 1922-1930. Part 4. Lamellibranchia (2). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 7, no. 1: 19-52, pls. 1-2. [20 Dec.; available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174600/1/fia0071_019.pdf]
Habe, Tadashige, 1959. Five new minute bivalves from Japan (Erycinacea, Pelecypoda). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 7, no. 2: 291-294. [30 May; available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174603/1/fia0072_291.pdf]
Habe, Tadashige, 1960a. Eleven new bivalves from Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Pref., Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 8, no. 2: 281(59)-288(66). [20 Dec.; available online at fia0082_281.pdf (kyoto-u.ac.jp)]
Habe, Tadashge, 1960b. New species of molluscs from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Reihokucho, Kumamoto Pref., Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 8, no. 2: 289(67)-298(76). [20 Dec.; available online at fia0082_289.pdf (kyoto-u.ac.jp)]
波部忠重, 1961a. 続原色日本貝類図鑑. IX + 183 + 42 (app.) pp., 66 pls., 保育社, 大阪. [Habe, Tadashige, 1961. Coloured illustrations of the shells of Japan, vol. 2. IX + 183 + 42 (app.) pp., 66 pls., Hoikusha, Osaka.] [10 May]
波部忠重, 1961b. 日本産貝類15新種. Venus, Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan, vol. 21, no. 4: 416-431. [Habe, Tadashge, 1961. Descriptions of fifteen new species of Japanese shells. Venus, Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan, vol. 21, no. 4: 416-431.]
Habe, Tadashge, 1964a. Notes on the species of the genus Amusium (Mollusca). Bulletins of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, vol. 7(1): 1-5, pls. 1-2.
Habe, Tadashge, 1964b. Razor shells in Japan and its adjacent areas. Bulletins of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, vol. 7(1): 7-16, pl. 1.
Habe, Tadashige, 1964. Shells of the Western Pacific in color. Vol. 2, ed. 1: 233 pp., 66 pls., Hoikusha, Osaka. 九大博松隈文庫
波部忠重, 1965. 日本及び近接海域のマテガイ科. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, vol. 23, no. 4: 188-197, pl. 13. [Habe, Tadashige, 1965. Family Solenidae in Japan and its adjacent areas. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, vol. 23, no. 4: 188-197, pl. 13.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1975. New generic name for Scintillorbis Kuroda & Habe, 1971 (Galeommatidae). Venus, vol. 33, no. 4: 183. [波部忠重, 1975. マルマメアゲマキガイ属に新属名(ウロコガイ科). 貝類学雑誌, 33巻, 4号: 183.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1976. Eight new bivalves from Japan. Japanese Journal of Malacology (Venus), vol. 35, no. 2: 37-46, pl. 1. [波部忠重, 1976. 日本産二枚貝類8新種. 貝類学雑誌35巻, 2号: 37-46, pl. 1.]
波部忠重, 1977. 日本産軟体動物分類学.二枚貝綱/掘足綱.xiii + 372 pp., 72 pls., 図鑑の北隆館, 東京. [Habe, Tadashige, 1977. Systematics of Mollusca in Japan. Bivalvia/Scaphopoda. 372 pp., 72 pls., Zukan-no-Hokuryukan, Tokyo.] [15 March]
波部忠重, 1951b-1953. 日本産貝類概説. 第1-3冊, 斧足綱(二枚貝類), pp. 1-96 (28 Feb. 1951), 97-186 (15 Oct. 1951), 187-278 (30 May 1952); 第4冊, 斧足綱(二枚貝類)及び掘足綱(角貝類), i-v, 281-326 (15 Jan. 1953), 貝類文献刊行会, 京都. [Habe, Tadashige, 1951-1953. Genera of Japanese shells. No. 1, Pelecypoda: 1-96 (28 Feb. 1951); no. 2: 97-186 (15 Oct. 1951); no. 3: 187-278 (30 May 1952); no. 4, Pelecypoda and Scaphopoda: i-v, 281-326 (15 Jan. 1953). Kairui-Bunken-Kankokai (= Publishing Committee for Molluscan Literature), Kyoto.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1953. Limopsidae and Arcidae (1) in Japan. Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Shells, [ser. A, vol. 1], no. 25: 201-213, pls. 29-30. [15 Dec.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1955a. Fauna of Akkeshi Bay. XXI. Pelecypoda and Scaphopoda. Publications from the Akkeshi Marine Biological Station, no. 4: 1-31, pls. 1-7. [Feb.]
波部忠重, 1955b. 二枚貝ヌマコダキガイについて. 動物学雑誌, 第64巻, 第9号: 271-272. [Habe, Tadashige, 1955b. Notes on Potamocorbula (gen. nov.) amurensis (Schrenck). Zoological Magazine, vol. 64, no. 9: 271-272.] [Available online at https://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/10838329]
波部忠重, “1957” [1958a]. 日本産二枚貝類4新種. 貝類学雑誌, vol. 19, nos. 3-4: 177-183. [Habe, Tadashige, “1957”[1958a]. Descriptions of four new bivalves from Japan. Venus (Japanese Journal of Malacology), vol. 19, nos. 3-4: 177-183.]
波部忠重, 1958b. 日本産二枚貝類5新種. 貝類学雑誌, vol. 20, no. 2: 173-180. [Habe, Tadashige, 1958b. Descriptions of five new bivalves from Japan. Venus, vol. 20, no. 2: 173-180.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1958c. Report on the Mollusca chiefly collected by the S. S. Soyo-Maru of the Imperial Fisheries Experimental Station on the continental shelf bordering Japan during the years 1922-1930. Part 3. Lamellibranchia (1). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 6, no. 3: 241-280, pls. 11-13. [20 June; available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174592/1/fia0063_241.pdf]
Habe, Tadashige, 1958d. Report on the Mollusca chiefly collected by the S. S. Soyo-Maru of the Imperial Fisheries Experimental Station on the continental shelf bordering Japan during the years 1922-1930. Part 4. Lamellibranchia (2). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 7, no. 1: 19-52, pls. 1-2. [20 Dec.; available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174600/1/fia0071_019.pdf]
Habe, Tadashige, 1959. Five new minute bivalves from Japan (Erycinacea, Pelecypoda). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 7, no. 2: 291-294. [30 May; available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174603/1/fia0072_291.pdf]
Habe, Tadashige, 1960a. Eleven new bivalves from Tanabe Bay, Wakayama Pref., Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 8, no. 2: 281(59)-288(66). [20 Dec.; available online at fia0082_281.pdf (kyoto-u.ac.jp)]
Habe, Tadashge, 1960b. New species of molluscs from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Reihokucho, Kumamoto Pref., Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, vol. 8, no. 2: 289(67)-298(76). [20 Dec.; available online at fia0082_289.pdf (kyoto-u.ac.jp)]
波部忠重, 1961a. 続原色日本貝類図鑑. IX + 183 + 42 (app.) pp., 66 pls., 保育社, 大阪. [Habe, Tadashige, 1961. Coloured illustrations of the shells of Japan, vol. 2. IX + 183 + 42 (app.) pp., 66 pls., Hoikusha, Osaka.] [10 May]
波部忠重, 1961b. 日本産貝類15新種. Venus, Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan, vol. 21, no. 4: 416-431. [Habe, Tadashge, 1961. Descriptions of fifteen new species of Japanese shells. Venus, Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan, vol. 21, no. 4: 416-431.]
Habe, Tadashge, 1964a. Notes on the species of the genus Amusium (Mollusca). Bulletins of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, vol. 7(1): 1-5, pls. 1-2.
Habe, Tadashge, 1964b. Razor shells in Japan and its adjacent areas. Bulletins of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, vol. 7(1): 7-16, pl. 1.
Habe, Tadashige, 1964. Shells of the Western Pacific in color. Vol. 2, ed. 1: 233 pp., 66 pls., Hoikusha, Osaka. 九大博松隈文庫
波部忠重, 1965. 日本及び近接海域のマテガイ科. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, vol. 23, no. 4: 188-197, pl. 13. [Habe, Tadashige, 1965. Family Solenidae in Japan and its adjacent areas. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, vol. 23, no. 4: 188-197, pl. 13.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1975. New generic name for Scintillorbis Kuroda & Habe, 1971 (Galeommatidae). Venus, vol. 33, no. 4: 183. [波部忠重, 1975. マルマメアゲマキガイ属に新属名(ウロコガイ科). 貝類学雑誌, 33巻, 4号: 183.]
Habe, Tadashige, 1976. Eight new bivalves from Japan. Japanese Journal of Malacology (Venus), vol. 35, no. 2: 37-46, pl. 1. [波部忠重, 1976. 日本産二枚貝類8新種. 貝類学雑誌35巻, 2号: 37-46, pl. 1.]
波部忠重, 1977. 日本産軟体動物分類学.二枚貝綱/掘足綱.xiii + 372 pp., 72 pls., 図鑑の北隆館, 東京. [Habe, Tadashige, 1977. Systematics of Mollusca in Japan. Bivalvia/Scaphopoda. 372 pp., 72 pls., Zukan-no-Hokuryukan, Tokyo.] [15 March]