

Explanation of "Mt. Nishi-Hodsaka In Winter" (冬の西穂高岳)の説明

2023-01-28 21:34:54 | 資料


Explanation of "Mt. Nishi-Hodsaka In Winter" (冬の西穂高岳)の説明


(北アルプスを題材にした曲を作成し、アップロードしてます。) I have composed and uploaded music with the motif of the Northern Alps.
(ここの所、北アルプスの四季を題材とした曲をアップロードしておりました。) Recently, I have uploaded music concerning the four seasons of the Northern Alps.
(春の曲である「上高地の春」から始まり、夏の曲である「光に靡く」、秋の曲である「残照の照葉ノ池」と投稿してまいりました。) I have uploaded a series of music, at first, the spring music named "Spring in Kamikouchi", followed by uploading the summer one "Swaying by the brilliance", and last time is the autumn "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset".
(よって、今回は北アルプスの冬を題材とした曲となります。) So, the music I will upload this time is about winter in the Northern Alps.
(「冬の西穂高岳」と言う曲です。) The title of that music is "Mt. Nishi-Hodaka in winter".


(「西穂高岳」は、「西穂山荘」を経由して登るのが、一般的です。) A ordinary route of climbing "Mt. Nishi-Hodaka" is via "Nishiho-Hut".
(他のルートとしましては、岳沢から天狗のコルを経て、間ノ岳経由で登る事も出来ます。) Another route which you can climb "Mt. Nishi-Hodaka" is from the Dakesawa Valley, through a col named "Tengu-no-col" and then via "Mt. Ainotake".
(更には、奥穂高岳から奥穂高岳のジャンダルムを経て天狗のコルへ行き、後は前述と同じルートで登る事も出来ます。) Besides, there is a route as that you climb Mt. Oku-Hotaka at first and so you will reach Tengu-no-col via Gendarme of Mt. Oku-Hodaka, and after that you should go as mentioned above.
(しかし、天狗のコルを経由するルートは距離もやや長く、且つ、かなり高度な難所がいくつかあり、一般向けではありません。) However, the route via Tengu-no-col is fairly long and has some quite difficult spots, so it's not for the general public.
(従って、「西穂高岳」に登ると言えば、「西穂山荘」経由と言う事になります。) So it follows that if ordinary trekkers climb "Mt. Nishi-Hotaka", they should go through "Nishiho Hut".


(「西穂山荘」へは「新穂高ロープウェイ」を経由して登るルートと、「上高地」から登るルートが有ります。) There are two routes to reach to Nishiho hut, then one is via the Shinhotaka Ropeway, and the other is from "Kamikouchi".
(ただし、冬は「上高地」は閉鎖されるので、「新穂高ロープウェイ」経由で登る事になります。) But in winter, "Kamikouchi" is closed, therefore you should climb via "Shinhotaka Ropeway".
(※ 実際は、真冬でも、「上高地」にはある程度の人出が有ります。) ※ In fact, even deep winter, sort of people get to Kamikochi.
(※ ただし、車では行けないので、徒歩で行く事になります。) ※ However, it's forbidden to go there by car, so you'll have to go on foot.


(「西穂山荘」は1年中休みなく営業している山小屋です。) All year round, "Nishiho Hut" that is a mountain hut is open.
(ただし、1mを超える積雪と、-10℃を軽く超える低温で、環境は極めて厳しいのです。) Nevertheless, the environment of surroundings the hut is extremely harsh, with more than 1m of snow and low temperatures that easily exceed -10°C.
(この小屋が真冬でも営業可能なのは、偏に「新穂高ロープウェイ」のお陰でしょう。) The reason why this hut is visited by enough people to be able to open even mid-winter is existance of the Shinhotaka-Ropeway.
(無雪期であれば、一般の人でも、新穂高ロープウェイの終着駅「西穂高口」から1時間程で、「西穂山荘」に着きます。) In no snow period, even ordinary trekkers can reach Nishiho Hut in about one hour from the Shinhotaka Ropeway terminal station that name is "Nishi-Hodaka-Guchi".
(有雪期でも、吹雪かなければ、2時間も有れば十分です。) Even in the snow season, if no blizzard, two hours is enough.
(※ 酷い吹雪であれば、一般の人は、命が惜しければ、「西穂山荘」へ行く事は、諦めざるを得ないでしょう。) ※ If severe blizzard came, common trekkers would have no choice but to give up on going to "Nishiho Sanso", in the case they think life is so dear.
(しかし、冬に於いては、「西穂山荘」迄は、まだ楽なものです。) Even though, in the case of winter, it is still easy up to "Nishiho Hut".
(そこから「西穂高岳」までは、本当に厳しい世界です。) From there to Mt. Nishi-hotaka, the world is really harsh.


(正直に申しますと、私は冬の西穂高岳の山頂に立てた事は、一度もありません。) To be honest, I have never stood on the summit of Mt. Nishi-Hotaka in winter.
(独標が限界でした。) In the case of mid-winter, It was the limit of my ability to reach to "Doppyou(独標)".
(何度かチャレンジしましたが、多くの場合天候が悪く、そんな時は丸山で引き返さざるを得ませんでした。) Several times I tried, but in most case the weather was so awful and I had no choice but to turn back at Maruyama.
(吹雪の時は、その辺りで「死」を意識し始めますので…) In the case of the blizzard, as it begin to be made aware of "death" at around there…


(一度だけ晴天に恵まれ、「今回こそは!」と意気込んで、「西穂山荘」を後にした事が有ります。) Just one time I got a fine weather, I vowed that "this time for sure!", and then I left "Nishiho Hut" enthusiastically.
(晴天の冬山は美しく、陽射しは殊に心地よく、周囲の雪山もいつもより雄大に見え、将に「楽園(かな?でも美しいよ!)」と言うべきでしょう!) The clear winter mountains were beautiful, the sunshine was especially comfortable, and the view of the surrounding snow-covered mountaions looked more majestic than usual, and the scenery was that it should have been said "paradise (This expression is correct? But just beautiful scene)"!
(MSRのスノーシューの履き心地も最高で、「私の鼻歌を止める事は、最早、誰にもできない!」と言う感じになりますよね!) MSR snowshoes were so comfortable and I thought that anyone was able to feel "No one can stop me from my humming!"


(ところがです、好事魔多し…)  However, "Good luck comes by cuffing…".
(最早、独標は直ぐそこ、と言う所で、物凄い風が吹き荒れ始めたのです。) Just as I went only a short distance to Doppyou, a terrifying wind began to blow suddenly.
(空は晴れていたのに…) Even though the sky was clear….
(雪煙が視界を激しく遮り、風で目も開けられない。) The spray of snow severely blocked my view, and I couldn't have even opened my eyes because of the horrible wind.
(それでも、風が弱まったタイミングで、何とか独標まで行きましたが、その先へ行く事は、自殺する事と等価としか思えませんでした。) Still, when the wind weakened, I managed to reach Doppyou, but I could only have thought moving on beyond that was equivalent to committing suicide.
(それでも行く人はいましたが…) Nonetheless some people still moved forward to ….
(ビレイ無しで、アイスピッケルとアイゼンだけで独標を下るには、結構厳しい風でしたが、何とか命はありました。) In spite of a quite tough wind, I accomplished to go down "Doppyou" without belaying, with just an ice-axe and crampons, then my life was barely with me.
(そこから西穂山荘迄も、その風に打ちのめされ続けましたが、何とか無事に辿り着けました。) From there to Nishiho Hut, the wind kept beating up me, but I managed to get there narrowly.
(この山荘が無ければ、命の危機に直面したかもしれません。) Without this mountain villa(lol), I might have faced a life-terminal crisis.
(この山荘が有るからこそ、私の様なものでも、命を落とす事なく、冬の西穂高岳の厳しさと美しさの一端に触れる事が出来たと言えましょう。) It should have been said that because of this mountain lodge, even someone like me was able to experience the rigors and beauty of Mt. Nishi-Hotaka in winter without losing my life.


(この時だけでなく、天気が悪くて丸山までしか行けなかった時の事も含めて、そのイメージを曲にしてみました。) Not only at that time, but also including the time when the weather was harsh and I could only have went to Maruyama, I tried to make that image into this music. (死を意識せざ
るを得ない厳しさと、吹き荒ぶ風と、無機質に舞う雪、而して、天気が良い時は幻想的な地上の楽園) The severity of death, the boisterous wind, the ruthless snow, but when the weather is fine, it's a fantastic paradise on earth.
(そういった感じが表現できていれば良いんだけど…) I wish I was able to express that kind of feeling with this music… .

Explanation of "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset (錦秋の長栂山~アヤメ平)" の説明

2023-01-22 14:46:57 | 資料

Explanation of "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset[Brocade Autumn On Ayamedaira From Mt. Nagatsuga]" (残照の照葉ノ池[錦秋の長栂山~アヤメ平])の説明

(現在、日本の北アルプスをイメージした一連の曲を作っています。) Recently, I am working on composing a series of music inspired by the Northern Alps of Japan.
(「日本アルプス」と聞いて、「何だ、それ?」と思われる方もおられるかもしれません。) If you hear the "Japanese Alps", some of you may think "Wait…, What's that?"
(「アルプス」は、本来ヨーロッパのものですから。) By ordinary, everyone think "Alps" is in Europe.
(日本人が、勝手に変な事を言ってる様に感じられる方もおられると思います。) Someone may feel that some Japanese say strange things as their likes.
(この件に関しては、一昨年アップロードした"An Image of Inner Sight(Early Spring in Azumino)"と言う曲の説明の所で説明しましたが、以下に再掲いたします。) As for this matter, I explained it in the explanation of music "An Image of Inner Sight (Early Spring in Azumino)" that I uploaded two years ago, and now I will repeat it below.

(「日本アルプス」の名称は、約125年前にイギリスの鉱山技師のウィリアム ゴーランドさんによって生み出され、イギリス人宣教師のウォルター ウェストンさんによって、ヨーロッパやアメリカ等に紹介されました。特に、ウォルター ウェストンさんは、日本の登山の父として、登山者から尊敬されています。毎年、6月に、北アルプスの上高地で、彼を偲んでウェストン祭が行われています。上高地にはウェストンさんを偲ぶ碑もあります。) (The "Japanese Alps" was named by British mining engineer William Gowland about 125 years ago and was introduced to Europe, the United States and others by British missionary Walter Weston. In particular, Walter Weston is still respected by Japanese mountaineers as the father of mountaineering in Japan. Every June, the Weston Festival is held in memory of him in Kamikouchi in the Northern Alps in Japan. There is also a monument in memory of Mr. Weston in Kamikouchi.)

(この様に、日本アルプス(北アルプスの呼び名を含む)は、若干ながら歴史を持った呼び名でもあるのです。) Like that, the Japanese Alps (including the name of the Northern Alps) is a historical name but that history may be relatively short.

(話を戻しますが、前々回アップロードした、「Spring in Kamikouchi」と言う曲は、北アルプスの春を題材にした曲でした。) Moving on the topic, the music "Spring in Kamikouchi" that I uploaded two times ago was about spring in the Northern Alps.
(前回の「Swaying by the brilliance」は、北アルプスの夏を題材とした曲です。) The previous music "Swaying by the brilliance" is based on summer in the Northern Alps.
(そして、今回の「残照の照葉ノ池」は、北アルプスの秋が題材となっております。) And the music which title is "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset", that I uploaded this time, was composed with the concept on autumn in the Northern Alps.

(「長栂山」は北アルプスの北部にある、あまり知られてないかもしれない山です。) "Mt. Nagatsuga" is a mountain in the northern part of the Northern Alps that may be known by few people.
(有名な(?)「白馬岳」から北は、あまり知られてないかもしれません。) In the Northern Alps, the area where is further to north than the Mt. Hakuba that is very famous(?) mountain in japan may not be well known.
(それでも、日本の二百名山の一つである「雪倉岳」や三百名山の一つである「朝日岳」は、まだ知られている方です。) Even so, Mt. Yukikura which is one of the 200 famous mountains in Japan, and Mt. Asahi which is one of the 300 famous mountains in Japan, are not too bad known.
(でも、蓮華温泉から「朝日岳」に行く途中の山である「長栂山」(五輪尾根を登りきった所にある)は、通過点の山で、着いても気が付かない人が殆どでしょう。) However, Mt. Nagatsuga (which located at the top of Gorin ridge), that is on the way from Renge Spa to Mt. Asahi is a passing mountain, rarely people will notice that here is the Top of Mt. Nagatsuga.

(実はここは、隠れた紅葉の名所です。) In fact, this is a not-well-known amazing autumn foliage spot.
(山頂から北にやや下った所に、アヤメ平や黒岩平を広く見渡せる場所があるのですが、そこから見る紅葉は、将に息を呑む美しさです。) There is a place where you can look out over Ayame-daira and Kuroiwa-daira a little further north from the summit, and then the autumn leaves seen from there are breathtakingly beautiful.
(何処までも続く様な錦絵を上から見下ろす快感は、筆舌に尽くし難い。) A pleasant feeling of like a looking down on a multi-colored brocade picture that seems to go on forever is beyond description.
(思わずそこにダイブしたい衝動に駆られます(死ぬのでやめて下さい)。) I'm sure that anyone will be driven by the urge to dive there unintentionally.(Please stop as you should die if you should do.)

(「照葉の池」は、長栂山に有ります。) "Shouyou Pond" is on Mt. Nagatsuga.
(殆どの人にとっては、何の変哲もない、小さな池です。) For almost people, it's a nondescript little pond.
(でも、何とも言えない寂しさ、侘しさ、枯れた美しさがあります。) But it has a beauty that is indescribable sadness and forlornness, and that coexist colorlessness, pale life and depth.
(そこに一人で佇んでいると、生きると言う事が、とても愛しいものの様に感じられました。) Lingering there alone made me feel that life was something so adorable.

(私がここに残照の中で佇んだのは、秋ではなく夏でした。) It was not autumn, but summer when I lingered alone here in the afterglow of the setting sun.
(日本海の海辺にある「親不知」と言う場所から、「栂海新道」を通って、朝日岳に行った時です。) It was when I went to Mt. Asahi through a trail named "Tsugami-Shindou" from a place called "Oyashirazu" on the coast of the Sea of Japan.
(前日、「白鳥小屋」に泊まり、この日は朝日岳を越えて、「朝日小屋」まで行く予定でした。) The day prior, I stayed at mountain hut named "Shiratori-Goya" on the route, and on this day I was planning to go over Mt. Asahidake to "Asahi-Goya".
(しかし、40kgの荷物(朝日岳を越えて、延々と北アルプスを縦走する予定でしたので)が祟り、この照葉の池で夕暮れを迎える事となったのです。) However, due to my 40kg luggage (because I was planning to keep on traversing the Northern Alps over Mt. Asahidake), when I reached at Shouyou Pond, dusk was coming.

(この時の感覚は、今でも鮮明です。) Still now the sense at that time is vivid.
(死んだあと、魂がここに戻って佇んでいる様な感覚…) After death, the feeling that the soul comes back here and keep on standing silently there….
(暮れ残りの、地平の微かな赤味に体が溶かされて、魂だけがそこにある様な感覚…) Feeling like my body is dissolved by the faint redness that the dusk left is of the horizon, and only my soul is there….
(悲しくも美しい感覚…) A sense… that feel sorrowful but beautiful.
(ここに留まってはいけないと思いつつも、永遠にここに留まりたいと思ってしまう感じ…) A sensation that while thinking I suppose I shouldn't stay here, I wish to keep on remaining here eternally….
(長栂山からアヤメ平の紅葉を眺める度に、何故か、あの時の事を思い出すのです…) Every time I look at the autumn leaves of Ayame-daira from Mt. Nagatsuga, for some reason I remember how I feel of that time….

(この曲で、紅葉の長栂山からアヤメ平を見渡した時の雄大な感じと、その紅葉の繊細な美しさを表現したつもりです。) This music is that I was meant to expresses the magnificent feeling of looking over Ayame-daira from Mt. Nagatsuga and the exquisite beauty of that autumn leaves of there.
(そして、その中に、残照の中で佇んだ照葉の池で感じた侘しさや美しさを織り込んだつもりです。) And in that, I intend to have captured the desolation and beauty that I felt when I was standing still by Shouyou Pond in the afterglow of sunset.
(それに共感してくれる人が居ればうれしいのだけど…(残照の照葉の池に佇んだ奴は他にいないだろうから… 共感する人はいないよね!) I'd be happy if someone could empathize to that… (Maybe persons who had been standing still in the afterglow of Shouyou Pond are not anywhere, except me…. So, I know that no one will be able to empathize that!)

Explanation of "Swaying by the brilliance" (光に靡く[鷲岳-五色が原を渡る風])の説明

2023-01-16 05:30:58 | 資料



(日々、小説「蜘蛛ですが、何か?」に心を癒されている、揣覧 柁郎です。)
 On a daily basis, reading the novel "So I'm a spider, So what?" makes me heal mind, hi, I'm Kajiro Shiran.

 I think "I'm a spider, So what?" is a really fantastic novel.

(故有って、若葉 姫色の身代わりとして地下迷宮内の最弱の蜘蛛の魔物に転生した女子高生(?)が、日常的に訪れる死の危機を乗り越えて、最強の魔物(には成らなかったけど… 魔王が居たので! ただし、神になってからは逆転したけど)を経て神に成り、遂には破滅の危機にあった、その転生した星を救う様は、何とも爽快です。)
 For some reason, a Japanese high school girl(?) who was reincarnated as the weakest hexenbiest of spider in the underground labyrinth of another planet as a substitute for Hiiro Wakaba, overcame the crisis of death that she encounters on a daily basis and became a god through the strongest monster ( But the fact is that she didn't reach the range of that. As a monster, the Demon King was stronger than her. However, after becoming a god, she became overwhelmingly stronger than the Demon King.), and finally it's so exhilarating that she saved the planet that was in danger of destruction.

 Ah, I'm getting off topic again…

 Back to the topic that should be!

 As I have written before, my English skill is awfully low, hopelessly!

 I've no confident if the Japanese title of this music is consistent with English title which was translated by me.

 First of all, "Goshiki-ga-hara" is the name of the grassland in the Northern Alps.

 "Gshiki" have a meaning like "colored with various colors".

 Literally translated, "Goshiki" means "five colors", but in this case the number of colors has no particular meaning, and it means "prosperously colorful" or "various colors".

 "-ga-" is a postpositional particle meaning "state" or "accompanied by", and "hara" means grassland in this case.

 Therefore, the meaning of "Goshiki-ga-hara" is "a grassland colored in various colors", but this is a name of this grassland and a proper noun.

(「Swaying by the brilliance」ですが、これは、「朝露を含んだ草原の草が風に靡いて、飛び散った朝露が光に輝き、まるでその輝きによって草が靡いている様に見える」と言う事を言いたかったのです。)
 What I want to say with this title "Swaying by the brilliance" is that grass in the grassland containing the morning dew blows in the wind, and the scattered morning dew diffusely reflect light, making the grass look as if it is swaying by that brilliance.

(他にも「swirling by the light」とか「swirling through the brilliance」とか「fluttering in the brightness」と言った表現も考えましたが、何れがより良いか私の英語力では、判断が付きませんでした。)
 Also I thought of other expressions such as "swirling by the light", "swirling through the brilliance", and "fluttering in the brightness", but with my English ability, I couldn't decide which one was better.

 In order to express this, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to describe the title…

 Well, I would appreciate it if "native speaker of English" could have a feeling like that you can relate to what I wanted to express from this title.

 However, too high hopes are too bad.

 Me! Don't underestimate my lack of English skills!

(nativeの方に、「何が言いたいのか不明だが、まあいいか…」と思って頂ければ、御の字でしょう。(「何言ってんだ、てめえ! ふざけるな!」と思われなければ良しとしましょう - 可能性はありそうだけど…))
 I think it's upper limit about all for my English skill level that "native English speakers" think "I don't know what you're trying to say, but… it's all right…".(I think it's good if they don't think "What are you writing about! Don't be silly!" - But I think it's likely they think so.)

 This is also what I wanted to just express in this music.

(「Mt. Washi」の「Washi」は「鷲」の意味です。」
 "Washi" in "Mt. Washi" means "eagle".

(「Mt. Washi」は北アルプスにある、可成りマイナーな山です…)
 "Mt. Washi" is a hardly-recognized mountain in the Northern Alps…

(日本の通常の山屋でも、「Mt. Washi」と言われて、ここを思い浮かべる事が出来る人は、少ないと思います。)
 I don't think there are many Japanese mountain trekkers who can think of this place when they hear "Mt. Washi".


 "Goshiki-ga-hara" where spreads out from "Mt. Washidake" is a grassy plain with a slight slope as far as the eye can see.

 "Mt. Washi" is a gentle mountain with only a low peaks, and it have no special feature to mention.

 Hence it's a place where "Goshiki-ga-hara" is the main focus.

 The previous song was an image of spring in the Northern Alps, but this song is an image of summer in there.

 In the summer, "Goshiki-ga-hara" is a calm place during the day on sunny days, and if you don't mind the sun light, it's a great place to take a nap.

 However, on summer mornings, when the sun rises and the temperature rises, somedays the wind blows violently.

 At times like this, the ground cools down by radiative cooling at night, and a large amount of morning dew falls on the grass.

 When a strong wind blows there, the tall grass swells violently and dances wildly.

 Then, the morning dew is violently rolled up, and each drop catches the morning light and scatters its brilliance to the surroundings.

 I tried to compose music that co-star "the violently turbulent wind", "the wildly dancing grass", and "the scattering sparkle with morning dew".

 I would appreciate it if someone(It's not "no one", that's so important) who listened to this music felt that I achieved to express that.


(※ ところで、普段、作曲は「domino」を使ってやっていますが、投稿するためのMP3への変換は、「studio one 5」で実施します。)
 ※ By the way, I usually use "domino" to compose music, and in order to upload, it's converted to MP3 by "studio one 5".

(しかし、「dimino」と「studio one 5」のinstrumentの相性は悪い様で、曲のイメージは大きく変わってしまいます。)
 However, the compatibility between the instruments of "dimino" and "studio one 5" seems to be not good, so the image of the song changes not a little.

(前回アップロードした「Spring In Kamikouchi」も「studio one 5」上で色々と調整しましたが、余り巧く行ってないのです。)
 I made various adjustments to the "Spring In Kamikouchi" using  "studio one 5" that I uploaded last time, but it didn't go well.

(今回の「Swaying by the brilliance」は「studio one 5」上ではあまりにも変わりすぎていたため、「domino」での演奏を直接録音し、それを「wav」に変換したので、音が良くないかもしれませんが、ご容赦ください)
 "Swaying by the brilliance" this time was too different on "studio one 5", so I recorded the performance on "domino" directly, converted it to "wav". So the sound may not be good, but please forgive me.

 (Furthermore, I converted it to "MP3", but I gave up uploading because the sound was so bad.)

Explanation of "Spring in Kamikouchi" [上高地の春]の説明

2023-01-11 05:40:14 | 資料


  Long time no see, this is Kajiro Shiran.

  Due to depression, I received treatment until February of last year (February 2022), during which time I was away from composing music.

 What supported me and helped me get out of my depression was a novel(and a animation) that title is "So I am a spider, So what ?"

 Trying to distract myself from sleepless nights due to insomnia, when I watched late-night TV, it happened to encounter this animation.

 There were many animations on the late-night TV broadcast, but the only interesting one was "Cells at Work" besides this "So I am a spider, So What?".

 This novel has been translated into English, so some people have read it I think, but if you didn't read it once, there is a possibility that you will like it I think, when you read it.

 If I keep on writing about this novel, I can't stop, and anyone may not recognize what the explanation is, so I'm going back to the main topic.

 This music was completed to compose in March last year, but one wasn't finished, and it was the reason that I postponed uploading the series of music.

 Since that was also completed, I decided to upload it together this time.(For music that took a long time to complete, I will write the reason at the time of uploading.)

 The motif is an ambience of "Spring in Kamikouchi" that is the title of this music.

 "Kamikouchi" where is a basin-like place surrounded by the Hotaka mountain range that is located in the southern part of the "Northern Alps" in Japan is a famouce tourist destination.

 However, for mountain treckers, it is just a trailhead...

  The origin of the name "Kamikouchi" is the topography called "Kawachi(河内)".

  "Kawachi" topography is a place where a river width have been so wide, because of accumulating a sediment carried by the river.

 Because there locate upstream of the Azusa River, peoples called it "Kamikawachi", and after then, that designation was corrupted and became "kamikouchi".

 Due to its origin, "Kamikochi" has spring water in various places.

 The gushing water is from melting snow of the Hotaka mountain range or Mt. Kasumizawa and Mt.Roppyacku.

 "Spring in Kamikouchi" is full of beautiful water from the melting snow and a gentle, clear bright.

 The overflowing beautiful spring water drips down the clean green moss as countless drops, and the light that catches those is scattered and distributes the surroundings with brilliance. (Sorry, I exaggerated too much...)

 The tributaries of the spring water that flow into the Azusa River are crystal clear infinitely, and the "Ranunculus nipponicus var. submersus" that grows only in clear streams sway vibrantly in the vivid flow.

 The brilliance overflowing on the surface of that stream's water vividly dances for joy as if whispering sweetly.

 In the depth of the opposite side of the Azusa River, the majestic figure of Hotaka spreads out.

 In spring, Hotaka is covered with snow and ice, and shines pure white.

 The ridgeline that connects Mt. Okuhotaka, which boasts the third highest altitude in Japan, and Mt. Maehotaka, which is over 3,000m above sea level, is called "Tsurione (meaning : arched ridge connecting two peaks)".

 The scenery from Mt. Oku Hotaka to Mt. Mae Hotaka, which shines white against the blue sky, have majestic and overwhelming beauty.

 When I look at that, I feel as if my mind is separated from my body, and I feel as if I am with the majestic mountain range of Hotaka, or from the sky I feel like I am continuing to look down on the extended succession of 3,000m-class mountains.

 Overflowing water that full of brilliance, the glow of sunlight that is warm and lovely, and the magnificent mountain range against the blue sky, this is what "Kamikochi in Spring" is all about.

 I composed this music to try to express that...(I wish I could achieve that...)

(そんな温かく鮮やかで愛らしい春が、ウクライナにも訪れればいいな… )
 I wish that such a warm, vivid and adorable spring would come to Ukraine...


 I composed this music by "Domino".

(それを「studio one 5」と「Komplete Kontrol」を用いて再構成し、録音したものが、アップロードしたこの曲です。)
 This song which I uploaded was reconfigured and recorded using "studio one 5" and "Komplete Kontrol".

 Even though playing it on domino would have given it a more solid, gorgeous, popping feel...

(投稿した、studio one 5でアレンジした曲は、元の曲より軽佻で、イメージが可成り変わってしまいました。)
 This music which I uploaded, arranged by studio one 5, is frivolous as compared with the original song, and the image has changed considerably.

(理由は、私の力では、「studio one 5」で「domino」の「Fantasia」「Brightness」「Echo Drops」を再現できなかったためです。)
 The reason is that my ability is too low and so I couldn't reproduce "Fantasia", "Brightness" and "Echo Drops" of "domino" with "studio one 5".

 Therefore, I am quite frustrated with the song I uploaded, but I wonder if it can't be helped...

 As a master of worst amateur composer, it's impossible the pro-version of soundcloud, so I can only be the free version.

 Therefore, even if I reorganize the music, it's impossible to change it on soundcloud...

Explanation of "Fantasy of Yume-no-Taira " [夢の平幻想(mag mell-森と湖と草原と-)]の説明

2021-10-17 11:29:05 | 日記


Explanation of "Fantasy of Yume-no-Taira (mag mell - forest, lake and wildflowerlands)" [夢の平幻想(mag mell-森と湖と草原と-)]の説明 (前回、「Like Flowing Clouds As leave It To Wind」と言う曲をアップロードした時の約束を果たすべく、この曲をアップロードします。) I will upload this song to fulfill my promise when I uploaded the song "Like Flowing Clouds As leave It To Wind" last time. (この「夢の平」と呼ばれるは、日本の北アルプスの最奥部、高天原の温泉の更に奥所にある、極小さな平原です。) This place called "Yume no Taira" is a very small plain located further back in the hot springs of Takamagahara, which is the innermost part of Japan's Northern Alps. (ここには、人はあまり来ません。) It is extremely rare for people to come here. (道は、高天原温泉との間にあるだけで、他の場所には行けないからだと思います。) I think this is because the road is only between hot spring named Takamagahara and you can't go anywhere else. (従って、この場所の幻想的で雄大であり、且つ可愛らしい美しさを知る人は少ないのです。) Therefore, few people know the fantastic and magnificent but cute and beautiful of this place. (高天原温泉に行くだけでも、車で入れる一番近い場所(富山県の折立か、飛越トンネル)から2日掛かります。) It takes two days from the nearest place (Toyama Prefecture's Oritate or Hietsu Tunnel) that you can drive to just go to Takamagahara Onsen. (そして、殆どの人は、この高天原温泉で満足します。) And most people are satisfied with this Takamagahara hot spring and don't go beyond that. (だから、半日ここで過ごしても、1人も来ない事もありました。) Therefore, even if I spent half a day here, there were times when no one came. (一寸した団体が来た事もありましたが…) Therefore, even if I spent half a day here, there were times when no one came. (でも、高天原温泉に行く人の数からしたら、ここまで行く人の数は極端に少ないのです。) However, considering the number of people who go to Takamagahara Onsen, the number of people who go to this point is extremely small. (ここは針葉樹の森が有り、竜晶池と呼ばれる湖と薬師岳から越中沢岳に向けて開けた草原からなっています。) Here, there is a coniferous forest and a lake called Ryusho Pond and a wildflowerland that spread towards Mt. Yakushi to Mt. Etchuzawa. (※ 竜晶池は雨が余り降らなくても水涸れしたのを見た事がないので、多分、湖です。) * Ryusho Pond is probably a lake because I have never seen it dried up even if it didn't rain much. (※ また、薬師岳や越中沢岳とこの場所との間には、「上ノ廊下」と呼ばれる、黒部の急峻な谷が存在する事を付け加えておきます。) * Between Mt. Yakushi or Mt. Etchuzawa and this place, there is a steep valley called "Upstream Corridor (God's Rokka)" of Kurobe. (ここにいると、日本ではない場所に来たような錯覚に陥ります。) Being here gives me the illusion that I am in a place other than Japan. (曇りがちで、日差しがあまり強くなければ、エアーマットを敷いて寝転がるのは最高に心地よい。) If it's cloudy and the sun isn't too strong, it's best to lie down on an air mat which is of course brought by me. (空を渡る雲を見ていると、いつの間にか半日過ぎてしまいます。) When I look at the clouds across the sky in that way, half a day passes before I know it. (後はガスストーブでお湯を沸かし、コーヒーか紅茶を飲みながら、クッキーなどを齧っていると、永久にこうして居たい様な気分になってしまいます。) After that, if I boil water in a gas stove, drink coffee or tea, and bite cookies etc., I will feel like I want to stay like this forever. (きっと、私は怠け者なのでしょう。) Maybe I'm so lazy. (私が脳梗塞で倒れてから10年程経ちます。) It's been about 10 years since I collapsed due to a stroke. (この間、北アルプスの奥所まで入った事は、1度もありません。) During this time, I have never entered the depths of the Northern Alps. (もしかしたら、もう2度と行く事は無いかもしれません。) Perhaps I'm not able to go there again. (そう思うと、切なさで、脳が機能停止してしまいそうです。) With that in mind, it seems that my brain will stop functioning due to sadness. (意識がスーッと無くなっていく感じです。) It feels like that before I know it, I'm disappearing my consciousness, gradually in short time. (脳梗塞で倒れて以降、時間もお金も体力も… 山に行くための全てを失いました。) Since I collapsed due to a cerebral infarction, I have lost my time, money, physical strength and …  all of necessities to go to the mountains. (したがって、もう1度そこに行く事は、諦めざるを得ないのかも… 諦めきれないのだけど…) Therefore, I may have to give up going there again…  even if I can't get over… (せめて曲ぐらいはと、作って自分を慰めております。) At least many people may be lenient with making such a music by me, so I composed this music to comfort myself. (ところで、この英文自体、誰にも理解できないかもしれません。なぜなら、私は英語が非常に苦手だからです。従いまして、ここまでの文章が、ネイティブスピーカーに理解で来る程度には、英語の様なものになっている事を願っています。) By the way, I am afraid that even this English sentence itself is not be able to be understood by anyone. Because I'm not very good at English.Therefore, I hope that the sentences so far are like English to the extent that they can be understood by native speakers.