Oral Presentation
Sudden Cardiac Death 1:青木恒介医師
「Prognostic Impact of Ventricular Late Potential for the Arrhythmic Events in Patients wiht Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator for Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death」
AF Abration Complication 1:岡嶋克則部長
「Efficacy and safety of minimized left atrial posterior wall ablation strategy to prevent esophageal-gastric complications in patients with atrial fibrillation」
ECG Assessment 2:山下宗一郎医師
「A strain rate for the assessment of myocardial repolarization time ;Using two-dimensional speckle-tracking study」
Panel Discussion 5
The Role of Imaging Modalities in the EP Laboratory:当院OB 木内邦彦医師
「Accuracy of delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging detecting the reconduction site in 2nd AF abration」
Oral Presentation
AF Clinical Study 2:当院OB 寺西仁医師
「Incidence and Significance of Early Recurrence After Catheter Abration of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation」
Oral Presentation
ICD 2:嶋根章医師
「Electrical storm in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator recipients with structural heart disease」
AF abration 20:横井公宣医師
「The impact of non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance image integration into an electroanatomic mapping system on catheter abration of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation」
Oral Presentation
Sudden Cardiac Death 1:青木恒介医師
「Prognostic Impact of Ventricular Late Potential for the Arrhythmic Events in Patients wiht Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator for Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death」
AF Abration Complication 1:岡嶋克則部長
「Efficacy and safety of minimized left atrial posterior wall ablation strategy to prevent esophageal-gastric complications in patients with atrial fibrillation」
ECG Assessment 2:山下宗一郎医師
「A strain rate for the assessment of myocardial repolarization time ;Using two-dimensional speckle-tracking study」
Panel Discussion 5
The Role of Imaging Modalities in the EP Laboratory:当院OB 木内邦彦医師
「Accuracy of delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging detecting the reconduction site in 2nd AF abration」
Oral Presentation
AF Clinical Study 2:当院OB 寺西仁医師
「Incidence and Significance of Early Recurrence After Catheter Abration of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation」
Oral Presentation
ICD 2:嶋根章医師
「Electrical storm in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator recipients with structural heart disease」
AF abration 20:横井公宣医師
「The impact of non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance image integration into an electroanatomic mapping system on catheter abration of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation」