

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium III. References 20

2018-09-04 05:50:20 | 日記
III. References 20 (Goldfuss-Gray 1842)

Goldfuss, Georg August, 1826-1841. Petrefacta Germaniae tam ea: quae in Museo Universitatis Regiae Borussicae Fridericiae Wilhelmiae Rhenanae servantur quam alia quaecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano Muensteriano Aliisque extant, iconibus et descriptonibus illustrata. Theil 1: 1-252, pls. 1-71 (1826-1833; available online at https://ia800201.us.archive.org/4/items/PetrefactaGerma1Gold/PetrefactaGerma1Gold.pdf); 2: i-iii + 1-312, pls. 72-165 (1833-1841); 3: 1-128 (available online at http://jurassic.ru/epubl.htm), pls. 166-199 (1841-1844; available online at http://jurassic.ru/epubl.htm). [2(): 1-68 (1833); 2(): 69-140 (1836); 2(6): 141-224(1840); 2(): i-iii, 225-312, 1-20(1837); 21-28, iv, 29-128 (1844)] (fide Sherborn, 1922: lx).

Gould, Augustus Addison, 1839. [Proceedings of the Boston Society of Naturral History: ... descriptions of the ... species of shells]. The American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 38, no. 1: 196-197. (Dec.)

Gould, Augustus Addison, 1841. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. 373 pp., Folsom, Wells, and Thurston, Cambridge.

Gould, Augustus Addison, 1844. Descriptions of two species of Anodon, from the river Salwen, in British Burmah. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 1: 160-161.

Gould, Augustus Addison, 1850a. [Descriptions of new shells from Exploring Expedition.] Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 3(3): 214-218. (May)

Gould, Augustus Addison 1850b. [The following shells from the United States Exploring Expedition were described by Dr. Gould:-] Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 3(22): 343-348. (Dec.)

Gould, Augustus Addison 1851. Descriptions of a number of California shells, collected by Maj. William Rich and Lieut. Thomas P. Green, United States Navy, some of which had hitherto been considered identical with species on the East coast of the United States. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 4(4): 87-93.

Gould, Augustus Addison 1852. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N., vol. 12, Mollusca and shells: xv + 510 pp., Gould & Lincoln, Boston.

Gould, Augustus Addison, 1856. [Descriptions of new shells.] Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 6: 11-16.

Gould, Augustus Addison 1861. Descriptions of shells collected by the North Pacific Exploring Expedition. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 8: 14-40. [8(1): 14-16 (March), 8(2):17-32 (March), 8(3): 33-40 (Apr.)]

Gould, Augustus Addison, 1862. Descriptions of new genera and species of shells. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 8(18): 280-284. (Bactronophorus: 283)

Grant, U. S., IV and Gale, Hoyt Rodney, 1931. Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California and adjacent regions, with notes on their morphology, classification, and nomenclature and a special treatment of the Pectinidae and the Turridae (including a few Miocene and Recent species), together with a summary of the stratigraphic relations of the formations involved. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History, vol. 1: 1036 pp., 32 pls. (3 Nov.)

Gray, John Edward, 1824. Shells. In Parry, William Edward: A supplement to the appendix of Captain Parry's voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage, in the years 1819-20, containing an account of the subjects of natural history: ccxl-ccxlvi.

Gray, John Edward, 1825. A list and description of some species of shells not taken notice of by Lamarck. Annals of Philosophy, n.s., vol. 9(2): 134-140 (Feb.); 9(6): 407-415 (June).

Gray, John Edward, 1827. A monograph of the genus Teredo of Linné, with descriptive characters of the species in the British Museum. Philosophical Magazine, n.s., vol. 2(12): 409-411. (Teredo carinata: 411; Dec.)

Gray, John Edward, 1828. Spicilegia zoologica; or Original figures and short systematic descriptions of new and unfigured animals. Part 1, pp. 1-8, pls. 1-6.

Gray, John Edward, 1835. Catalogue of shells collected on the east coast of New Zealand, by the Rev.W. Yate. In Yate, William: An Account of New Zealand; and of the formation and progress of the Church Missionary Society’s mission in the Northern Island, 2nd ed., Appendix: 307-310. (available online at https://ia800805.us.archive.org/2/items/accountofnewzeal02yate/accountofnewzeal02yate.pdf)

Gray, John Edward, 1837. A synoptical catalogue of the species of certain tribes or genera of shells contained in the collection of the British Museum and the author’s cabinet; with descriptions of the new species. The Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology, n. s., vol. 1: 370-376.

Gray, John Edward, 1838. Catalogue of the species of the genus Cytherea, of Lamarck, with the description of some new genera and species. The Analyst, vol. 8(24): 302-309. (July)

Gray, John Edward, 1840a. Notes on Dr. Philippi’s Zoological notices in the preceding article. Annals of Natural History; or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, vol. 4(25): 305-307. (Jan.)

Gray, John Edward, 1840b. Eastern Zoological Gallery. In British Museum (ed.): Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, ed. 42: 89-156, Woodfall, London. (4 Nov.; https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uiuc.2691434_001;view=1up;seq=1;size=75)

Gray, John Edward, 1842. Mollusks. In British Museum (ed.): Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, ed. 44: 48–92, Woodfall, London (fide B. Morton, 2004, 46: 53).

