20,468,787 回視聴 2020/12/18 28万 低評価 共有 クリップ 保存 Andy Phillip チャンネル登録者数 139万人 In this video I make a globe from coloured pencils and epoxy resin. The piece was finished with a clear lacquer .. This globe was just a bit of fun and not at all accurate and I wasn't that pleased at how it turned out. If you would like to see more accurate globes that I make you can check them out via the link below ....
My website / shop : https://www.andyphillip.com
DISCLAIMER : My videos are for entertainment purposes only. When using any tools/machinery always read & understand manufacturer's guidelines & safety instructions. The methods I use may not be the safest, so please be responsible for your own safety ... 12,298 件のコメント
Uncle Creepy Uncle Creepy 10 か月前 The most impressive thing about this video besides everything is you didn’t subject us to shitty music. You just let the sounds of your tools calm us as you worked. 3667 NES Slots NES Slots 4 か月前 That is a whole lot of work to do in 10 minutes and 43 seconds, but way worth it. 75 Retro Gamer Retro Gamer 23 時間前 The moments when the machine stops are truly mesmerizing. I really like how this looks 25 L K L K 1 日前 Aside from everything else, it's really impressive that you can draw a map freehand on a sphere and then carve it out 70 Kolle4732 Kolle4732 2 日前 This looks awesome, I would love to try wood turning sometime, it looks so fun. 27 MrNobody MrNobody 1 か月前 I started watching this thinking "No, a globe is technically a map of the world, not a bowling ball". Then the magic happened. This guy is a genius. 143 gmerc 2000 gmerc 2000 9 か月前 This is why I love YouTube, wasn't even looking for anything like this, just popped up as a suggested video. By far the coolest one I've watched in a long time. 2619 Sonia Ferreira Sonia Ferreira 1 日前 I would love a cup made like that to put pencils! Your work is a masterpiece! 19 Crock O'Dile Crock O'Dile 2 日前 I gotta say, the Lathe is just one of the best inventions ever! 18 iBenjamin1000 iBenjamin1000 1 か月前(編集済み) Wizard craves a new orb for pondering (this looks incredible) 132 Kermit T. Frog Kermit T. Frog 3 日前 This has to be the coolest woodturning project I've seen yet. 6 Polly Wilson Polly Wilson 2 時間前 This video is mesmerising. Andy you are so talented. What a beautiful piece of art. 3 Bradley Bernard Bradley Bernard 1 年前 I’d like him to do another. Oceans blue, pencils exposed on land. 3243 Perla Perla 23 時間前 I really love how the pencils in the middle are STRETCHED. so cool what the machine does to the wood 19 Roberta Smith Roberta Smith 6 日前 That’s crazy amazing. You sometimes wonder when you see stuff like this in a shop with a huge price tag and wonder why, now I know. Totally mesmerising. Could you do a few more slo mos, it’s like woodcraft meditation 💙❤️ 35 Gary g Gary g 22 時間前 Maaaan that's satisfying when the lathe stops and we get a nice look at that sweet hex grid, gave me really strong Civ vibes. Would like to see it inverted, try to keep the continents as raised hexes and use the oceans to hopefully better hide the sides of the pencils. gonna have to watch a few of these love me some Maker channels!! 1 Sarahh Sarahh 2 か月前 I never watch videos like these, usually just cup flip paint videos, but this is awesome!! 28 ojertycnan ojertycnan 1 日前 it would be cool if they smoothed everything out and then added an interesting texture, mountains and valleys and such. i always think the pencil tips look really good and then are carved away 1 Caleb Greening Caleb Greening 9 か月前 When this man free handed the outline of all the countries and continents in the world I realized he was superior to me in every way possible 1592 Stephan De L'ange Stephan De L'ange 3 か月前(編集済み) Its amazing, when your globe is untouched and it spins the way it does, it actually looks a lot like Jupiter. You're pretty good, really! 49 TheEnde124 TheEnde124 1 年前(編集済み) Not sure what is more impressive, that he actually made this nice looking globe, or the fact that he effortlessly drew the entire world map on the globe 5044 donya barazandeh donya barazandeh 1 日前 Am I the only one who favored it before drawing the map? It looked amazing at that stage. The map covered parts of that beauty. 13 itsjustgigi 9545 itsjustgigi 9545 3 か月前 When youtube suggests you watch someone make a globe out of pencils, you do it! Quite soothing I would say. 😌 17 Joshua Xiong Joshua Xiong 5 時間前 I thought "Darn, the Pencils are not being used for coloring." BUT, they're still used for a creative art work. Albeit an expensive one, but a creative one nonetheless. Very nice. оксана сыромятникова оксана сыромятникова 3 か月前(編集済み) если это глобус,то было бы симпатичней континенты оставить цветными ,а океаны покрасить в черный цвет...😉👍 24 Richard Benzler Richard Benzler 1 日前 The skill required for such an amazing piece of art must have taken years to hone, even with an innate talent. You make it look so easy (and I know it isn’t). I’m blown away. 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻 18 Rodrigo Lentini Rodrigo Lentini 1 年前 World: "HEY, YOU CAN'T EYEBALL A PERFECT GLOBE" Andy: "You can't tell me what to do." 3775 euphoriabuzz euphoriabuzz 3 か月前 Amazing skills and such a good eye, first to make a perfect sphere in the right size by eye and then to draw continents so easily. A beautiful finished product and clever use of an everyday object. 26 Lynnette Taylor Lynnette Taylor 1 か月前 That is beautiful and amazing! 2 John Valencia John Valencia 1 日前(編集済み) Imagine if NASA found a planet like that but if it was inverted where the black spots are the water and the colored spots is the land. Wonder what kind of name it would be given. 2 Max Well Max Well 8 時間前 The only way I can comment on how this process was accomplished is, That was phenomenal. tribulationcoming tribulationcoming 1 か月前 I do wood turning, this is one of a kind. Everything is so clean, not like my shop. Very Good. Glenn Watson Glenn Watson 1 年前 The most impressive part of this is the way he drew every continent freehand. 1752 Jenni Jones Jenni Jones 9 日前 ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! WELL DONE!😊❤ 41 Avi Stryfe Avi Stryfe 3 時間前 As an alternative to this for people without a lathe. You could take those pencil crayons and draw some sweet pictures. 1 Игорь Малгин Игорь Малгин 5 日前 Отличная работа, вы мастер на все руки. 1 WhatUpJrk Green WhatUpJrk Green 3 か月前 Every time I thought it was ruined it turned out better! 2 Andrea Andrea Andrea Andrea 2 日前 So....the thing that blew me away, is your drawing the maps on the globe the way you did. Woah!!! 1 Jereme Smith Jereme Smith 1 年前 Homeboy just eyeballed a perfect sphere. 4057 BurningFlamesofDivineDragon BurningFlamesofDivineDragon 3 時間前 This is really cool keep up the great work. 1 Joe Cambron Joe Cambron 1 年前 The level of skill displayed by this person was off the charts. Let’s see...shaped the ball free hand. Drew the continent’s free hand. Continued to shape the globe flawlessly. Seriously...this is a mad display of skill and precision. This is exactly why skilled artisans like this gentleman are a rare bread and why their creations are so expensive and sought after! Well done sir! 479 Samantha Parker Samantha Parker 1 か月前 That's amazing! I never thought of something like that! Incredible! Great job. Thanks for sharing! 9 Ava Ava 1 か月前 "YOU CANT JUST EYEBALL A PERFECT GLOBE."
Andy: "ding dong you're actually *WRONG*" 5 Barbara Adams Barbara Adams 3 週間前 Wow. Awesome!!!!!! Really unique!!!! Love it😍 27 SuperDubess SuperDubess 2 日前 That is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing. 😀 1 BamaMom02 BamaMom02 1 日前 Okay….every classroom needs a color pencil globe. This is incredible. Nick Rutsky Nick Rutsky 1 年前 Every time I watch one of these videos I go through the same cycle of “Oh no why would you do that” “Never mind that looks awesome” “Oh no why would you do that” “Never mind its great” “Oh no why would you do that” “Woah that’s so cool” 1651 Stray Tarnish Stray Tarnish 4 か月前 I love watching the resin ball fire Silly String all over your Workshop it looks like a whole bunch of fun thank you for your videos Michael Michael 3 週間前 For a world with mostly water, we can and have done such cool things with the land we have. love this. Sir Lance Lote Sir Lance Lote 23 時間前 That was just amazing. How talented he is! A piece of art!! Judy Taylor Judy Taylor 3 か月前 The whole thing was impressive BUT most of all the sharpie work is amazing. Lulubell jingles * Lulubell jingles * 1 日前 It looked nicer without the globe just the pencils, its beautiful work a lost art 1 lacountess lacountess 1 年前 When he poured the black resin I was thinking, “Oh my God, it’s ruined.” But then he made it even more perfect and I was like 😅 4732 AVERY CHASTAIN AVERY CHASTAIN 1 日前 I'm impressed how he free-handed the world map with the ink pen! Scott Free Scott Free 1 日前 Interesting piece of work there, good job! I thought at first you was going to reset the oceans and pour blue in the secondary mold and have blue oceans. Tom Jones Tom Jones 21 時間前 Not a fan of the final look, but your lathe skills are beyond impressive. I can only imagine how much time and practice it took to be able to carve out a perfect sphere like that. Amanda Stollar Amanda Stollar 3 か月前 Too bad there isn't classes out there to learn that.... I would love to learn.... you make it look so easy Scott Titchener Scott Titchener 20 時間前 Don't know what's more impressive, your talent or the fact that you have this much free time. Dustin C Dustin C 1 年前 would love to see this same idea with the ocean's inverted instead. Use a blue resin and allow the colors to shine through the continents. Love your stuff. 1406 james shank james shank 8 時間前 I'd have limited the pencils to all shades of blue, with whites and grays for wave crests, but very impressive. Drawing in and routing the maps... Genius. Timothy Courtemanche Timothy Courtemanche 1 年前 This came out really cool. Would love to see an inversion of it, instead of routing out the continents, route out the oceans and then fill with a blue resin. 1076 The Real BeeDubbs The Real BeeDubbs 2 週間前 He first put the template on it was almost perfect. All don’t by hand and feel! Friggin amazing 👏 Salman Daha Salman Daha 4 か月前 Didnt turn out as cool as I thought but very creative nonetheless. I think if you used blue for water or other design/color for the continents, would make it cooler. 1 Max Life Max Life 1 日前 Very nice! Although I would have left it as the orb without the continents, personally. cheesekake 101 cheesekake 101 4 か月前 I actually found this video quite calmingly therapeutic. Fascinating video. Thank you Dave Arnold Dave Arnold 8 日前 Wow, an amazing piece!! And your video is top quality, too. Loved your closeup shots of the turning. 1 cat maxwell cat maxwell 6 か月前 The finished globe was lovely, but I’d settle for the sanded pencil ball on its own: the way each colour sits reminds me of Klimt flowers:) 1800 Dracomancilian Dracomancilian 4 週間前 As a drawer, it hurts to watch all those pencils be used this way. But as someone with an artisitc inclination i can totally appreciate this. GasKillingAnimal GasKillingAnimal 2 日前 I like how your machine turned into a giant silly string maker! Very cool idea for a glove with the pencils! 😃😃 10 Hawsrule Begin Hawsrule Begin 2 日前 This is like magic to me. Stunning idea. Jagge Jagger Jagge Jagger 1 日前 It's really cool to see skilled people do what they do. I can barely figure out knife and fork 🙄 Roxanne Gordon Roxanne Gordon 1 か月前 I bet your shop smells wonderful with a woody smell. I even like the small of pencils. Not sure what purpose this would be in a school. My library would be a good place. I didn't see any gloves, maybe a bit, being worn when your fingers we so close to the spinning tool. Hope you wear safety goggles too. Great craftmanship that is so labor intense. David ChildOfGod David ChildOfGod 1 年前 This brings back old memories of when I was younger watching my grandfather turn wood. He was great at what he did and loved to make art out of whatever wood he could lay his hands on. He is no longer able to turn wood because he has Alzheimer's, but his work will not be forgotten. 650 Connor Perez Connor Perez 3 か月前 At first I thought "Is covering it all in black resin really necessary?
Then I saw how the shavings shot off the blade in huge silly string like hunks.
It was very necessary. Usuratonkachi_Chan Usuratonkachi_Chan 6 日前 o_o How-I'm speechless. This must've taken a lot of time and patience. You have great talent and are incredible skilled. I love it! 6 NYDRAINS - The Original 49.95 Any Sewer or Drain NYDRAINS - The Original 49.95 Any Sewer or Drain 3 日前(編集済み) Awesome job, incredible use of color pencils😎👍 1 Ali Mustafa Ali Mustafa 3 か月前 I like how this turned out but I always watch these kinds of projects on YouTube and wonder if it would look good with clear resin. Like if the ocean was clear resin and you could see the colored pencils underneath it. CarltonWhitfieldbrantleyfoster CarltonWhitfieldbrantleyfoster 2 日前 I watched him do it, yet I still don’t know how he did it. Extraordinary Paowsat Paowsat 1 年前 YouTube: may I recommend this guy just eyeballing making a globe out of colored pencils in this trying time? 5.9 million people: yes, please 1850 James Orpin James Orpin 3 か月前 Looks great. I would have had the pencils line up with longitude. So the ends were north and south. BJ adVanturz BJ adVanturz 6 か月前 very cool project! Maybe next time you remove the "water", fill it with blue and have the pencils be the "land" 1212 Angela Lockstedt Angela Lockstedt 3 か月前(編集済み) Невероятно! Ничего подобного я в своей жизни ещё не видела. Такое сотворить из цветных корондошей! Респект!👍👏 27 Alexander King Alexander King 2 週間前 Best woodturner I’ve seen on this platform, absolutely beautiful, keep it up man, you got serious skill! 3 Emil V. Emil V. 4 週間前 Next thing you hear: "Welcome to the hydraulic press channel..." 4 Ser Bowdster Ser Bowdster 7 日前(編集済み) The skill level to do this by hand eye coordination no extra tools ( like laser guided or cfc) Off the scale skills. 1 Redux Mod Redux Mod 2 日前 What a lovely thing you've made. Respect. Jon Engler Jon Engler 1 年前 Me: Can barely draw a symmetrical circle on flat paper This guy: Draws continents on a wooden globe like a boss 577 John John John John 3 か月前 WOW un vrai ARTISTE!!! 🤩👌🏻 1 Judy Judy 2 日前 Now That is A Work of Art.. Absolutely Beautiful. Kindest Thoughts to you and your family from Australia x 4 LauraB0513 LauraB0513 9 日前 This is honestly the most impressive thing I have ever seen! It’s amazing to watch you work! 1 Gunman-66 Gunman-66 4 か月前 That is the coolest thing I have ever seen! Excellent job! Freddy Powell Freddy Powell 7 時間前 Now I'm imagining how history might turn out if the strait of Gibraltar were a land bridge, but the Arabian peninsular were an island. The House of Masks The House of Masks 10 か月前 11k dislikes? What? Why??
There are 11,000 people who saw this and thought “I’m gonna leave a thumbs down”... like what?! 822 Ann C Ann C 3 週間前 Love to watch your videos! You are sooooo talented. You make turning look easy. Beautiful! 2 Carol Pierce Carol Pierce 3 か月前 This is totally awesome. Wish I was this talented. Angela Mathieson Angela Mathieson 2 日前 I think you just earned a sub! And that was just WOW! AMAZING! Good Job!! Excalibruhhh Excalibruhhh 4 か月前 Hats off mate! amazing craftsmanship! Would love to see more of these. 1 jnie swartz jnie swartz 9 日前 Ok seeing it cleaned up I love it! The black resin scared me but it came together Zach Phillips Zach Phillips 10 か月前 Comments: WOW he just eyeballed a perfect sphere!!!
Me: Wow he just free-handed the continents with a sharpie like a BOSS!!! 471 Grac TheCroc Grac TheCroc 3 か月前 Thus video is the definition of trust ing in the process, also it turned out great 👍! Inkat Inkat 1 年前 Me before he added the black resin: NO SIR I BEG YOU DONT RUIN IT
Me afterwards: oh ok I see where this is going 765 Константин Мережко Константин Мережко 4 時間前 Прекрасная работа!!!!!!!! Ни чего лишнего, не какой лишней воды.... Точнее, вообще без воды. 👍👍👍 С меня лайк!!! kazpur TFG kazpur TFG 3 か月前 That was as beautiful a finished product, as it was to watch the process great job! 2 Деда Бочаров Деда Бочаров 2 日前 Мне понравилась идея ролика. Исполнение на высшем уровне! Очень профессионально! Уважаю таких мужиков! Lesley Bristow Lesley Bristow 2 か月前 Amazing! Love watching you create this It’s just Me. It’s just Me. 3 日前 I would love to have a globe like this. MrSuperdooperflooper MrSuperdooperflooper 1 年前 The people who did not like this project are obviously flat earthers. 1137 Regor Regor 28 分前 J'aime bien vos vidéos, elles sont relaxante et le résultat est toujours très beau et impressionnant. BOB LOBLAW BOB LOBLAW 3 日前 This is what art is about. Love it! L K L K 1 日前 A lathe master and creative genius at work! ⭐️ özkan küçük özkan küçük 1 か月前 My friend, this is a really great work, creativity and craftsmanship, when combined with dexterity, makes you reach the stars. Just like the creator creates the universe and adorns it with beauty. Mike Ryan Mike Ryan 6 時間前 How peaceful and rewarding this must be. If I could do this I would have thousands of globes around my house. RansomeStoddard RansomeStoddard 10 か月前 When his art teacher told him to make a globe using colored pencils, she needed to be more specific. 6871 stephanie parker stephanie parker 1 か月前 Well done! Impressive skills! 🙌 Gameranime Queens90 Gameranime Queens90 4 か月前 This is so great! Also very creative! Nice work. straingedays 256boyz straingedays 256boyz 4 週間前 Witnessed many destructive acts onto pencils and many creative acts made by pencils BUT, this was by far one of the most relaxing & originally destructively acts of creativity Andrea Gaye Scott Westfall Andrea Gaye Scott Westfall 3 か月前 When you first started getting that 1st end smoothed down, it was reminding me of the planet Jupiter with the color stripes going around!! Lord Pengu Lord Pengu 5 日前 I think it could be even more amazing if you color-coordinated the colour pencils! Roland Roland 1 年前 Comments: he's just sharpening his pencils Me: Did he just free hand the entire world map? 5915 Spam Lives Spam Lives 3 か月前 What kind of epoxy are you using? (The clear and black). Or is it an epoxy? Either way, so creative and out of the box for a wood turning project… AmberPH AmberPH 10 か月前 This guy is the definiton of, "You can make anything WITH anything." 714 Richard Lott Richard Lott 4 か月前 I like it but I think I would prefer it with the pencils being the land masses and the water being the resin. Otherwise very cool and great job. Paxton Paxton 2 か月前 Unbelievably awesome sir, thank you for sharing your talent as well as imagination Perla Perla 23 時間前 It’s simply incredible. Lisa Lisa 4 か月前 Pretty neat thanks for sharing 🙏 happy holidays to everyone 🎈 Mark M Mark M 21 時間前 I must admit I had my doubts turning pencils I to a globe. Yeah right but seeing the final results respect. Phxntom. Phxntom. 1 年前 My brain: “Go watch something else”
My thumb: N O 3525 Martha Baughman Martha Baughman 3 か月前 That looks amazing I need one as a lamp base that would be awesome Ray Kirwan Ray Kirwan 3 か月前 Absolutely incredible!! Àwesome to watch such a talented craftsman work. Rodrigo Reitz Rodrigo Reitz 4 週間前 Belo trabalho. parabéns! Larry Edelstein Larry Edelstein 3 か月前 OMG the first reveal, when he stops lathe…it’s such a beautiful shock Kamala Pati Kamala Pati 1 か月前 This is such beautiful handcrafted creative art. Just popped up. Thank you. victoria milonas victoria milonas 7 か月前 I don't know what's the most impressive: the concept itself or the free handed map of the world. The look of that first turning with the colored dots and elongated pencil shapes was delightfully surprising. 1263 nativenuggets76 nativenuggets76 3 か月前 That’s awesome. I feel like that would be a very relaxing hobby. It’s really cool with the pencils. Genius 1 Iara Oliveira Iara Oliveira 3 か月前 Grande obra de arte! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 M U M U 1 時間前 Your art is so unusual and beautiful! I love watching your channel! Sihle Nkosi Sihle Nkosi 23 時間前 The new Ballon d’Or trophy looks amazing. Lucavii Lucavii 1 日前 We gonna talk about how my dude just casually drew the world map on there from memory and nailed it? Frank Pd Frank Pd 1 年前 Dudes got the skills, I would have turned that from a triangle into a cylinder then finished with a rectangle and a bad case of carpal tunnel. 80 Justus Martin Justus Martin 3 か月前 Aww man poor colored pencils, but wow this turned out absolutely beautiful!!!! Bop Bop 1 年前(編集済み) Teacher: No sharpening pencils
That one kid at the back of the class:
Why does this have 1.5k likes 1520 Uros Markovic Uros Markovic 8 時間前 Doing this is tricky, as it could be very possible that the epoxy doesent go between the squished together pencils. Dream Divine Dream Divine 4 か月前 Wow I’m not sure why this showed up on my feed , but I’m sure glad it did..that was awesome 👏🏻 Jo Haycocks Jo Haycocks 1 か月前 That's sooooooo cool . Can you please do another one THANK YOU Irene Day Irene Day 4 か月前 This was amazing meticulous work. A true professional. I do woodwork but mine, I realize is really boring. OUTSTANDING! 2 Puppy Queen Puppy Queen 3 週間前 This looks so cool I saw and its So satisfying! Glenbard4 Glenbard4 1 年前 Not sure how this ended up in my recommended feed; but, I’m glad it did. Fascinating to watch! I get most of how he did it; but, how the hell did he free draw every single continent so accurately? 188 Staci Renee Staci Renee 3 か月前 So creative…love it! Purple Passion Purple Passion 3 か月前 Absolutely incredible craftsmanship! 3 mob1235 mob1235 6 時間前 it looks nice, it would be very expensive, its useless, so yes its art 1 S S 3 か月前 Parabéns. Belíssimo trabalho. Muita criatividade. Artista sensacional. Canadian Patriot Canadian Patriot 4 日前 You sir are a master of your profession, pleasure watching your video, thank you 😊 Susan Redmond Susan Redmond 1 年前 Is no-one else impressed that Andy can free-hand draw all the continents? Holy Cow! A man of many talents! 433 toa laumea toa laumea 3 か月前 First video in a long time where I didn't skip any parts. Good stuff. Van Frank Van Frank 4 か月前 It is interesting that a lot of people feel the need to praise something before they criticize it. I just wonder how many hours of experience it takes to culminate in the ability to shape a sphere that well. Black Ops 2 543 Black Ops 2 543 1 日前 The extra spin everytime he is about to turn it on again is equivilient to clicking tongs twice before using them - it just must be done. Ken Morris Ken Morris 4 か月前 I'm in awe. such a beautiful piece of art. Tanya Tanya 2 か月前 Fascinating .. Couldn't stop watching ! .. Also thinking why? .. But why not ? Pure creativity. Never knowing why but intrigued and amazed by the result. L_O_W_K_E_Y-G L_O_W_K_E_Y-G 1 年前 Teacher: “Timmy! Are you done sharpening those pencils I gave you?”
Timmy: 7740 Y. J. Y. J. 4 か月前 Beautiful! Thanks for this satisfying video! Joe R M Joe R M 1 年前 People in New Zealand : "yes, he didn't forget us!" 756 dunetiger dunetiger 11 日前 How on earth did you eyeball and freehand so much of it? Absolute mastery. Sara Bazenjaneh Sara Bazenjaneh 3 か月前 Gorgeous👍🏻✨do you sell these? I would love to see an all colorful one! 1 Taj Klair Taj Klair 2 週間前 Its so shiny i wonder if it could be a bowling ball 1 Sharkskin Boy Sharkskin Boy 2 日前 This is amazing. I was wondering however why he painted the bottom of the countries black, when he then filled it with black resin anyhow. Alexander Meloche Alexander Meloche 8 時間前 The crossover we never asked for but always needed. Bird Bird 1 年前 4:09 Me, alone at 1 AM: "is this man freehanding continents??" 585 Adrian Adrian 3 か月前 This is by far the best diy project I have ever seen. Alison Webster Alison Webster 1 日前 This kind of stuff is super easy to make. You just need to buy all the tools. They Make It Like That They Make It Like That 1 か月前 I think I’m most impressed by your freehand world map drawing 🤣 Nicely done Jasmine Sutton Jasmine Sutton 2 か月前 It’d be cool to see one like this but on a bigger scale and have it double as a secret bar. purpledeb100 purpledeb100 1 日前 I loved watching this , superb ! 👌 Prima Murdock Prima Murdock 1 年前(編集済み) Um, that was pencils. Did he make a perfect sphere just by eyeing it?!? 😲 Too cool for school 474 Michelle Bilodeau Michelle Bilodeau 4 か月前 THAT is an amazing work of art! Hester Clapp Hester Clapp 3 か月前 "You can tell it's high tech because of the hexagons" - Learn to Fly 2 4 Sue Marsden Sue Marsden 2 日前 Nice work! How many hours did this take? 1 Ap Wrg Ap Wrg 4 か月前 OMG I am so very impressed. You are incredibly talented. Just beautiful. Awesome. Thank you for sharing. Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. Ben Poppy Ben Poppy 3 日前 It's a fairly well made globe i just feel like the colored pencils didn't do much for the final design ultimately Debbie Duncan Debbie Duncan 10 か月前 BEAUTIFUL! As a retired World History teacher, I know now what has been missing from my classroom for the last 35 years. 🌎 423 Na Ta Na Ta 2 か月前 Это просто нереальная красота ! That Guy That Guy 9 か月前 So many dislikes… Didn’t know so many flat earthers would be watching. 1097 Michael dirkx Michael dirkx 2 か月前 So satisfying to watch and a true craftsman👌👌 Tasha Tasha 1 日前 Bel objet de décoration très originale, beau travail d’artiste Ploppers Pal Ploppers Pal 1 日前 So freaking cool, that is just awesome Kyle Dodson Kyle Dodson 19 時間前 The lathe is by far the scariest tool to me. I’ve seen some terrifying snuff videos of how they can kill you. Respect to your balls Temmie de l'underground Temmie de l'underground 3 時間前 it s really a good job i like this^^ 1 Destiny Pacitti Destiny Pacitti 1 年前 Me finally finding something interesting to watch while eating my pringles at 1am 500 Jayne Terry Jayne Terry 2 日前 A true artist Andy . Thanks for sharing your craft with us. 🇨🇦 That you weren't happy with the outcome tells me you r an artist, always striving for better! 💗 Людмила Ляшенко Людмила Ляшенко 3 か月前 Ну вот как такое чудо приходит человеку в голову? 1 ・・・