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Peter Pisspotty
Peter Pisspotty
15 時間前
I spent a month in Paris - it's a terrifying place. You can get mugged anytime of the day or night and French people are a minority. I visited Marseille too - a terrible place. I live in a small town now and each day, more and more men arrive ... and they're NOT French. It's ludicrous watching them go to highschool. I'm sick of seeing them hanging around the streets in groups of four plus ... watching ... always watching.
Reformed Sauron
Reformed Sauron
15 時間前
I would prefer Zemmour, but LePen isn't awful. Just give Macron the boot.
Ricky Miller
Ricky Miller
15 時間前
This would be such a Victory! Shame trump still isn’t President of America.
13 時間前
I'm living in France, and I'll probably be going to vote for Zemmour, who is a little bit more radical than Le Pen, and, in such a tragic situation we are in, I believe we can no longer allow soft hands to reach the power. However, I'm extremely worried because French are legendary for being indoctrinated NPCs, and they might keep voting for what the media tell them to vote for, just like they did for as long as I can remember. Best case scenario, it would be Le Pen vs Zemmour on the second round, that way, any barrage would be impossible, but if Le Pen finds herself faced against Macron once more, everything is over, he's going to win again no matter what. Should such a catastrophic scenario happen, I'll leave this country to go to rebuild my life somewhere in Eastern Asia, which is what I should've already done 2 years ago, but since you can't take a plane without being a test subject, I had to delay this plan unfortunately.
15 時間前
"I am opposed to self-defense" says a politician who is protected 24/7 by armed guards and the latest surveillance technology.
8 時間前
They 1000% setting up a "russian interference" story if their guy doesnt win.
15 時間前
In Spain they are saying on the news that they are worried about turnout, obviously getting their excuses in early so they have an alternative explanation other than 'a European nation is starting to vote in its own interests'
15 時間前
Isn’t it interesting how it's okay to hate Le Pen? Usually when a woman seeking political power is criticized, the usual response is to call every single critic a “sexist man”.
Marchioness Darby
Marchioness Darby
15 時間前(編集済み)
If LePen’s victory ends the EU, I’m here for it. I never liked the idea of the EU because it puts a stranglehold on nations that want to do things their own way. Vive LePen!
Teddy M
Teddy M
12 時間前
Honestly, I said the French deserved everything they got when Macron won last time. This time, after everything he has put the people through, if he wins again (legitimately), I have zero empathy for them and will resign to the fact that they will just never learn and are gluttons for punishment - but of course I will still feel bad for the sane ones that are voting for Le Penn or the other populist guy whose name always escapes me. Seriously if they are going to let their country continue to fall, by choice, screw them.
15 時間前(編集済み)
The most interesting thing to me is the role of dissidence in this election. When LePen was the only ”far-right” candidate, she lost. But Eric Zemmour “normalized” her candidacy in the eyes of the French.
Stablishment media propaganda backfired, and now LePen is strong on the run.
Political dissidence can make wings stronger.
Perhaps we’ll see more of this between Trump and DeSantis
George Szilva
George Szilva
13 時間前(編集済み)
PJW.. you deliver the goods in a most satirical way,..funny, irreverent and yet spot on!!!...everytime!!
21 Studios
21 Studios
14 時間前
Make France Great Again!
jesse shaver
jesse shaver
15 時間前
Zemmour actually said somethign along the lines of "we will not be replaced" and the crowd went absolutely wild. Based
15 時間前
I am french, and I must say this is pretty accurate. It's just a glimpse of all the issues we have in our country (not even talking about McKinseyGate, where Macron has paid 1 billion euros per year to his friends from an american advisory company to, for example, write 50 pages about a plan to reduce financial support from the state to the poorest class of society) and this company didn't even pay its taxes in France ! Or the new scandal of Macron's fortune: he has declared a very low amount of euros of fortune before the presidential election, but we all know he has earned millions when he was working at Rotschild, so it has been estimated he would've had to spend a little bit more than 1000 euros per day, everyday, for 5 years, for his fortune declaration to be accurate/honnest. Some say the money might be hidden in a tax haven.
We all pray for this corrupted piece of shit to never be elected again and to end up in jail, but a lot of people are manipulated by the mainstream media into thinking he has been an amazing president and into thinking the other candidates are a worse choice. Some believe these lies, especially the elderly. Let's also not forget that 20 million electors, according to polls, have no clue who they will vote for (or if they will even vote), and they have at the moment I'm writing these lines, 20 hours left to decide. But you are right, many far left electors (and even "influencers") have already said they are ready to vote for far right against Macron, because their lives, their freedom has been ruined more than ever before.
Congratulations for your true journalism, it really requires dedication and research to summarize all the crap we are undergoing.
Right Side of History
Right Side of History
10 時間前
I love how whenever the vote is in person there’s “Russian interference,” but when it’s almost 100% mail-in voting it’s “the most secure election ever!” SMH
Basically it’s just, “when our guy gets in… it’s the most secure ever!”
15 時間前
"I'm opposed to Self-Defense"
Easy to say when taxpayers are paying for his bodyguards.
13 時間前
I am voting for Zemmour but if he doesn’t make it to the 2nd round, I will vote for Marine LePen
15 時間前
He opposes self-defense, but I'm sure he is in full favor of state-funded security details.
15 時間前
Hope the French can turn this around and other countries follow suit, Nationalism is on the rise and by god its glorious to see.
American Viking
American Viking
15 時間前
Zemmours answer to immigration during that panel couldn’t have been executed more perfectly
14 時間前
As a french, Zemmour is incredible. I'll vote for him with enthusiasm
Billy Mumphry
Billy Mumphry
15 時間前
I am deeply shocked to learn that a French head of state said "I am opposed to self defence".
12 時間前
Zemmour ran the best right-wing campaign in a long time, completely overshadowing Le Pen. I'd be really surprised if Le Pen is far above him
14 時間前
As a french citizen who grew up in Paris' suburbs and been following you since a good time now, only one day left before voting for the first time in my life as I'm writing this comment, I will certainly vote for Zemmour. I've been stucked since the start of covid, and willingly refused the health pass and the experimental vaccines since the start. Guess I'm a black sheep among the herd. I'm young and in good health with solid principles. Don't get fooled, the health pass applies in many fields and discriminate still in France. The governement lightened the measures for the election only haha. Zemmour is the only one who stated his stand on this, he will cancel all the measures ( at least I hope he will keep on his words), this and the comeback of borders and strict immigration laws along integration just to mention the most covered up. Simple, you come to a country for work you show respect and embrace its values and History. You don't want to ? You get out. Dupont Aignan is an interesting candidate as well, shame he's a "little" candidate yet both are keen to the sovereignity of France. The key to saving our dying country. Meanwhile the french media are gaslighting us with other concerns such as Ukraine and how Macron is a savior ( really pathetic), trying to seduce everyone that the game is already won by him the only times the election is talked about, nothing surprising. Honestly I'm pretty ashamed and saddened of the state of my country. This scum as "our" president hates France and its people to the core ( if you're rich though it's okay), as does his governement. There have been only conflicts of interest, their own interests for the past years. One of the thing that bothers me about Zemmour is his financial dependency for his campaign, which is the big difference compared to Trump. That could later be an obstacle for his goals. About Le Pen, she has showed too many flaws and bent the knees too many times in the past for pandering, her stand on sovereignity is blurry as well. She's no more reliable in my eyes in particular since the covid situation. Despite all of this, thankfully it's reassuring that there are still just and good people fighting for our rights and freedom in this country, nothing is lost yet if a part of the people stands still away from ignorance but for France's bright future. I hope voting will matter, it has to matter. Hope America will see Trump running the office back one day, Biden is a terrible joke.
Victor Code
Victor Code
14 時間前
"Viva la France!" can mean two things in this election:
1) France is just a geographical and economic zone whose reason for being is GDP.
2) France is the homeland of the French people and culture whose reason for being is to protect them.
Long live the French people.
15 時間前
Daily Reminder,
"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals."
Free Julian Assange
Ken Rehill
Ken Rehill
11 時間前
France isn’t “plagued by its inability to integrate its immigrants “, the immigrants don’t want to integrate, exactly the same as in the uk.
Théo Hénusse
Théo Hénusse
15 時間前
I’m impressed at how accurate your understanding of the situation is for a non citizen. But I think you are a bit too optimistic on LePen’s stance over Europe, her plans of leaving the EU and going back to the franc are in the dust. Asselineau was the first candidate to really push sovereignty, Philippot was another, there are a few sovereignists in Melenchon’s party but that’s not what they are running under. The only candidate that has openly expressed an EU referendum is Dupont-Aignan
Bull God
Bull God
13 時間前
So let me explain what happened. I'm in Belgium, I've been following this for decades.
The most important thing in this campaign is Zemmour. We've known him for 25 years on TV, he's a critic, a political commentator, and a writer. He's been defending the same ideas for 25 years, against anyone. He is not a politician. He wrote a lot about the state of France and its decline, hoping politicians would hear his message and act on it. Sadly this never happened, and THAT is why he decided to run. He says it's not time for reforms anymore... It's time for rescue and survival.
These past months, he literally DICTATED what the topics of this election are. So much so that the Macron program was a soulless copy of Zemmour's program. Whether he wins or loses, he's moved ALL THE LINES OF POLITICAL DEBATE FOREVER. All the other candidates are forced to adress his topics (survival of the country, ending mass migration, security etc...).
He speaks from the heart and is in love with France. He never backs down.
If he wins, it's great, if he doesn't, he might become the head of opposition! You probably don't realize what that means... It's a nightmare for someone like Macron...
So, yeah, he's clearly the main event and just like Trump, he might surprise us tomorrow.
Le Pen is doing better because she's gotten softer and softer through the years, especially on immigration.
David Jones
David Jones
15 時間前
Never been so excited about a French election.
Marie Plt
Marie Plt
15 時間前
I voted for Le Pen in 2017 but she's a disappointment, she bought into some of the woke crap of the left, tomorrow I'm giving my vote to Zemmour, he's the real hope for my country's survival, but ofc if he doesn't manage to get to 2nd round I'll vote for Le Pen, not sure France can deal with another 5 years of Macron ! Thanks for talking about this !
15 時間前
I would even go further and state that there is no such thing as a "multicultural society".
Jack Anderson
Jack Anderson
14 時間前
'Spirit of post-colonial revenge' ...this is soo true. I can see it starting in Australia. The minorities are getting louder and more demanding.
15 時間前
Macron: "I am opposed to self defense"
Also Macron: Doesnt leave compound without 6 firearm weilding bodyguards.
Wingman Studios
Wingman Studios
4 時間前
"I am against self-defense" should disqualify any politician from running for office.
ÆRO yt
ÆRO yt
15 時間前
Even the brits get it! Merci!
I'm gonna be voting for Zemmour in the first round. If he doesn't pass however (would be a real shame imo), I'll be counting on LePen.
If that doesn't work, and Macron is reinstated, then my country will undoubtedly go down in flames in the cultural sense.
Fruit and Starch
Fruit and Starch
15 時間前(編集済み)
Wonder if Macron would be against self defense if he didn’t have security detail at his every move.
fabwen foob
fabwen foob
15 時間前
I´m French and if Macron wins again i will boycott my own country.
And unfortunatly what this video doesn´t tell is that what happens in France with this mass uncontrolled muslim immigration is also happening in most of western european countries.
15 時間前
Zemmour is a the real deal. He is the French intellectual version of Trump.
15 時間前
I so much wish Macron would loose to Zemmour but I'll take LePenn as a second choice.
Commander Meow
Commander Meow
10 時間前(編集済み)
"I am NOT the Santa Claus of humankind"
- Damn! He's a savage. I like him.
Based Mongoloid
Based Mongoloid
15 時間前
I don't trust Le Pen. She's really backtracked a good deal from her better days in 2016. Her populism has seen the same issue that Trump did throughout his presidency; hesitancy in the face of greater odds. I personally think her immigration and foreign policy views are decent, but if its a question of her following through to address the issues of each, I have to question if she will actually be effective.
I think while France is going to experience populism vs globalism, we're starting to see a trend with the emergence of Eric Zemmour in France, the Brothers of Italy party in Italy, and even the more hard stance of American conservatives in light of the 2020 election, as a few examples, among others, that populism at some point will be overtaken by more traditional and nationalistic trends in politics.
Anass Messnaoui
Anass Messnaoui
12 時間前
As a north african, who lived in France for quite a bit, I would say that Lepen's father (Jean-Marie) would have been the best candidate (this straight forward guy is retired now)... his daughter is shady, and I frankly think that all of this election is rigged in a way that the oligarchy will always have the upper hand...
Speaking about my home country, the best stay there and try to change things and the very best rot in prisons... (guess where you can find the worst of us)...but these are our problems and we need to solve them alone...
ANYWAYS ! The time has come for people to take responsibility for their own sh.. , without the interference of any foreign "pseudo-socialist" or from "ultra-liberals" entity. We need to solve our domestic issues alone !!!
I hope that this comment will not cost me anything !!! (Yes, this is unfortunatly the world we are living in right now)
15 時間前
The irony is, if Europeans decided to deal with the problem, we could have it dealt with by Friday lunchtime. We're dealing with an average IQ in the mid 60s.
Fred Bloggs
Fred Bloggs
15 時間前(編集済み)
Except when the observers go to bed, the vote counters will suddenly find more votes for macron under the tables 🤣
Mr. Yolo
Mr. Yolo
15 時間前
It’s Spanish history, Napoleon once convinced one of our rulers in order to cross our country to invade Portugal. As he did, he also invaded our country from within and established his brother as the new king of Spain. Soon after, the War for Independence started, and we won. History is repeating itself, but now France is the one invaded. So they better grow a spine and fight back as we did, or this battle is already lost…