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私は今までにイズラエル・シャミールによる二つの卓越した論文(『キエフのスペクタクル:ウクライナのファシズム革命』および『クリミア:プーチンの勝利…いま戦線は東部「ニューロシア」へ移る 』)の和訳を通して、現在のウクライナ情勢を、単にその時々に起こる事件からではなく、世界と東ヨーロッパの歴史的・地理的・文明的な広がりの中から眺めてみようと試みてきた。しかしそのためにはやはり、近代初期から年代順に追ったウクライナとその周辺の歴史を取り上げてみる必要があると考え、今回の和訳(仮訳)に挑戦してみた。原文は、2014年6月9日および10日に2回に分けて特集されたwsws.org誌の次の記事である。 Nationalism and fascism in Ukraine: A historical overview Part one http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/06/09/fasc-j09.html Part two http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/06/10/fasc-j10.html
このwsws(World Socialist Web Site)はトロツキスト系のウエッブ誌であり、おそらく左翼系のユダヤ人によって運営されているものと思われる。したがってその視点や物事の取り上げ方に一定の偏りがあることは最初からご承知おきいただきたい。それにもかかわらず私がこの記事の和訳作業を行ったのは、これが、現在のウクライナ情勢を近代初期からの歴史的な流れの中で把握し説明しようとしているからである。もちろんだが、この記事で取り扱われている歴史上の事実、21世紀に入って以降の事実の一つ一つについては、ウエッブ上でより詳しい説明を数多く見ることができる。しかしこの記事のように、素人でも読むことができる程度にコンパクトに、しかも一つの流れとして筋を通して説明している例に、ようやく初めて出会ったのである。
社会民主主義者が多数派を握るラーダRada(議会)は、1918年1月にウクライナの独立を宣言したのだが、ドイツとの合意を成し遂げようと試みた。しかしブレスト・リトフスク条約の後で、ソヴィエト政府はドイツへのウクライナ割譲を余儀なくされた。ドイツ軍が国内で行進したときに、軍はラーダを不要なものとし、ヘトマンHetman(軍司令官に与えられた特別の地位)であるパブロ・スコロパドスキーPavlo Skoropadskyiの下で独裁政権を確立した。彼は地主でありかつての帝政時代の将軍だった。スコロパドスキーはキエフを、極右翼で反ユダヤ主義者の政治家と軍将校たちがロシア全土から結集する場所にし続けたのだ。(参照: Anti-Semitism and the Russian Revolution: Part two ) 《写真:キエフでのデニキンの軍》 http://www.wsws.org/asset/dd61afda-ff4f-41f8-950d-8f7c7ef9df8N/ukraine-denikinsarmy.jpg?rendition=image480
1940年にOUNはバンデーラ(B)派とメルニクMelnyk(M)派に分裂し、それらはお互いに激しく争い合った。バンデーラのより過激なグループはメルニク派よりも多くの支持者をひきつけることができた。ウクライナの軍事組織(ロランドおよびナイチンゲール軍団the Roland and Nightingale Legions)がポーランドのドイツ占領地で確立されたことで、1941年6月にそれらとドイツ国防軍Wehrmacht の連合によるソヴィエト連邦侵略が開始されたのだ。
アメリカのジャーナリストであるクリストファー・シンプソンChristopher Simpson は、CIAの活動の中にある旧ナチスのネットワークを暴露したのだが、その1988年の著作「Blowback: America‘s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War」の中で次のように述べた:
ツィアニーボックの党は、様々な右翼集団と学生団体を寄せ集めて、ウクライナ社会国家党(SNPU:Social-National Party of Ukraine)【訳注】の名で1991年に創設された。それはオレンジ革命の少し前にスヴォボダ(自由)と改名された。 【訳注:この党名にある”Social-National Party”がナチの党名”National Socialist Party”(ドイツ語の”Nationalsozialistische”)と似通っていることに注目。】
2012年の議会選挙は、独立以来最も投票率が低かった(58%)が、スヴォボダは10.45%の票を得て、ヴェルコーフナ・ラーダVerkhovna Rada (議会)で第4党の地位に就いた。その最も高い得票は西ウクライナで出ており、3つの選挙区では合計30%から40%である。一方で、東ウクライナではわずかに1%を得たにすぎない。リヴィウでスヴォボダは50%以上の得票を成し遂げ、そしてキエフでは第2党となった。
脚注 [1] Leon Trotsky, “Problem of the Ukraine,” Trotsky Internet Archive [2] Vadim Rogovin: Stalins Kriegskommunismus, Essen 2006, p. 377 [3] Frank Golczewski: Die ukrainische Emigration, (Hrsg.): Geschichte der Ukraine, Göttingen 1993, p. 236 [4] Per Anders Rudling: “The Return of the Ukrainian Far Right. The Case of VO Svoboda,” in: Ruth Wodak, John E. Richardson (ed.): Analyzing Fascist Discourse: European Fascism in Talk and Text, London 2013, pp. 228-255. The article is accessible online. [5] Quoted in Christopher Simpson: Blowback. America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War, London 1988, p. 25 [6] Cited by Simpson, 1988, p. 159 [7] Taras Kuzio: US support for Ukraine’s liberation during the Cold War: a study of Prolog Research and Publishing Corporation, in Communist and Post-Communist Studies, no. 45, 2012, p. 53 [8] Simpson 1988, p. 166 [9] Per Anders Rudling: The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust: A study in the manufacturing of historical myths, in the Carl Beck Papers in Russian & Eastern European Studies, no. 2107 (2011), p. 19. The article is accessible online. [10] Kuzio, 2012, p. 56 [11] Russ Bellant: Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party, Boston 1991, p. 72 [12] Kuzio 2012, p. 61 [13] Simpson 1988, p. 5 [14] Rudling 2013, p. 230 [15] Ibid ., p. 244 [16] Ibid ., p. 231
ビタミン D3 (コレカルシフェロール) とビタミン D2 (エルゴカルシフェロール) とカルシトリオール |ビタミン D について
2,050,139 回視聴
Doctor Mike Hansen
チャンネル登録者数 100万人
ビタミン D3 (コレカルシフェロール) とビタミン D2 (エルゴカルシフェロール) とカルシトリオール |ビタミン D について
これらは、私たちの体内または私たちが食べる食品に含まれるさまざまな形のビタミン D を指します。ビタミン D3 は、コレカルシフェロールとしても知られています。これは太陽光に反応して体が自然に作った形です。ビタミン D2 は、エルゴカルシフェロールとしても知られており、植物に由来します。ビタミン D サプリメントは、ビタミン D3 またはビタミン D2 のいずれかの形で提供されます。カルシトリオール、または必要に応じて 1,25-ジヒドロキシビタミン D は、私たちの体内で活性型のビタミン D です。日光に紫外線 B (UVB) 放射が含まれている場合、それが皮膚細胞に当たると、7-デヒドロコレステロールがビタミン D3、つまりコレカルシフェロールに変わります。次に、ビタミン D3 はビタミン D 結合タンパク質 (VDBP) に結合して肝臓に運ばれ、そこでカルシディオール (別名 25-ヒドロキシビタミン D) に変換されます。
カルシディオールは、体内でのビタミン D の貯蔵形態です。カルシディオールは、その後、体内で活性型のビタミン D、つまりカルシトリオール、つまり 1,25-ジヒドロキシビタミン D に変換されます。このカルシジオールのカルシトリオールへの変換は、主に腎臓で行われます。しかし、リンパ節や肺胞マクロファージなど、免疫系のさまざまな組織や細胞でも発生します。肺胞マクロファージだけでなく、肺胞自体にも存在します。
ビタミン D3 は、タラ、メカジキ、マグロ、サーモンなどの脂肪の多い魚を中心に、いくつかの異なる食物源にのみ自然に含まれています。牛乳にはビタミン D3 が自然に含まれているわけではありませんが、100 年近くにわたってビタミン D3 が強化されてきました。しかし、チーズやアイスクリームのような牛乳から作られた他の乳製品は、通常、ビタミン D が強化されておらず、少量しか含まれていません。 800 IU の RDA を満たすには、高齢者は 1 日あたり約 4 カップの強化牛乳を飲む必要があります。ただし、ビタミン D3 は主に日光から得られますが、食物ではありません。しかし、皮膚でのビタミン D の生成はいくつかの要因に依存しており、制御できるのはそのうちのいくつかだけです。
季節、住んでいる場所、旅行する場所、時間帯、着ている服、使用する傘に応じて、これらすべての要因が肌に当たる UVB 光の量を決定します。太陽の光線は、午前 10 時から午後 3 時の間で最も直接的ですが、赤道から離れた場所に住むほど、受ける UVB 放射は少なくなります。北緯約 37 度以北に住む人々は、11 月から 3 月まで、裸で一日中屋外で過ごしても、日光からビタミン D を作ることができません。これはなぜですか?冬の間、地球は太陽から遠ざかる方向に傾き、最終的には地球に当たる太陽光線が少なくなります。肌が黒くなるということは、UVB の吸収が少なくなり、ビタミン D3 の生成が減少することを意味します。また、年齢を重ねるにつれて、私たちの体は UVB 光をビタミン D3 に変換する効率が低下します。これが、高齢者や肌の色の濃い人ほど、ビタミン D のレベルが低下しやすい理由です。さらに悪いことに、多くの高齢者はさまざまな理由で日光への露出を減らしており、食事で十分なビタミン D を摂取していない可能性があります。
ビタミン D は、カルシウムを血流に吸収するよう腸に信号を送ります。
これは、食事に十分なカルシウムが含まれていても起こります。ビタミン D は、骨を強化するだけでなく、筋肉の劣化を防ぎ、転倒の可能性を減らすことで、高齢者の骨折を減らすのに役立ちます。
ビタミン欠乏症の公式な定義は、特定の栄養素が不足するために特定の健康問題が発生することを意味します。子供の真のビタミン D 欠乏症は、足が曲がる骨の病気であるくる病を引き起こします。これは米国ではまれです。成人のビタミン D 欠乏症は、骨軟化症や骨粗しょう症を引き起こし、骨折につながる可能性があります。では、それ自体は欠乏症ではなく、特定のビタミンが理想的レベルよりも少ない場合はどうなりますか?そうですね、これにより、さまざまな健康問題のリスクが高まる可能性がありますが、これらの問題の原因は彼らだけではありません。これを私たちは「不足」と呼んでいます。
ほとんどの医学会は、ビタミン D 欠乏症の患者のレベルが 12 ~ 20 ng/mL (30 ~ 50 nmol/L) で、ビタミン D 欠乏症が 12 ng/mL (30 nmol/L) 未満の場合、その人をビタミン D 欠乏症と見なします。ほとんどの専門家は、正常なレベルは 20 を超えて 50 ng/ml 未満であると考えています。米国のほとんどの人々は、約 20 ng/ml の値を持っています。
しかし、レベルが高すぎると、他の健康問題を引き起こす可能性があります。ある研究では、32 ng/ml を超えるレベルでは睡眠の質が低下しました。ビタミン D 毒性のリスクは、通常、相当量のカルシウムも摂取している成人で 100 ng/mL を超えるレベルで発生します。ビタミンDの毒性は、ビタミンD3またはビタミンD2によるものであり、通常、ビタミンDの不適切な使用の後に発生します.赤ちゃんの問題。
I am 43yrs old and have had fatigue my whole life, a few months ago I started taking D3 and it has transformed my life. I live in South Africa and one would think growing up under the sun would help but no, I had a deficiency and nobody could figure it out. Thank you for sharing
1 年前
After my breast cancer surgery and radiation last year, I discovered I had a vitamin D *deficiency*. Two tests a few months apart showed it was 9 and then 8. I was put on 50,000 units D3 once a week for a few months. Now I'm down to taking that amount every other week. My numbers have risen back to normal. I wasn't (and still don't) getting enough sun and I'd stopped drinking vit d supplemented milk. I am slightly olive skinned (more so if I do get sunlight). I believe some meds I've had to take have caused me to not be able to handle the sun. I break out in little itchy bumps and burn fairly quickly. I didn't used to burn at all.
On a side note - both my breast cancer and vit d deficiency were things that I discovered before my docs did. I look at my lab results and I had noticed that my white count was running high for over a year. Coupled with the pain in my right nipple, I asked for an ultrasound. They discovered a tumor on the nerve leading to that nipple, and one in my sentinel lymph node. It was also through watching my own labs that I was able to point out to my docs that my vid d was far below normal and even below the danger zone.
Thank you for putting out content that is informative and easy to watch. To everyone out there - Trust Your Gut!
Sarah Vapes
Sarah Vapes
1 年前
Love how you explain everything clearly and then you throw in some humor for fun. Thank you for not being boring when you are explaining things.
Victoria Joseph
Victoria Joseph
1 年前
I’m a biracial woman (white/black) and every year my Lab results show Vit D deficient. Never thought about how my ancestry impacts this, thank you Dr Mike! Awesome video
Paul Masgalajian
Paul Masgalajian
1 年前
THANK YOU, DOCTOR, for this timely and highly informative video. I have taken daily nutritional supplements for over 35 years, including Vit. D3 (2000IU morning and night). However, I added this micronutrient to my diet only 18 years ago after an examination by an endocrinologist. It was a shock to find that I was grossly deficient, 14NG/ML. It was necessary to take this dosage for a full 10 months before my blood level reached the low normal range, 40NG/ML The first 30 years of my life were plagued by the common cold and the flu during most winters. Now I maybe catch a mild cold every couple of years and the last time I suffered from the flu (worst one of my life) was in 2007, which was the year and final time I chose to receive a flu shot !
1 年前(編集済み)
This sounds crazy but D3 cleared years and years (over 8 yrs) of UTIs and blood in urine all the time never going away. It was constant. Always on antiobiotics---- mostly sulphur drugs which were hard on me. I was told over and over it was due to hysterectomy and low estrogen by urologist. Once I found thru extensive blood work that I was dangerously low on D, a doc supplemented me with D3. Started at 4000 per day for about a year and slowly reduced over about 3 yrs to now 1000 per day. And guess what... VERY little UTIs and NO more blood in urine test. Started my mom on D3 with same issues and worked for her as well. No other docs believe this BUT I am staying on it for sure!!
Nancy Hoskins
Nancy Hoskins
1 年前
I applaud your timely videos and informative, easily understood manner. Physicians cannot always make time for valuable explanations.
1 年前(編集済み)
Just had my D3 level checked at my annual physical. My level was 50 nmol/ml
I've been supplementing at 3,000ius daily for the last 3 months. Prior to that I had supplemented at 2,000ius daily for years using the gel cap form. I'm biracial, German/Nigerian with medium brown skin and live just north of Chicago. I control portion size strictly, drink no soft drinks, eat very little sweets as I'm still in a project to reduc my weight from 270 to 190. I was an office manager during my working years and lead a very indoor lifestyle in retirement. I'm 66, would say I'm in very good overall health, stable 195 lbs, with no joint pain of any kind and no other health issues. I also supplement with a generic mega-multi vitamin and a turmeric capsule. I have been taking the turmeric for more than 20 years, a multi-vitamin religiously for more than 40 years.
As an asthma/chronic bronchitis sufferer I jumped on an ad-hoc study by some local area nurses using D3 supplementation in an effort to lower worked missed due to colds. The study showed an 80% reduction in lost time because of the supplementation. I've gone from a cold a month, bronchitis 2-3 times a year, with constant nasal drainage to almost perfect respiratory health since I added D3 to my regular asthma meds almost 10 years ago. I highly recommend that everyone supplement 1,000ius until you get your numbers checked, unless you have a contraindicating medical condition.
Random Rapper
Random Rapper
1 年前
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule, and time away from your relaxation time, to make such informative videos that will help to educate the population, thus increasing health literacy and overall creating a healthier community/country.
Toni K
Toni K
1 年前
Excellent series! Especially useful are the ones related to Covid-19 (given the huge misinformation around the net & medias)
Keep it up man, you're doing amazing job!
Emilio Fajardo
Emilio Fajardo
9 か月前
What an impressive, wise, interesting, and well spoken Doctor!!! Thank you for sharing your great knwoledge in such a clear, detailed, and charismatic way!!!🤗👏👏👏
Bunny Lang
Bunny Lang
1 年前
I recommend 2 hours per day of mandatory nature, sunlight and fresh air. Good food and rest in the shade in a stress free environment.
brian nickel
brian nickel
1 年前
I don't know how Dr. Hanson doesn't have millions of subscribers....A Dr. Who just cares about educating properly.
joseph boriotti
joseph boriotti
1 年前
What about Vitamin K2? I've seen much advice online that taking K2 is crucial to avoid too much calcium in the bloodstream as a result of taking D3.
Nice video, BTW.
Agent Fox
Agent Fox
1 年前
There was a study that found that Vit D supplementation and ensuring that your Vit D levels are good can reduce the severity of respiratory infections by 50%
Beverley Husbands
Beverley Husbands
8 日前
I have been checking my D levels for many years. Some doctors recommend higher doses especially for those who are of African descent and elderly. I am taking a high dose and my level was 151.
Katherine Gonzalez
Katherine Gonzalez
1 年前(編集済み)
I have been watching many of your videos during the pandemic and in between study breaks and I have learned so much! Thank you so much Dr. Hansen, because of you I have been able to make informed decisions in regards to my health and educate my parents ☺️
Anselmo Rosa
Anselmo Rosa
1 年前
Great video. This was the most complete video on Vitamin D I've seen on YouTube! Congrats Dr. Mike.
1 年前
I am so glad I found someone who is giving information with no hidden agenda other than to make sure the people have knowledge..
1 年前
I was given vit D as part of my treatment for covid. When I was sent home from the hospital they prescribed doxycycline, Zinc 100mg , vitiman C 500mg and vitiman D 50000 units.
krishna jain
krishna jain
1 年前
I use to have aches and pains in my body but since I am dark skinned I started taking and now have less aches and pains. Thank you Dr. Hansen
Shyam Murti
Shyam Murti
2 か月前
Your explanations are so logical that they erase any doubts one might have that the information given might be faulty. Excellent work Dr Hanson.
Andy Got
Andy Got
3 か月前
Interesting. I like how structured this presentation is.
1 年前(編集済み)
Learned a lot from this video and your others! Concerning getting enough of the sun’s rays to allow our bodies to synthesize our own Vitamin D, I stick to using sunscreen and supplementing on Vitamin D. I want to prevent not only burns from UV-B rays (though I hardly burn), but I’d rather help block UV-A rays, too (the primary cause of aging shown on our skin).
But also, given my darker skin tone, I can be prone to hyperpigmentation and I’m trying to get rid of some so I also have to be pretty diligent about sunscreen everyday, even on cloudy days for both reasons. Hyperpigmentation can be such a nuisance to get rid of. 😅
But ultimately, I’m also just prone to being Vitamin D deficiency given my skin tone. Wasn’t really much a problem when I lived in Florida, though. 😂
Karen Burden
Karen Burden
1 年前
Finally, someone who almost mentioned everything to do with vitamin D, except for the usefulness of cholesterol when it comes to creating vitamin D by UVB rays.
Thuy Dao
Thuy Dao
1 年前
God bless you doctor. You are one of our angels and our savers in this time of catastrophic.
Doctor Mike Hansen Doctor Mike Hansen さんによって固定されています Doctor Mike Hansen 8 か月前(編集済み) Doctor Mike Hansen's Programs ⏩ FULL Course for MORE ENERGY: https://learn.doctormikehansen.com/products/increase-energy-course/ FREE Course for MORE ENERGY: https://doctormikehansen.com/6-days-to-more-energy/ 248 aileen pearce aileen pearce 7 か月前 My husband and I had Covid-19 in March. We are seniors with preexisting health issues plus we are both overweight. Not huge but could lose 20 pounds each. The infection was caught early and we got treated early. Also, we received monoclonal antibodies by infusion. I think being treated early was key. Once it "gets hold of you" it makes you much sicker. Our lungs were not affected at all. We were blessed and never afraid. 1740 il Prete Rosso il Prete Rosso 7 か月前 I'm an IT professional and I understood this quite clearly. Your ability to explain complex medical issues is a gift. Keep up the good work! 672 Kaitzel Kaitzel 4 か月前(編集済み) I am 37, I almost died from COVID I got it two months before the shut down. My doctor saved my life. Because of her the medical team found out I had massive blood clots in my lungs.......it was hard to watch this video but I can't stop thanking God to be alive and been available to enjoy my kids and husband. 49 Christiana Gehrer Christiana Gehrer 5 か月前 Were any or all of these people vaccinated because clotting happens with the ‘vaccines’ as well……? 14 Blvck Moses Blvck Moses 7 か月前 Love how you push a healthy lifestyle on the people instead of drugs. Thank you! 493 Kobi Bloom Kobi Bloom 5 か月前 Can someone please confirm whether any of the patients who died in this study had been vaccinated? 5 Sue K Sue K 1 年前 I have just recovered from Covid and went back and looked at my test results from the hospital. Even though I had a relatively mild case I was definitely at risk of far worse. Thank God for taking care of me. 387 Angel Tube Angel Tube 8 か月前 This man is national treasure and should be protected at all costs 🙏 47 Rita Dionisi Rita Dionisi 3 か月前(編集済み) I suffered from Covid last April. My sympthoms were clear enough to save me from pneumonia, but altough I was in a rehabilitation clinic they waited too much. So I was hospitalized and went through medical therapies and oxigene support at 59%. Slowly recovering during the first month, I progressively got better and better. Yet 8 months later I do have some difficulties in making efforts and I also feel air hunger when I walk. It won' t be easy but I survived. I'm 54. Stay healthy everybody!🙏❤️ 35 Shane Zettelmier Shane Zettelmier 4 か月前 Am I wrong, or is putting someone with blood clots on a respirator a bad idea?
Also you talked about the myocarditis or the inflammation in the heart, is this normal with other flu type viruses because this is also one of the major side effects of the vaccine or is the spike proteins in the vaccine created to attached to the heart for a specific reason? Does regular flu or pneumonia do this as well? 6 Joe D Joe D 7 か月前 I had COVID February 2020. 71 years old then. My symptoms were fairly mild. Fever never touched 100, a little shortness of breath and slight fatigue. I used a rescue inhaler to help with the breathing issue. My doc gave me a steroid shot and put me on a 15 day Z Pack. All symptoms were gone by day 14. 335 Jason Bauter Jason Bauter 4 か月前 I greatly appreciate intelligent people getting a chance to speak. I'm not a doctor so I don't understand a lot of the terminology used here, but I think you did a good job in putting it in layman's terms. Thank you for this video and the calm manner in which you presented this information. 67 Vivek Sharma Vivek Sharma 1 年前 No bias, no rhetoric , just truth reveled through simple data and visual driven facts. Great job Doc! 71 JoshDaGreat16 JoshDaGreat16 7 か月前 I’m a nurse. Been working on Covid units over the past 2 years. I’ve noticed with this 3rd wave that my sickest patients go down quick. I already knew about the increased risk of blood clots, however they do seem to be more frequent this time around. Also my patients are doing well for 2 weeks with just a “mild cold” as they describe it. And then all of a sudden they crash hard. First time around patients seemed to take a turn for the worse around day 7-10. However this time it seems like day 10-14 for the patients I’ve seen. Also many patients are overall younger, most being in their 50’s. 303 carolinarn7 carolinarn7 4 か月前 Thank you for really giving a good overview for the average person to grasp and understand. Great teaching! 26 Kim Tidwell Kim Tidwell 4 か月前 I was planning heart surgery,but I had to have a covid test,my doctor called me on a Saturday morning telling me I had covid,I had no symptoms at all,had to wait 10 days,take another covid test.was clear for surgery.done well,and I have type 2 diabetes,the blockage behind my heart,had stage 3 cancer 4 years ago God is good 16 Sidonia Cornelius Sidonia Cornelius 7 か月前(編集済み) This is probably one of the most informative information that I have heard thus far on causes of Covid deaths Thank you Dr. Mike Hansen 310 Michelle Pazar Michelle Pazar 4 か月前 My husband sadly was in the 4% and then the 1% 😔 he passed away in September. He was perfectly healthy before this. My 22 year old daughter and my husband had Covid pneumonia and was hospitalized and my son in law and myself had Covid and recovered at home. My daughter was released after 2 weeks on oxygen and inhaler but my poor husband ended up being intubated 9 days after being hospitalized and then later put in a trach. It was from July 20th to his passing on September 11th. I can’t even believe this has happened to my family. He was the love of my life. I’m so broken. 4 michael clennan michael clennan 1 年前 As a professional auditor who has worked in 25 countries over the last thirty years in complicated areas, the key to understanding is to have a decent, honest, educated, intelligent person explain the subject simply in an organized steady manner. Dr Mike is a gift to all of us! All of our friends should have this video.! God bless you. 1228 Autiger Autiger 1 年前 Thanks doc, you have educated me more in 13 minutes than I've learned in the past entire year. Great job, now stay safe! 189 marlae6 marlae6 5 か月前 Finally, someone who can walk the talk with excellent presentation. Outstanding ! 37 Sebastian Phizone Sebastian Phizone 4 か月前 It would be interesting to know how many of these autopsies also revealed active strains of HPV and HSV 1 or 2.
Chronic inflammation caused by HPV/ HSV strains, could be simultaneously exacerbating auto-immune response with Covid-19. 14 MrTommydrums MrTommydrums 7 か月前 This is exactly what we need intelligent breakdown and education on this pandemic not a scare tactic such as media outlets do thanks for this informative video! And good luck and thanks on your continued studies 55 Val N Val N 7 か月前(編集済み) Although this video is a year old, I learned more about this virus than any place on the internet. I may not understand some of the medical terms, but his overall presentation was outstanding. Now I have a deep understanding on what this virus can do. Thank you Dr. Hansen for explaining this so simply. I appreciate you and all the doctors who have helped save lives and trying to figure out how to beat this virus. 🦸♂️🙏 67 Autism IS Autism IS 4 か月前(編集済み) Lost my step dad this summer from covid. He was 79 years old and had just found out a year b4 he had leukemia. He and my mom both got covid really really bad. My mom had half a lung removed back in the 70s. We were worried about her bc she had the worst symptoms but then my step dad went to hospital and that was it. He passed 2 weeks later. My mom feels had he been home he wouldn't have passed from it. She's been a nurse for over 50 years, she's 83 and just fine now. This video is EXCELLENT thank you. 65 Reidlos Cidem Reidlos Cidem 1 年前 This guy is definitely one of the top 5 legit medical professionals on YouTube. Thank you for your continued guidance and leadership! 430 James Smith James Smith 7 か月前 Dr. Hansen, if you read and/or respond to the comments here, I have two questions. 1. In the deaths with blood clots, what percentage were already on anticlotting meds for historic blood clotting ? 2. Is there any data on survivors who had already been on anticlotting meds ? 19 Sharman R. Hankins Sharman R. Hankins 4 か月前 Thank you so much, Dr. Hansen! I have learned so much from you and will continue to watch your videos. The medical information you share with everyone is so important, especially now during the pandemic. 16 Mike Sikorski Mike Sikorski 7 か月前 Everyone in my house got covid. It lasted a month and a half for my 5 yr old and 26 yr old. My wife and me got mildly sick a few days. My elderly mother tested positive and but had no symptoms. 1 Sabine Becker Sabine Becker 2 か月前(編集済み) A lecturer at my school told us such horror stories 10 years ago. Take a look at a smoker's lungs or the lungs of older people who have lived in the city for a long time. Nowadays, however, many people probably have lung damage from ammonia from agriculture (parcticulate matter !) and nitrogen oxides in the air, even in less densely populated areas and in younger years. 5 Adam Le Magnifique Adam Le Magnifique 4 か月前 OH YES ? WHY THERE ARE SO MANY CARDIAC ARREST AND PRICARDIAL DEATHS AMONG TOP-LEVEL ATHLETES WHO HAVE AN EXTREMELY HEALTHY HYGIENE ?????? 10 DrCognitive DrCognitive 1 年前(編集済み) Patient: "Doctor, when is the pandemic going to end?" Doctor: "I don't know, I'm not a Democrat politician."
According to the CDC themselves, 99.8+% of people under 70 will live through COVID. Anyone over 70 has a 94.6% chance of surviving COVID. Average life expectancy in the USA is 79 years.
End the hysterics! 294 Aisha Lane Aisha Lane 7 か月前 Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. I'm a nurse and I'm just trying to understand the pathophysiology of Covid better. 106 Jan Krygier Jan Krygier 2 か月前 I really appreciate the tone and content of this video: calm, data-based, and pretty easy to understand. My significant other died of covid in hospital 11-30-21. Age 69. Worked hard at a healthy lifestyle. But did have high blood pressure a d past history of DVTs. Seemed to be doing well. Then 2 days before he died got 6 clots in one leg, one in the other. Wish we had known more about this clotting aspect. I'm sure he died of a clot in the lungs. Anyway I appreciate being able to learn more. Will check for videos on therapeutics as well as use of Remdesivir in hospital. Thank you for being a sane voice in an insane world. Subscribed! 9 Veronica Gray Veronica Gray 3 日前(編集済み) Thank you for including detailed medical explanation that makes those with medical background tuned in to your video. You don’t shy away from the research backed details . Thank you. Some Sasquatch With Dial Up Some Sasquatch With Dial Up 7 か月前 The best protection against covid is being in shape, not smoking, and eating a healthy diet with regular exercise. 11 Fitzhugh Goode Fitzhugh Goode 7 か月前 My 83 year old mother had COVID and the flu together. Took 5 weeks in the hospital with no visitors before she recovered. 2 Susan Colquhoun Susan Colquhoun 1 年前 Many decades ago, I suffered badly from deep vein thrombosis in my legs. Agonising. I was put on various drugs and became anaemic. My grandmother, who was very au fait with natural medication advised me to eat raw onions as it is a natural thinner. I did! And it worked ! I have never suffered DVT since. At one stage, during my formative years I tended to be anaemic and had to eat raw liver. Urgh. Never liked it since! Then she took me under her wing yet again. Early in the morning Gran would go off to the recreation ground and gathered something which she rolled into pellets and gave to me. I have never tasted anything so bitter! Immediately after, she would give me a slice of orange to take the bitterness away. Magically, my blood iron was restored! Seriously! What did she gather on her morning jaunts? SPIDER WEBS! I learned that medical science discovered there was so much iron in spider webs, drugs were made from it . I am talking about 70 years ago! My grandmother never saw a doctor in her long life. She was never ill. She was in her 90s when she died. 614 mad max mad max 7 か月前 My mother passed after contracting covid, she was obese but also had been tested positive for TB her whole life, she was a carrier but never actually had TB. 48 Hassan Shams Hassan Shams 1 年前 Number of deaths in the US (some of which are also partly “claimed” as Corona deaths) also indicate in general how unhealthy some of the US population is and how weak their immune systems are. It’s sad!! 145 VITAL LUCKY CHARM VITAL LUCKY CHARM 7 か月前 I appreciate the detailed informative video. This has been the Most Respectful Intelligent Explanation regarding the Virus. We need more transparent Videos such as this. It helps people to better comprehend many of the things which have been happening with peoples health condition. 274 Shameem Ahmed Shameem Ahmed 3 週間前 Your lecture is a breakthrough in understanding the whole situation. Thank you very much. Carl Hursh Carl Hursh 7 か月前 Those look like Smokers Lungs! I have COPD, and my Lungs look the same! Stop using COVID as a reason for dead lungs. 🤬 7 Crypto mad Aussie Crypto mad Aussie 3 か月前 Has there been autopsies done on patients who died from blood clots after the vaccine ? Are those results very similar as these results from covid deaths ? 1 Caroline Maxwell Caroline Maxwell 7 か月前(編集済み) My whole family got covid. My brother, his gf, and i had flu symptoms and taste buds were off but we eventually got over it. My younger brother had covid but no symptoms. My mother was the worse, she had the flu symptoms, taste and smell gone, when she breathed it souded rattly she had pnemonia too, it was heart breaking to see her so sick, she was only able to sit up until the emergency came. It looked like she was getting worse. She stayed in a covid sick building for two weeks so hopefully her antibodies will kick in and help her get over covid. Eventually she got better. It wasn't looking good until she got over it. I was praying everyday for her. I would think of all the happy positive feelings/vibes i could muster and I would send it over to her in my mind. I'm just glad she survived. She has diabetes and other illnesses. 34 John Cartwright John Cartwright 1 年前 Yes, I appreciate your anti-panic, straight-forward presentation; medical technologists, nurses, and M.D.s need to see this, as well the general public. A warm thank you! 367 Crime Time with JJ Crime Time with JJ 7 か月前 I am absolutely blown away! After being one that had the virus, healed, then ended up with a pulmonary embolism and pneumonia I find this fascinating. I almost died and I am grateful to be alive! I had to be intubated and on a ventilator. Thanks for the information! 36 Wendy spencer Wendy spencer 4 か月前 I am only one person, I know 3 people that died in their sleep at home with Covid. Two of them were from my husbands family. One of his family members was fully vaccinated in her late 40s. One family member was 55, she was a flight attendant she was not vaccinated I believe she took medication for type 2 diabetes. The other person was a family friend. She was 36 young and healthy. My very first thought when I heard about their passing was they died from blood clots to the lungs peacefully in their sleep as a result of Cov19. Still very sad. 3 Baby Cheese Baby Cheese 4 か月前 Hi from the UK, my sister was rushed into hospital last week, with covid symptoms, she was one week away from full term with baby, they did c section under general anaesthetic instead of local as she was too poorly to be awake for it. Baby all fine, my sister has taken a dramatic turn for the worst and is now receiving ecmo treatment, she also has clots on the brain and lungs. I'm finding your videos so informative and comforting somehow. My sister is obese, and I went into ICU to see her, all of the other patients were obese and the doctor said it's a huge factor. Stay as healthy and safe as possible everyone! And please say a prayer 🙏 12 mercy k mercy k 5 か月前 I had Covid19 twice and just recovering from long covid after an 8 month battle. The worst part of covid was being told by doctors there's nothing they could do. I just managed the symptoms and always worried if I would wake up if I went to sleep. By the way, covid insomnia is the worst. You go 4 days with zero sleep while feeling sick and beat up. All you want to do is die. I'm very thankful for the research that's been done, it will definitely help anyone else who falls victim to this horrible disease. Thanks doctor, God bless you 10 Racing with Jason Racing with Jason 4 か月前 I was in the Hospital for 10 days. Oxygen levels was low. They gave me a pillfor blood clots every day. I got better and finally got to get out but we're home on oxygen. Had pneumonia and ARDS. Thank God I made it and then making it through this because two other guys that were in there with me Died. My Lungs and I've been getting better everyday. If I known what I know now I would have took Ivermectin right out of the gate. When I knew I tested positive. 27 Jack A. Lope Jack A. Lope 1 年前(編集済み) One question. How many of the patients in this study had been fully intubated on a ventilator prior to dying? 66 Evlyne Aleshire Evlyne Aleshire 6 か月前(編集済み) Dr. Mike Hansen, thank you for the excellent video and explanation of how the virus spike protein damages the body. Please do autopsies and videos on people who died after receiving the shots that are supposed to protect us from this virus. We are interested in what caused the deaths immediately after shot, one week after, two weeks after, one month after, three months after etc. These deaths are not a rare occurrence as it has been advertised. Is the self manufactured spike protein doing any harm to the organs of susceptible people? Why haven’t we been shown those autopsy reports and why aren’t there videos of this? Also, why when miscarriages occurred at 20%, have jumped to 80% occurrence in pregnant women who received the shot? It’s science correct? 66 ・・・