You are excellent student.
Please became a doctor to save poor sick people.
Japan has a few poor people.
Indonesia has not a few poor people.
The difference between Japan and Indonesia is education.
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World Baseball Clasic(WBC) is more sensational in Japanese now.
Today Japan beaten Korea.
Japan will fight semifinal game with USA in Doger Stadium of Los Angels on 21th March.
How about the effect o . . . 本文を読む
My favorite season is spring. Spring has just come, so I feel delight now.But now I feel still cold.My birthday is March.I think that May is best month in Japan.Roses are also beautiful in May.I don't . . . 本文を読む
When I went to Singapore, I thought that Singapore was too clean.
I like messy Chinatown in Singapore.
I remember crocodile zoo in Singapore.
I felt fear them.
Maybe it is hot in Singapore now.
Spri . . . 本文を読む
I am suffering from incurable bipolar disorder for 20 years.
There were a few information about bipolar disorder 20 years ago.
There were not Internet.
I read many novels by Ayako Miura.
She was a no . . . 本文を読む
お元気ですか?昨日はとても暖かく、春の到来を感じました。私は精神的には安定し、まあまあ元気にやっています。とても眠たく感じることや疲れやすいことがありますが何とか会社には行き、仕事をしています。アインシュタインは1日10時間眠っていたそうなのでアインシュタインに見習い、もう少し早く寝ようかなと思っています。最近、本をよく読んでいます。今後の未来を予測する本に興味を持っています。インターネットがどの . . . 本文を読む