

Explanation of "Like Flowing Clouds As Leave It To Wind"[雲の流れる侭に(双六巻道の風)]の説明)

2021-10-17 11:06:46 | 日記


Explanation of "Like Flowing Clouds As Leave It To Wind(The Wind Through The Sugoroku-Makimichi)"[雲の流れる侭に(双六巻道の風)]の説明) (この曲は、新穂高側から北アルプスの最奥部、黒部川源流域付近(「雲ノ平」、「高天原」、「水晶岳」等)へと入って行くための行く道である、「双六巻道」の情景をイメージして、作りました。) This song was made with the image of the scene of "Sugoroku-makimichi", which is the way to go from the Shinhotaka side to the innermost part of the Northern Alps, near the headwaters of the Kurobe River (where "Kumonotaira" , "Takamagahara" and "Mt. Suisho", etc. are there). (「巻道」とは、一定の高度を維持しながら山頂を迂回するルートの事です。英語で何と言うのが調べましたが、分かりませんでしたので、日本語の発音のまま、「makimichi」としました。) A "makimichi" is a route that bypasses the summit while maintaining a certain altitude. I consulted a dictionary or website what to phrase in English, but I couldn't find it, so I used the Japanese pronunciation "makimichi" as it is. (新穂高、或いは槍ヶ岳・穂高岳連山側から黒部源流方面へ向かうには、この双六岳から三俣蓮華岳に至る道筋を通るしかありません。) The only way to go from Shinhotaka or the Yarigatake / Hotakadake mountain range toward the Kurobe headwaters is to take the route from Mt. Sugoroku to Mt.Mitsumata-Renge. (ここには3筋の道が有ります。) There are three paths here. (一つは、双六岳山頂から丸山・三俣蓮華岳の山頂を繋いで行く道です。一つは双六岳山頂を回避し、丸山・三俣蓮華岳の山頂を通る道です。これを「中道」と言い、丸山手前で先の道に合流します。です。今一つは、双六岳・丸山・三俣蓮華岳の何れの山頂も通らず、その稜線の標高で200mぐらい下をほぼ平行移動できる道です。これが「双六巻道」です。) One is the path that connects the summits of Mt. Sugoroku to the summits of Mt. Maruyama and Mt. Mitsumata-Renge. One is a path that avoids the summit of Mt. Sugoroku and passes through the summit of Mt. Maruyama and Mt. Mitsumata-Renge. This is called the "Nakamichi(which mean "middle way")" and joins the path mentioned earlier in front of Maruyama. The last one is a path that does not pass through the summits of Mt. Sugoroku, Mt. Maru, and Mt. Mitsumata-Renge, and can move almost in parallel about 200m below the ridgeline. This is the "Sugoroku-makimichi". (私は何れの道も通った事が有りますが、一番気に入っているのは、双六巻道です。) I have taken both roads, but my favorite is the "Sugoroku-makimichi". (一番楽だと言うのもありますが、景色や趣も、こちらの方が良いと思っています。) One of the reason is that it's the easiest to walk, but for me, the best reason is that the scenery and emotional atmosphere are so good. (と言うのも、双六岳は山頂付近はほぼ平坦で、何処が山頂だか分からない、ただだだっ広いだけの特徴のない場所で、丸山・三俣蓮華岳もそこそこのアップダウンがある割には、特筆する様な特徴が無いからです。) This is because Mt. Sugoroku is almost flat near the summit, and it's just a wide area with no features. In addition, the path of the summit of Mt. Maru and Mt. Mitsumata-renge have halfway vexatious Altitude difference, but there have not good significant feature. (「中道」に至っては、とにかく中途半端で、「何でこの道を選んだのか」とがっかりした覚えが有ります。) Furthermore, in regard to "Nakamichi", I remember being disappointed with "Why did I choose this path?" (このルートの中では「双六巻道」が一番のお勧めです。) So "Sugoroku-makimichi" is the best I recommend in those route. (特に、稜線から流れ落ちて来る幾筋かの清水の流れが素晴らしい。) Especially, a few streaks of flow of some fresh clear cool water flowing down from the ridgeline is wonderful. (でも、それは本当に細い流れなんですが…) But those's a really thin stream… . (良い時期に訪れたなら、陽の光を受けて、キラキラとした輝きを放ちながら、弾ける様に目の前を走り抜けて行きます。) In the sunlight, it shines brilliantly and runs through like popping and scattering in front of you ,if you visit there at a good time. (そして、何より、このルートから双六岳や三俣蓮華岳の稜線の彼方を流れる雲を見ていると、その雲に北アルプスの最奥部に誘われているかの様な気分になるからです。) And above all, when I see the clouds flowing beyond the ridgeline of Mt. Sugoroku and Mt. Mitsumata-renge from this route, I feel as if I are invited to the innermost part of the Northern Alps. (そして、この流れ行く雲こそが、私のこの曲のイメージなのです。) This flowing cloud is my image of this music. (多くの生き物の変遷を見ながら幾億年の時を流れ行く雲こそは、何物にも囚われない、自由すら超越した存在に思えます。) The clouds that flow drifting through hundreds of millions of years while watching the transition of many creatures seem to be a transcendental existence that is not bound by anything… , in other word, as if transcend even freedom. (生まれ来ては消え去り、そしてまた生まれ、形を変えながら、悠久の時を遊ぶ、本当に純粋な魂の様です。) Born and disappearing, then born again, changing shape and spending free eternal time… ,that's like a truly pure soul. (雲に魂など無いに決まっているのに…) I'm sure you will say, ”There is no soul in the clouds… .” (でも、そんな存在としてある事が許される時は、もう長くはないかもしれません。) But the period it's permissible to be that kind of condition that clouds are being it may not be long anymore. (気象は典型的な「複雑系」です。) Meteorology is a typical "complex system". (温暖化が齎す相転移の帰結により新たに自己組織化された気象は、現象が非線形であるが故に、想像を絶するものになるでしょうから…) The extraordinary misery of the newly self-organized weather as a result of the phase transitions brought about by warming will be unimaginable by anyone due to the non-linear nature of the phenomenon… . (温暖化の影響は、人々が考える程生易しいものではないかもしれません。) The effects of global warming may not be as easy as ordinary people think. (この星に、かつて生物が居たとは信じ難い、想像を絶する状況になる様な気がします。) This planet's condition will be that it become hard to believe there had been any living things, which situation will be going to be an unimaginable. (人類… と言うより生物が生存可能な今の環境は、複雑系の自己組織化によって強固に維持されてきました。) The survivalable environment of human beings ... Rather than saying, the current environment in which living things can survive has been firmly maintained by the self-organization of complex systems. (この環境を生み出し、維持してきたのは、大気の組成と水のバランス、そして何より、多様な生物たちの営みです。) It have been created and maintained this environment that the composition and balance of atmosphere with water, and above all, the activities of various creatures. (しかし、温暖化と生物の大量死、この海水に蓄えられた膨大な量の熱の影響は、環境の状態を新しい自己組織化へとジャンプするのを防ぐために人間が出来る能力の限界を、既に遥かに逸脱していると思えてなりません。) However, I can't help to think that global warming, mass mortality of living organisms, and the effects of the enormous amount of heat stored in this seawater have already went beyond of the limit the capabilities of human's ability to prevent turning environmental conditions into new self-organization to destructive climate on creatures. (特に、生物の大量死は、短期間に元の環境に戻す事を、完全に不可能にします。) In particular, the mass death of living things makes it completely impossible to revert to the original environment within the time allowed for human survival. (なぜならば、生物こそが、今の地球環境を形成する主役だからです。) This is because living things are the main players in forming the current global environment. (特定の生物に対し、「この生物は人類に何の恩恵も齎さないから不要だ」とか、「人類に危害を加えるから不要だ」と考える人は、それらの生物も、今の地球環境の維持に強烈に関与しているのだと言う事実を理解するための知能が不足しているのでしょう) Some person who think that "this creature is unnecessary because it does not bring any benefit to human beings" or "it is unnecessary because it causes harm to human beings" can't realize that those creatures also maintain the current global environment, and maybe they lack the intelligence to understand the fact that all of creature are strongly involved in current emvironment. (信じがたい事に、このような状況下でも、温暖化など作り話だと言って憚らない人もいます。) Believe it or not, even under these circumstances, some people are confident that it is a made up story such as global warming. (多分、その人たちは、「カタストロフ」と言う数学モデルを知らない、或いは理解できないのかもしれません。) Perhaps they don't know or understand a mathematical model called "catastrophe." (相転移が始まると、最早、どの様な力でも、それを止める事は出来ません。) Once the phase transition begins, it can no longer be stopped no matter what force you use. (人類は為す術もなく滅び去るしかない。) Mankind has no choice but to perish, because any way have no means to avoid it. (なぜなら、後戻りできない相転移の開始は、今より遥か以前に発生してしまっていると思われるからです。) Because the onset of the irreversible phase transition seems to have occurred long before now. (私は、その後戻りできない相転移は、21世紀の初期の段階で既に始まってしまったと思っています。) I believe that the irreversible phase transition has already begun in the early part of the 21st century. (そして、年毎に、その結果が顕著になってきているだけだと。) And every year, just simply the results are getting more noticeable, merely. (どうやって、海水に蓄えられてしまった膨大な熱エネルギーを取り除くのですか?) How shall we get rid of the enormous amount of heat energy stored in seawater? (これは大気温の上昇も加わって極地の氷を溶かし、深層海洋大循環(熱塩循環)を消滅させるかもしれません。) This, along with melting polar ice due to rising atmospheric temperatures, may extinguish the deep ocean general circulation (thermohaline circulation). (そうなると、海水は深層部から酸欠になり、海洋生物の大量死が発生するでしょう) When that happens, seawater will be lost oxygen from the depths, causing mass mortality of marine life. (それによって、腐敗ガスはその毒性と酸欠によって更なる海洋生物の大量死の連鎖を引き起こし、海は疎か、陸上にも有毒ガスが溢れ出し、生物の死滅の連鎖は、いつ果てるともなく続くでしょう。) Thereby, putrefactive gas causes a further chain of mass deaths of marine organisms due to its toxicity and oxygen deficiency, which overflows not only in the sea but also on land, and the chain of death of organisms will continue endlessly. (また、海中の植物性プランクトンや赤道付近の熱帯雨林を崩壊させて、どうやって、温暖化を齎す現状の空気中の二酸化炭素やメタンガスなどを回収するのですか?) Also, in spite of collapsing living environment of rainforests near the equator and phytoplankton in the sea, how do we recover carbon dioxide, methane gas, etc. in the current air that causes global warming? (今すぐ、二酸化炭素の放出やメタンガス他の有機系ガスの放出を瞬時に完全に止めれば、環境の相転移は止まると本気で信じますか?) Do you really believe that if every person stop the emission of carbon dioxide and methane gas and other organic gases instantly and complete, the phase transition of the environment will stop? (でも、それすら出来ませんよね?) But you can't even do that, right? (今後も何年にも渡って、大量に有害なガスを大気に放出し続けざるを得ないのは、間違いありません。) There is no doubt that we will have to continue to release large amounts of harmful gases into the atmosphere for many years to come. (更には、どうやって、死滅した生物が担っていた環境への寄与を補完するのですか?) What's more, how do you complement the environmental contributions of dead organisms? (どうやって、シベリヤの永久凍土の融解によるメタンガスの放出を止めるのですか?) How do you stop the release of methane gas from the melting of Siberian permafrost? (どうやって、失われた熱帯雨林の生態系の環境寄与を補完するのですか?) How do you complement the environmental contributions of the lost rainforest ecosystem? (この環境の相転移の進捗が、農業に本格的に影響し始めた時、あなたは、何が世界に生じるか、想像できますか?) Can you imagine what will happen to the world when the progress of this environmental phase transition begins to have a full-scale impact on agriculture? (地球の環境が、養う事が出来る人口が、もし今の100分の1以下になるとしたら?) What if the global environment become in the state that it could only support a population of less than one-hundredth of what it is current? (「国」と言う制度が存在する限り、最後にはエゴが世界を支配します。) As long as there is a system called "country," the ego will eventually rule the world. (そのエゴの象徴こそ、核兵器です。) The symbol of that ego is a nuclear weapon. (最後には、使う事になるでしょう。) In the end, we will use it. (なぜなら、その時は、核兵器を使って滅びるか、使わないで滅びるかの2択になるからです。) Because, at that time, there are two choices: to destroy with nuclear weapons or to destroy without using nuclear weapons. (独裁者のいる核兵器保有国は、終末が確実に思えた時、自分だけが生き延びるために、必ず使うでしょう。) A nuclear-weapon state with a dictator will use it to seek surviving when the end seems certain. (そして、次の瞬間、全ての核保有国が核兵器を使う事になります。) And the next moment, all nuclear-weapon states will use nuclear weapons. (どの様な核保有国も、自らの核兵器を使う事無く、他国の核兵器で滅ぼされる選択はしないでしょうから。) No nuclear-weapon state would choose to be destroyed by another country's nuclear weapons without using its own, maybe. (これこそが、生物の生存可能な星としての地球への、止めを刺す事になるでしょう。) This will put a stop to the Earth as a viable star for living things. (何れにせよ、人類の生存可能な地球環境の破壊への道筋は、既に完成していると、私は思っています。) In any case, I think that the path to the destruction of humanity's viable global environment has already been completed. (勿論、これが杞憂であれば、それが一番良いのです。) Of course, if this is unrealized worry, it's best. (複雑系の物理現象は、兎角そうですが、既に変更は完了していても、それが現象として現れてくるまでには、結構時間が掛かるものです。) Physical phenomena in complex systems are common, but even if the changes have already been completed, it will take not a little time before they appear as phenomena. (そして、皆が、「このままでは駄目だ!」と思った時には、その駄目な状況は、実は20年から30年前には既に完了していて、今更何をしても無駄なのに、人々は、そこから必死に対策を立てようとするのです。) And 20 to 30 years ago, the bad situation was achieved to determinate, and from when everyone thought, "It's no good as it is!", even though they are already useless no matter what they do, but people desperately try to take measures. (ただし、この地球上から国が消滅し、人々が大きなエゴに捕らわれることなく、強調して環境変化に対応すれば、新しい環境に、何らかの希望を見出せる、良いコントロールを加えられるかもしれませんが…) However, if the system called country disappears from this earth and people respond to environmental changes by emphasizing without being caught by the tremendous ego, it may be possible to add some hope to the new environment and give it good control… . (国と言う制度を維持したまま、どう考えても手遅れとしか思えない現状への対応は、私からすれば、もはや「喜劇」の世界です。) For me, responding to the current situation, which seems to be too late by any means while maintaining the system of the country, is nothing more than the world of "comedy". (絶望的ではありますが… 、最早「喜劇」だけに、十分笑えます… ) Despaired situation, but… I can laugh enough, because it's already just a "comedy"… (話が大幅に逸れてしまいました。) As the story has lost its direction, so let's get it back. (要は、生物の生存が不可能な状況に自己組織化され安定した環境下でも、何物にも囚われない様な自由な雲の存在は許されるのかなあと、思ったりします。) In short, I wonder if the existence of free clouds that are not constrained by anything is allowed even in a stable environment that is self-organized in a situation where living things cannot survive. (どの様な環境に成ろうとも、雲の自由で気儘で気楽なキャラクターが維持されるなら、なんだか救われる気がしますよね。) No matter what kind of environment the earth changes, if the free, uninhibited and easy-going character of the clouds will be maintained, I feel like that it will be relieved from any hopelessness. (この曲は、前回アップロードした「雪渓の長次郎出合」と共に作っていた曲です。) This music composed the same time as the previously uploaded "[Chojiro Confluence] covered in a snowy valley". (「雪渓の長次郎出合」の方が先に完成した(と言えるのか?)ので、先にアップロードしました。) "[Chojiro Confluence] covered in a snowy valley" was completed earlier (will I say really that it was completed as a work?), So I uploaded it first. (他に、もう1曲一緒に作っており、出来れば来週中にアップロード出来ればと思っています。) Besides, I'm composing one more music together, so I wish that I could upload it within the next week. (この「雲の流れる侭に」も、先週末に登録しようとしていました。) I was also trying to upload this "Like Flowing Clouds As Leave It To Winds" last weekend. (ところが、「domino」のmidiデータを「studio one 4」でmp3に変換すると、イメージが全然違った曲になってしました。) However, when I converted the midi data of "domino" to mp3 with "studio one 4", the image of music became a completely different feeling . (感じが良くなるのであればいいのですが、余りにも薄っぺらい感じになってしまいました。) In the case of that the music sence was improved to good feeling, it was no problem, but actually, the atmosphere of music became frivolous. (理由は、「domino」にある楽器の設定が「studio one 4」に無いものが結構あるからです。) The reason is that there are quite a few instrument settings in "domino" that are not in "studio one 4". (結果として、変な楽器に変更されるので、変な感じになってしまうのです。) As a result, it changes to a weird instrument, which makes it feel weird. (元のmidiデータのイメージに近い状態に楽器設定し、曲のアレンジを変更するのに1週間かかりました。) It took me a week to set the instrument to a state close to the image of the original midi data and change the arrangement of the music. (特に困ったのは、曲のアレンジが「domino」の「midi」データで演奏すると変なのに、「studio one 4」でmp3に変換して聞くと、元の「domino」の「midi」のイメージに近くなっていくと言う状況です) What was particularly troublesome was that the arrangement of the song was strange when played with the "midi" data of "domino", but when I converted it to mp3 with "studio one 4" and listened to it, the music vibes was getting closer to the feeling of the original "midi" of "domino" . (「domino」だと「変だなあ」と感じるのですが、「studio one 4」でmp3に変更すれば、良く聞こえる筈だと言うアレンジをするのは、本当に気色悪い感じでした。) The arrange using "dimino" was weird to play by "domino", but it should sound good if I changed it to mp3 in "studio one 4", so it was too creepy that. (何と言うか、手がぎりぎり届かない背中の痒い場所を、物凄く分厚い革ジャンの上からその近辺を必死で搔いている感じです。) How should I say … , I feel like I'm desperately scratching the itchy area on my back, which I can't reach, from the top of a very thick leather jacket. (痒みがどうしても収まらないんですけどー みたいな) It seems that I can't get rid of itching… , like so that. (でも、心行くまで直しきる事は出来ませんでした。) But I couldn't fix it to my heart's content. (尤も、この英文自体、誰にも理解できないかもしれません。なぜなら、私は英語が非常に苦手だからです。従いまして、ここまでの文章が、ネイティブスピーカーに理解で来る程度には、英語の様なものになっている事を願っています。)  However, I am afraid that even this English sentence itself is not be able to be understood by anyone. Because I'm not very good at English.Therefore, I hope that the sentences so far are like English to the extent that they can be understood by native speakers.

Explanation of "14.[Chojiro Confluence] covered in a snowy valley"((雪渓の長次郎出合)の説明)

2021-10-17 10:32:12 | 日記


Explanation of "14.[Chojiro Confluence] covered in a snowy valley"((雪渓の長次郎出合)の説明) (この曲は、北アルプスにある、日本最大の大雪渓「剣沢大雪渓」の「長次郎谷」との「出合」の情景をイメージして、作りました。) This song was created with the image of the "confluence" between Japan's largest heavy snowy valley "Tsurugizawa Great Snowy Valley" and "Chojiro Valley", these are in the Japanese Northern Alps. (温暖化の影響で、剣沢大雪渓は、日本の夏季休暇の時期である8月の中頃には、私が登山を始めた1990年頃に比べると、半分ぐらいの規模になってしまいましたが、その「半分ぐらい」の位置には「真砂沢出合」と言う場所が有り、その少し上流部に、「長次郎出合」が有ります。) Due to the effects of global warming, Tsurugizawa Great snowy Valley was about half the size in mid-August, which is the time of summer vacation in Japan, compare with 1990s when I started climbing in Northern Alps and there is a place called "Masagozawa Confluence" at the half position of 1990's Tsurugizawa Great snowy Valley, and "Chojiro Confluence" is a little upstream of that. (剣沢の周りの谷は、真夏でも巨大な雪渓が有り、長次郎谷も、その一つです。) The valley around Tsurugizawa has a huge snowy valley even in the middle of summer, and Chojiro Valley is one of them. (ここは標高が2000mにも届かない場所ですが、周りの谷は雪渓だらけで、そこで冷やされた空気がここに集まるので、東京が35℃を越える様な日でも、日陰なら20℃に届かない、大変心地よい場所です。) This is a place where the altitude does not reach 6560ft., but the surrounding valleys are full of snowy valleys, and the chilled air gathers here, so even on days when Tokyo exceeds 95 °F, it will not reach 68 °F in the shade, so it's a very comfortable place. (先ほど述べた真砂沢には山小屋が有りますが、東京が熱帯夜でクーラー無しでは一睡も出来ない熱帯夜でも、この小屋では、分厚いスウェットスートを着て毛布を2枚羽織って、その上から分厚い冬用の掛布団を掛けて尚、寒くてなかなか眠れないと言う場所なのです。(東京の中心?の大手町が北緯35度41分なのに対し、真砂沢ロッジは北緯36度36分なので、緯度的にはあまり変わりません。富士山の山頂に匹敵するのではないかと思う程、涼しい場所で、標高も低いため、物凄く快適な場所なのです。)) There is a mountain hut in Masagosawa mentioned earlier, but even in a tropical night in Tokyo that you can't sleep without a cooler, in this hut, beause of chilly, maybe you are difficult to fall in sleep easily even if you wear a thick sweatshirt and two blankets, and a thick winter blanket from above. (Otemachi in the center of Tokyo is 35 degrees 41 minutes north latitude, while Masagosawa hut is 36 degrees 36 minutes north latitude, so the latitude does not change much. It is cool enough to think that it is comparable to the summit of Mt. Fuji. In summer, that place are so cool and low altitude, so it's a very comfortable place.) (ここで用語の説明をします。「出合」と言う言葉です。これは「沢」と「沢」、或いは「谷」と「谷」が合流する場所の事です。) I will explain the terms here. It is the word "Deai(出合)". This is the place where "mountain stream" and "mountain stream" or "valley" and "valley" meet. (私の無能力に限りに無く近い英語力では、「出合」を英語で何と言うか、いくら調べても、さっぱり分かりません。) With my English ability as close as possible of incompetence, no matter how much I research what I mean by "Deai(出合)" in English, I have no idea. (仕方ないので、「出合」を「confluence」と訳しました。) I couldn't help it, so I translated "Deai(出合)" as "confluence". (私の英語力では、ネイティブスピーカーには私が言いたい事がさっぱり伝わらない可能性が高いのです。よって「出合」に関しては、意味不明過ぎて、怒りを通り越して、私の文の解読自体を諦める方もおられるのではと思います。万難を排しまして、読み続ける忍耐を発揮して頂ければ幸いです。)  With my English proficiency, it is likely that native speakers will not be able to convey what I mean at all. Therefore, with regard to "Deai(出合)", I think that some people may give up on deciphering my sentence because it is too unclear and goes beyond anger. We hope that you will eliminate all difficulties and demonstrate your patience to continue reading. (「長次郎出合」の話を続けます。) I will continue the story of "Chojiro Confluence". (私が初めて行った頃の剣沢大雪渓は、その下部から上部までを登ると、大体5~6時間掛かりました。) When I first went to Tsurugizawa Great Snowy Valley, it took about 5 to 6 hours to walk from the bottom to the top of the snowy valley. (「長次郎出合」は、上部も下部も果てが見えない剣沢大雪渓の中程に、長大な長次郎谷の大雪渓が合流する場所です。) "Chojiro Confluence" is a place where the long snow valley of Chojiro Snowy Valley joins in the middle of the Tsurugizawa Great Snowy Valley where neither the upper part nor the lower part can be seen. (果てしなく続く真っ白い大雪渓の周りを、緑に輝く美しい森が覆い、更に山の上の方は、大岩峰群が広がっている、美しい場所です。) The endless white snowy valley is surrounded by a beautiful forest that shines in green, and the upper state of the mountain is a beautiful place with large rocky peaks. (その峩々たる岩峰群は、岩登りをする人々のパラダイスの一つとなっています。) Those towering large rocky peaks are one of the paradises for rock climbers. (「長次郎出合」を吹き渡る風は涼やかで、満ち溢れる光の中で、時を忘れて立ち尽くしてしまう、爽快な場所なのです。真夏の日本にあっては、この場所自体が奇跡と言えるでしょう)) The wind that blows through "Chojiro Confluence" is a exhilarating place where you can forget the time and can't leave for a long time due to coolness that is full of brilliance. In midsummer Japan, this place itself is a miracle. (この曲は、そこの、何処までも透き通った、緑の光に満ち溢れた爽快さを表したつもりです。) What I wanted to express in this music was exhilarating of that place with full of green shine which is transparent everywhere. (曲作りが遅くて済みません。私のうつ状態の所為もあります.加えて母が癌に罹り、化学療法での入退院を繰り返し始めました。これも、曲作りが進まない一因です。) Sorry for too slowly music composing. It's also because of my depression. In addition, my mother got cancer and started to be hospitalized and discharged repeatedly with chemotherapy. This is also one of the reasons why composing music is not progressing. (精神が軟弱なやつだと笑って下さい。) Maybe you will mock me because of my weak spirit. (この曲も、イメージとは異なるので多々あります。でも、それを直していると、いつアップロード出来るか分かりません。従って、この辺りで諦めてアップロードする事にしました。) This song also still has a lot of different places than what I want to express. But if I fix it, I don't know when I can upload it. Therefore, I gave up now and decided to upload it. (尤も、この英文自体、誰にも理解できないかもしれません。なぜなら、私は英語が非常に苦手だからです。従いまして、ここまでの文章が、ネイティブスピーカーに理解で来る程度には、英語の様なものになっている事を願っています。)  However, I am afraid that even this English sentence itself is not be able to be understood by anyone. Because I'm not very good at English.Therefore, I hope that the sentences so far are like English to the extent that they can be understood by native speakers.

Explanation of "Iwagokekodani Dawn"(「岩苔小谷の朝」の説明)

2021-07-25 09:53:27 | 資料

Explanation of "Iwagokekodani Dawn"(「岩苔小谷の朝」の説明)

This song was created with the image of the morning scene of the "Iwagokekodani Route", which is the main road leading to Takamagahara, the innermost part of Japan's Northern Alps.

I have been away from the mountains since I collapsed due to a stroke about 10 years ago, but before that, I used to go trekking more than 3 times a year for 3 to 10 days, if it's the most in the year. All the places I went to are in Japan. The mountain massifs I visited are the Northern Alps, Southern Alps, and Yatsugatake Mountains. Among such mountains, one of my favorite places is "Takamagahara" in the innermost part of the Northern Alps.

"Takamagahara" is now said to exist in the Takachiho-no-Mine in Miyazaki Prefecture, but once, it was said that the four great hunter who were called "Kurobe Bandits" spoke that the innermost part of this Northern Alps was the original "Takamagahara".They said that the gods moved "Takamagahara" to "Takachiho-no-Mine" in Miyazaki prefecture, because of thinking that this innermost part of this Northern Alps was not an easy place for people to come and people wouldn't make it a place of worship.

(ここには温泉が有ります。幻想的な秘境の「夢の平」もあります。大蛇伝説の残る「水晶池」もあります。水晶岳の山麓で、黒部の谷の脇に広がる、周囲を標高が2700~2900mの山々に囲まれた、湿原と森が広がる、標高が2000mのこじんまりとした平原です。ここに至るには、車が入れる場所から先、普通の山屋(ordinary mountain trekker)なら二日、山登りをしない、且つアスリートでない人なら3日は掛かるでしょう。トレイルランをやっている人(trail runner)なら、1日あれば十分かもしれません。)
There is a hot spring here.There is also a fantastic place called "Yume-no-Taira". (Yume-no-Taira's meaning: a field like being in a dream). There is also a "Suisho-Ike" lake where the legend of the Great Snake remains. (Suisho-Ike's meaning: crystal pond. It seems that this is made of spring water from Mt. Suisho, so I chose it as a lake.) This is the foot of Mt. Suisho, a small plain with an altitude of 2000m, surrounded by mountains with an altitude of 2700-2900 m, and a marshland and forest. Beyond where the car can enter, it will take two days for an ordinary mountain trekker and three days for non-athletes who do not climb the mountain. If you're a trail runner, a day may be enough.

(この高天原に至る主要なルートが、「岩苔小谷ルート」です。他には同じく北アルプス最奥部の秘境「雲の平」の「歌の原」から「奥スイス庭園」を経て、一気に高天原峠に下り、そこから高天原に至るルート、薬師沢から巻道を通って高天原峠から至るルート、「温泉の頭」温泉沢を下るルートが有ります。(他に、奥黒部ヒュッテから「上ノ廊下」を経て、温泉沢を遡行するルートもありますが、これをやるのは沢屋(ravine trekker)さんぐらいでしょう。遠山富士弥さんが開いた、この上ノ廊下ルートは、既に完全な廃道です。))
The main route to "Takamagahara" is the "Iwagokekotani Route". In addition, there is a rout from "Uta-no-Hara" in the mysterious region "Kumo-no-Taira" in the innermost part of the Northern Alps, go down to Takamagahara Pass at a stretch. And other route which take the route from Yakushizawa to Takamagahara via the short cutting road are exist. And others, there is a route from Onsennoatama and a route down the Onsenzawa.(There is also a route that goes back to Onsenzawa from Okukurobe Hutte via the "Kami-no-Rouka", but only ravine trekker will do this. This "Kami-no-Rouka Route" opened by Fujiya Toyama - he was one of the "Kurobe Bandits" - is already a completely abandoned road.)

Because of having beautiful view, I used the route to "Takamagahara" via "Kumo-no-Taira" the most to go to "Takamagahara". The sight of "Kumo-no-Taira" is so wonderful. The route down "Onsenzawa" gets very tired to reach "Onsenzawa". I've taken this route before, but when I went down to "Onsenzawa", the soles of my feet were full of corn.The short cutting road from Yakushizawa seems to be the easiest but they said it's quite hard. I have never been there because it is famous for its bad scenery.This course is also famous for the frequent accident of old people.

The route I used most often to go to "Takamagahara" was from "Kumo-no-Taira" to "Takamagahara Pass", but when I moved from Takamagahara to another place, I always used this "Iwagokekodani" route. This is because the destination of this "Iwagokekodani Route", "Iwagoke-Nokkoshi", is a center of traffic. One of the destinations is Takamagahara where was the starting point. One is "Kumo-no-Taira" via Mt. Jie. One is the headwaters of the Kurobe Canyon. One is a route that reach to the Ushiro-Tateyama mountain range, where Mt. Kashimayari and Mt. Shirouma are located. The last one is the route to the summit of Mt. Suisho. and to Mt. Akaushi via "Onsenzawa-no-Atama". So, as a result, most people will go through this "Iwagokekodani route".

I'm not sure about the situation in the mountains of other countries, but in the mountains of Japan, people start their morning activities early. Everyone starts moving while it's still dark. The reason is that in summer, at Japanese mountain, there is a high possibility that it will be a convectional rain after 14:00. When that happens, we'll have to walk through the lightning strikes. In the summer mountains of Japan, it is the correct way to reach the next accommodation before that happens.

I will talk about the image of this music. I made it with the image of the following scene. Early in the morning, we will walk from the wetlands in front of the Takamagahara hut to the still dark road leading into the woods along the "Iwagokekodani" ravine. Imaging the beautiful scenery of the mountains to our destination today, and while being excited, we start to step on the road wet with the morning dew. The road is moderately steep, and sweat glands all over the body open before long and sweat gushes, but the cold air in the morning cools it comfortably. Eventually, we will reach the fallen tree belt, but soon after that, the forest will begin again. When our body may became a little bit tired, we reach "Nemuri-no-Taira" where there is a "Suisho-Ike" lake with the legend of the Great Snake.

Legend has it that this "Suisho-Ike" lake is covered in fog all year round. (In fact, that's not the case.) A story remain that, once upon a time, on the shores of this lake, when a hunter leaned back against a huge windthrow to rest, the windthrow suddenly started to move, so he looked closely and was astonished because it was not a fallen tree but the big body of a huge snake! Here is a little off the "Iwagokekodani Route", but it's a good place for a short break.

Leaving the "Suisho-Ike" lake and walking through the forest again, in a while, we will hear the sound of the fierce water flowing through the "Iwagokekodani" ravine.We can't see the "Iwagokekodani" ravine at all so far, but we can feel that there is a considerable throuhing of water in the mountain stream.

By the time we reach the place where the forest breaks off, strong sunlight begins to shine our surroundings. On the route of Iwagokekodani around here, there are places where the water that springs from the hillside of Mt. Suisho violently crosses the road. If we are not careful, the inside of the trekking boots may be flooded. We reach this point, we can see the flower fields spreading out at the foot of Mt. Suisho. Depending on the year, we can see large communities of aconite. The appearance of the beautiful purple carpet spreading is astounding. (Aconitum is a beautiful flower, but it is extremely poisonous. This poisoned arrow, which can defeat giant bears, was a must-have item for hunters before the advent of guns.)

Eventually, the Iwagokekodani ravine can be seen, but by that time, the stream has a gentle flow. Then, when the Iwagoke-Nokkoshi is approaching, you will arrive at the crossing point of the Iwagokekodani ravine. It's no longer a ravine, it's just a stream. Here, everyone is soaked in the vivid and vibrant water of the stream, rinse off the sweat and fatigue. The morning sunshine will make the water splashes be brilliant. The beauty of the water splashes will be very impressive.

Then, everyone reaches the Iwagoke-Nokkoshi, and from there, they depart for their destination separately. Brightening their eyes with new hope, everyone leave smiles and cheers here, and they start to walk toward the next sky.

(「An_Image_of_Inner_Sight」の投稿後、この投稿迄に暫く時間が空いてしまいました。Soundcloud様からは、「We have missed you!」と言うメールを頂きました。決して投稿する気がなくなった訳ではありません。今回の曲も、5月の終りには、メインフレーズは出来上がっていました。ただし、6月に入り、体調を酷く崩してしまいました。)
I received an e-mail from Soundcloud, saying "We have missed you!". After uploading "An Image of Inner Sight", it took a while before this upload. It doesn't mean that I'm reluctant to uploading new music composed by me on soundcloud. In this music's case, the main phrase has completed by the end of May. However, from around the end of this may, I was feeling under the weather.

(眩暈が酷く、血便が続き、不眠にも悩まされていました。しかも、仕事が忙しく… 、でもその割に、職場でも半日頭を抱えて身動きできなかったりしてました。私の体が、職場に就くと体調が回復すると言う便利アイテムだったらよかったんだけど…。結果、職場でもかなり顰蹙を買ってしまいました。)
I was dizzy, had bloody stools Intermittently, and suffered from insomnia. Moreover, I was busy with work …, but for my poor physical condition, I often couldn't move with holding my head for a half-day at work. I wish it was a convenient item that my body would recover when I got to work …. As a result, co-workers frowned at me. It's too … too pathetic.

From the end of June, I had various examinations at the hospital. As a result, No tumor was found in the esophagus, stomach and the intestine. I still don't know what is causing bad condition. I'm still in bad shape, if not as much as I used to be.

(これで癌だったら、どうしよう? 多分、私をこの様にした「何か」を呪わずにはいられないでしょう! 「何」を呪うのでしょう… 。「神」? 「神」を呪うのは、可成り恐ろしいかも… 「何か」をハッキリさせようとするから良くない。私は「神」を呪ったりしません。私が呪うのは、私をこの様にした「何か」です。「神」は慈悲深いのです。このような酷い事をするのは「神」であろう筈がない。そう、「お前」は「神」じゃない! 呪ってやる!(※ 「お前」は、これを読んでいるあなたの事ではありません。私をこの様にした「何か」です。))
If my poor health is due to cancer, what shall I do? Maybe I can't help but curse the "something" that brought about this situation! Then, what on earth do I curse… ? At god? It's too scary to curse "God" …. It's not good because it tries to clarify "something". I never curse "God". What I curse is "something" that made me that condition. "God" is merciful. It can not be "God" who does such a terrible thing. Yes, "you" is not "God"! (syllogism!) I'll curse you! ("You" is not about you reading this. "You" is "something" that made me that condition.)

In this condition, I don't know when the next uploading will be, but I have a plan, so I will upload it someday, but on condition that I was alive until that day ….

I am too bad at English. I wish my sentence had meaning something in English. This English writing also took 3 days full. However, from the perspective of native speakers, the possibility that my sentence are not even in baby talk level for them cannot be ruled out. Perhaps native speakers may think, "Isn't it a new language that uses English words?". But I intend that I wrote these sentence in English seriously. If possible, I would appreciate it if you could decipher it.

天つ時舟(The Time Ship in Space)の説明文

2021-03-28 22:36:22 | 資料

Explanation of "天つ時舟(The Time Ship in Space)"(「天つ時舟(The Time Ship in Space)」の説明)

I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

This song was the catalyst for thinking of wanting to upload my songs to SoundCloud of this time, and I made it this year (March 2021). This song was composed using "domino" and converted into wav data using "foobar2000".(この曲は、今回のSoundCloudへの投稿の切っ掛けとなったもので、今年(2021年3月)に作りました。この曲は「domino」を用いて作曲したものを、「foobar2000」を用いてwavデータにしたものです。)

 I composed the base of this song when I was uploading the song I made in high school to piapro last year (2020). At this time, only the parts of main melody which are 8 bars was completed. This song had also been left untouched since I stopped unloading my songs on piapro last May due to the poor evaluation on there. In the middle of February of this year (2021), this phrase really became to make me want to complete as song, so I completed it in March. (この曲のベースは、去年(2020年)のpiaproに高校時代に作った曲を投稿している時に作りました。この時に完成したのは、8小節の主旋律のみです。piaproでのあまりの受けの悪さに、去年の5月にpiaproへの曲の登録を中断して以来、この曲も塩漬けになっていました。)今年(2021年)の2月の中頃、この曲をどうしても完成させたくなり、3月に完成させました。)

 By the time I started making it in February, the song was planned to be fantastic and mysterious. At initial, a title of this song was "「空の舟」[UTSUNOFUNE] A Drifting Ship in the Sky". The image story of this song was that "people who were persecuted on the ground boarded a ship that wandered in the sky forever, wandered in the sky for generations, and eventually became a legend." (作り始めた2月の段階では、この曲は、幻想的なものになる予定でした。当初の曲のタイトルは「空の舟[うつのふね](A Drifting Ship in the Sky)」でした。曲のイメージストーリーは、「地上で迫害を受けた人々が、永遠に空を彷徨う船に乗り込んで、何世代もに渡って空を彷徨い、終には伝説となる」と言うものでした。)

 It was extremely hard to come up with a good melody that followed the main melody. At one time, it became like a "Japanese New Music" of the 1970s. At other times, it became like the theme song of a hero squadron for children. I thought this was a really worst. I got to this melody while I was writing a song in despair and writhing. (主旋律に続く良いメロディーが中々浮かびませんでした。ある時は、1970年代の日本のフォークソングの様になってしまいました。ある時は、子供向けのヒーロー戦隊物の主題歌の様になってしまいました。これは、全然だめだと思いました。絶望し、身悶えしながら曲を作っている内に、今回のメロディーに辿り着きました。)

 I thought this would work. I made it with extreme concentration. Before I knew it, that image story of this song had disappeared from my head. I managed to make this song. (これなら行けると思いました。一心不乱に作りました。いつの間にか、曲のイメージストーリーは、頭の中から消えていました。何とか曲を作り上げました。)

 I was shocked to hear the song I made from the beginning to the end. There were no mysterious elements and no fantastic. This is wrong… . This is not what I want to make it. It's like a soundtrack of some science fiction movie! I felt like crying.  (作った曲を最初から最後まで通しで聞いて、愕然としました。幻想的な要素が全くない。これは違う。これは私の求めていたものではない。これではまるで、何かのSF映画のサントラ盤ではないか! 泣きたい気分でした。)

 But as I listened to it over and over again, I began to wonder, "What?, this is all right?". However, the gap between the song title and image story and the finished song is so great that I thought it would be useless as it is. Therefore, I decided to renew the song title and image story. And the new song name I altered is "「天つ時舟」[AMATSUTOKIFUNE] The Time Ship in Space". (でも、幾度となく聞き直している内に、「あれっ?、良いんじゃない?」と思う様になりました。しかし、曲名やイメージストーリーと、出来上がった曲との乖離が甚だしく、このままではだめだと思いました。そこで、曲名とイメージストーリーを一新する事にしました。そして、付けた新曲名が、「天つ時舟[あまつときふね](The Time Ship in Space)」です。)

 I will tell you about the new image story of this song. This is a ship that goes back and forth between the beginning and end of the universe. This ship is equipped with an engine called "dequantization engine". This is a different way of moving in space-time than the concept of propulsion. (この曲の新しいイメージストーリーについて、述べます。これは、宇宙の始まりと終わりを往還する舟です。この舟は「脱量子化エンジン」という機関を積んでいます。これは推進力と言う概念とは異なる方法で、時空を移動する手段となります。)

 It cuts out a specific space, interferes in Planck time and Planck distance, and by that controls the quantum constant of the cut out space to set it to "1". By doing so, they will make their existence establishment "1" in the entire universe as space-time. And by materializing it with specific space-time coordinates, it teleports to any place at any time in the universe. (特定の空間を切り取り、プランク時間とプランク距離に干渉し、その切り取った空間の量子常数をコントロールしてこれを「1」にします。それによって、時空としての宇宙全体での、自分達の存在確立を「1」にします。そして、特定の時空座標で実体化する事で、宇宙のどの時間のどの場所へも瞬時に移動すると言うものです。)

 What do you think of the ground state of this universe, the vacuum state? I think the universe itself was caused by a decrease in entropy. So I think it should have been created by the self-organization of complex systems. (皆さんは、この宇宙の基底状態、つまり真空をどの様なものだと思いますか。自分は、この宇宙自体がエントロピーの減少によって生じたと思います。と言う事は、複雑系の自己組織化そのものではないかと思うのです。)

 I think that a quantum constant is a numerical value that indicates the certainty of "existence" due to self-organization. That is to say, I think that there is a factor of the vacuum state created by self-organization in a time shorter than Planck time and a distance shorter than Planck distance. It is assumed that if a specific space is displaced by an amount shorter than Planck time and Planck distance, it can jump into this original state. (量子常数とは、自己組織化による"存在"の確からしさを示す数値ではないかと考えます。と言う事は、プランク時間より短い時間、プランク距離より短い距離には、その自己組織化して出来た真空の元になる存在があるのではないかと思うのです。特定の空間を、プランク時間、プランク距離より短い量だけ変位させると、この大元の状態にと飛び込めると想定します。)

 Let's shall we call this original state the "Planck Sea" hypothetically. This is, of course, quoted from "Dirac Sea". Then, it is assumed that the vector amount when jumping into the "Planck Sea" determines which space-time coordinates to move to. This ship and the surrounding space, which jumped into the "Planck Sea", form an inverted image in anti-verse, and form a real image again on the preset space-time coordinates. It is a setting that, at this moment, the movement is completed by automatically interrupting interference with "Planck Sea". (この大元の状態を、「プランクの海」と呼ぶ事にしましょう。当然、「ディラックの海」のパクリです。そして、このプランクの海に飛び込む時のベクトル量で、どの時空座標に移動するかが決まるという想定です。「プランクの海」へと飛び込んだ、この舟と周囲の空間は、反宇宙(anti-verse)で反転像を結び、予め設定した時空座標上で、再び実像を結びます。この時、自動でプランクの海への干渉を中断する事で、移動が完了するという設定です。)

 Next, I will explain the main body of the story. At one point, space-time distortion is discovered near the solar system. One day, stars from another galaxy begin to emerge and collide with our galaxy. Collisions between galaxies are common event in space. However, the distortion of space causes another galaxy to appear and collide, which never actually happens. Oh, there shouldn't be anyone who thinks about that because it's too absurd, should there? Well, would you pardon me please. And please excuse me for continuing the absurd story. (次に、ストーリーの本体について述べます。ある時、太陽系の近くで時空歪みが発見されます。やがて、そこから別の銀河の星々が現れ、我々の銀河との衝突が始まります。銀河同士の衝突は、宇宙ではよくある事です。でも、空間の歪みから別の銀河が現れて衝突する事など、実際には決して起こりません。ああ、荒唐無稽過ぎて、そんな事を考える奴は何処にもいませんか。まあ、お許しください。荒唐無稽なストーリーを続けます。)

 After that, it turns out that one of the emerging stellar planets will collide with Earth 10 years later. The only way to avoid this is to eliminate the distortion of this space. To that end, they go to the beginning of the universe and give some influence in there. They want to take advantage of the butterfly effect to magnify its effect and eliminate space-time distortion. (それで、出現した恒星の惑星の一つが、10年後に地球に衝突する事が判明します。これを避けるためには、この空間の歪みを無かった事にするしかありません。そのためには、宇宙の始まりの時まで遡行して、そこに何らかの影響を与えます。バタフライ効果を利用して、その影響の拡大させて、時空歪みを解消すると言うものです。)

 They go to the space where the Lumeter's primordial atoms swirl, that place are the state which before the quasars are formed. They affect that location. The impact itself will be negligible. However, the effects of subsequent interactions will expand in a chain reaction, and the effects of impact will increase. The idea is that the spatial distortion is eliminated by doing so. (クエーサーが出来る前の、ルメートルの原始原子が渦巻く空間に行きます。そこに影響を与えます。影響自体は極僅かなものでしょう。でも、その後に生じるの相互作用の影響が連鎖的に拡大し、インパクトの効果は大きくなっていきます。それにより、空間歪みを無かった事にすると言う案です。)

 However, no matter how much the effect is magnified, it is completely within the margin of error for the entire universe. As it equal that it had no effect on the universe, there is nothing wrong with the universe itself at all. As a means to that end, a "Dequantization Engine" will be developed and use it a "Time Ship" will be created ,and it is used to move in time. (ただし、その影響がいくら拡大しても、宇宙全体からすれば、それは完全に誤差の範囲です。宇宙への影響は何もなかったのと同じなので、宇宙自体には何の問題もありません。そのための手段として、脱量子化エンジンが開発され、時を移動するための「時舟」が作られます。)

 At last, when it comes to executing the plan, aliens will interfere against them. The alien is a resident of the planet which destined to collide with Earth. In their religion, all destiny must not be changed by intellect, and all must be accepted. Perhaps the aliens have had the experience of being endangered by their intelligence as a result of their high intelligence and attempts to change their destiny. Therefore, they decide not to change their destiny absolutely. Having acted on such that for many generations, so they lost their other choices. (いよいよ、計画を実行すると言う時に、異星人が干渉してきます。その異星人は、地球に衝突する運命の惑星の住人です。彼らの宗教では、全ての運命は知性によって変えてはならず、全て受け入れなければならない事になっています。きっと、高度な知性を発揮する中で、その知性により絶滅の危機に瀕したりしたのでしょう。それゆえ、彼らは、運命を絶対に変えないという選択をしたのです。何世代にもわたって、それで行動していたため、それ以外の選択を失いました。)

 They oppose humanity trying to turn their destiny around. They insist that it is justice to perish together. But we can't accept it. The "Time Ship" departs for the beginning of the universe. And then, it appear in the planned space-time location. (運命を好転させようとする人類に、彼らは反発します。共に滅びるのが正義だと主張します。でも、それを受け入れる事は出来ません。「時舟」は宇宙の始まりの時へと旅立ちます。そして、予定した時空座標に出現します。)

 Attempts to affect a given Lumeter's primordial atoms. At that moment, due to the interference of the aliens who appeared, the vector of the influence will shift. Thereby, its impact turns out that it had only one millionth of the required effect. The "Time Ship" returns to Earth in disappointment. (所定のルメートルの原始原子に影響を与えようとします。その瞬間、現れた異星人の干渉により、与える影響のベクトルがズレてしまいます。それにより、必要な効果の100万分の1の影響しか与えられなかった事が、判明します。時舟は、失意の内に地球に帰還します。)

 In response, the Earth Government plans to move the solar system itself to a safe place. Countless time ships will be built. They spread throughout the solar system and enter a system to control of the space of the solar system itself. (それを受けて、地球では、太陽系自体を安全な場所に転移させる計画を立てます。無数の時舟が建造されます。それらは太陽系全体に広がり、太陽系自体の空間をコントロールする体制を取ります。)

 Then, the moment they try to jump into the Planck Sea, aliens interfere. At that time, one of the crew of the first "Time Ship" turns on a switch. This crew is not the main character, but a genius scientist who plays the role of a last resort. (そして、将にプランクの海に飛び組む瞬間、異星人の干渉が入ります。その時、最初の時舟のクルーの一人が、あるスイッチを投入します。このクルーは主人公ではなく、ジョーカー的な役どころの天才科学者と言う設定です。)
At the next moment, the solar system, whose start timing of the "dequantization engine" has been shifted, will sink forever into the Planck Sea.(次の瞬間、「脱量子化エンジン」の起動タイミングをずらされた太陽系は、プランクの海に永遠に沈み込んでしまいます。)

 People's consciousness becomes a natural vibration and will wander forever in the "Planck Sea". Since it is a natural vibration, it is an eternal loneliness that does not interfere with each other. The heroine also suffers from eternal loneliness. She seeks for her own body and desires to feel her lover's existence. But she can never get it. By the way, The part in the song, corresponding to the image of this part of the story, is a part which may make you feel Japan. (人々の意識は固有振動となって、永遠にプランクの海を彷徨う事になります。固有振動なので、お互いに干渉する事のない、永遠の孤独です。ヒロインも永遠の孤独に苦しみます。自分の体と、恋人の存在の実感を追い求めます。しかし、それは手に入りません。この部分が、曲中の日本的なフレーズの部分のイメージです。)

 However, at one moment, an abnormal surge occurs in the Planck Sea. Due to the impact, the solar system will appear where it was originally. The colliding planets are imminent. (しかし、ある瞬間、プランクの海に、異常なサージが発生します。その衝撃により、太陽系は、元あった場所に出現します。衝突する惑星は、目前に迫っています。)

 However, the distortion gradually closes, and the colliding galaxies disappear as if going back in time. The Plank Sea is connected to the space-time of the entire universe. The effect also affects the effect that the first "Time Ship" had on the Lumeter's primordial atoms. As a result, the distortion was eliminated because it was possible to give a sufficient effect to the Lumeter's primordial atom. (ところが、徐々に歪みは閉じ、時間を遡行するかのように、衝突してきた銀河は姿を消していきます。プランクの海は宇宙全体の時空と繋がっています。影響は、最初の時舟がルメートルの原始原子に与えた影響にも作用しましす。それにより、歪み解消に十分な影響をルメートルの原始原子に与える事が出来たため、歪みが解消されたのです。)

 In fact, the first "Time Ship" genius scientist were looking for the method for generating surges that was tracing their influences left in the Planck Sea and would affect the whole traces. By doing so, he think to try to lead the mission itself to success by amplifying the failure ended impact in the first mission. Seeing the emergence of aliens shortly before the execution of the solar system transfer attempt, he is instantly convinced that the attempt will fail. So he entrusts his ideas with the solution of all problems. In other words, if the first mission is successful, the distortion will be eliminated, so he think it would have been happened  that there were no galaxy collisions and encounters with the aliens. (実は、最初の時舟の天才科学者は、プランクの海に与えた自分たちの影響をログとして辿り、その全体に影響を及ぼすサージの発生を模索していたのです。それにより、最初のミッションで失敗した影響を増幅させ、ミッション自体を成功に導こうと考えます。太陽系の転送の試みの実行の直前に、異星人が出現したのを見て、その試みが失敗に終わる事を、彼は瞬間的に確信します。そこで、彼は、自分のアイデアにすべてを託します。つまり、最初のミッションが成功した事に成れば、歪みが解消されるため、銀河の衝突も、異星人との邂逅も無かった事にできると考えたからです。)

 Just before the solar system jumped into Planck Sea, the switch he turn on was in order to generate this surge. As a result, this became a clue to solving all problems. After all, it's not perfect that it create a fact that it has not occurred to collide between galaxy and to encounter with the aliens… . Maybe it's because the traces of something have remained in the Planck Sea… . (太陽系がプランクの海に飛び込む直前に、彼が推したスイッチは、このサージを発生させるためのものでした。結果として、これがすべての問題を解決する糸口になります。結局、銀河の衝突も、異星人との邂逅も、完全に無かった事にはなりませんが… 。もしかしたら、何らかの痕跡がプランクの海に残ってしまったからかも…)

 The earth that has avoided destruction is surrounded by cheers. The first "Time Ship", who became a hero, appears there. It's the end of the story. (滅びを回避した地球は、歓声に包まれます。そこに、英雄となった最初の時舟が姿を現します。終劇です。)

 I ask your pardon for making you read my rubbishy yarn like hocus-pocus, for a long time. This story was set to write the lyrics for this song. Of course, from being how it goes so far, I think that everyone is aware of it, but this story was made after this song was made. For one thing, I made this cock and bull story as a petty revenge for the fact that this song's feeling is different my initial setting. Everyone is likely to say, "You are fool, aren't you!" My revenge is like spitting in heaven! (長々と与太話に付き合わせてしまい、申し訳ありません。この物語は、この曲の歌詞を作るに当たり、設定したものです。今までの経緯から、当然、皆さんも認識されていると思いますが、この話は、この曲が出来た後に作ったものです。一つには、最初の設定どおりに曲作り出来なかった事への腹癒せとして作った側面もあります。皆さんに、「あほか?、お前!」と言われてしまいそうです。天に唾するような行為ですよね!)

 I couldn't make some nice lyrics, so I decided to publish it as an instrumental. Once the lyrics are complete, we do not deny the possibility of publishing them as well. (中々、気の利いた歌詞が出来ないので、instrumentalとして、公開する事にしました。歌詞が完成したら、それも公開するかもしれません。)

 If you are angry, "Why did you make me read such a silly story endlessly!", I would have no choice but "DOGEZA(: In order to express deep remorse, sit putting both knees on the ground, put one's hand in front of one, and rub one's head against the ground to apologize.)". I'm really sorry for those who were resulting to waste their time. (「下らない物語を延々と垂れ流しやがって!」と思われた方には、土下座して詫びるしかないでしょう。時間を無駄にされた方々、本当に、失礼いたしました。)

 You may have variable kind of dissatisfaction with it, but I hope you will listen to this song with your hard patient. It makes me happy if you liked this song even a little. (いろいろと不満はあるでしょうが、我慢してこの曲を聞いて頂ければ幸いです。よろしくお願いします。)

※ Many of you may have associated the name "The Time Ship in Space" with "The Time Ships" written by "Stephen Baxter", but I think it was disappointing for you because it has nothing to do with it. I am really sorry. (「The Time Ship In Space」の名前から、「Stephen Baxter」氏の「The Time Ships」を連想された方も多々おられるかと思いますが、全く関係ないので、ガッカリされたかと思います。誠に申し訳ございません。)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)





2021-03-28 22:28:02 | 資料


(lyrics translated in English)
Dream of the passing day…
The heart that pursues it…
My body has decayed and my heart has withered.
Feelings go around, only… .

Unrewarded hope…
Even if I reach out,
the ideal goes away from me,
and it won't reach me anymore… .

Dreams of the passing day…
My heart unbearably grows to solicit for… .
Believe that there will be tomorrow to reach it, 
and take another step forward.

The time left for me is short, 
like until the afterglow disappears.
It's dark and closed in front of me, 
and I can't reach it anymore.

The dream I believed in 
is a fulgent light.
It's so dazzling that 
I can't see it anymore.

Time has passed through faraway 
and my heart has changed entirely.
My passion is closed thoroughly, 
and it doesn't reach anywhere anymore.

Dreams when I was alive…
Time has passed on.
My body has decayed and my heart has withered.
Feelings go around, only… .


体朽ち 心枯れ





心 変わり果て

体朽ち 心枯れ



Explanation of "ending"(「ending」の説明)

 I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

 This song was made last year (May 2020). This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、去年(2020年5月)作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 This song is composed of melody which made when I despair of bad reception of my songs on piapro and on lyrics which made when I decide to give up uploading my songs on piapro. Maybe because of that. If it's not my misunderstanding, it's a rather dark song.(この曲は、piaproでの余りの受けの悪さに絶望した頃に浮かんだ主旋律に、もうこれで投稿を止めようと決意した時に作った歌詞を付けて出来上がったものです。多分その所為でしょう。私の勘違いでなければ、結構暗い感じの曲になっています。)
 The concept of this song would be like "My goal is still long way off, but allowing time is too little."? This song is expressing thoughts about that I'm too old to acquire the ability and skill even if I want to make a song that everyone will receive. In a words, it's a song that I accept giving up as "I can't  reach it anymore".(内容は、「日暮れて途遠し」と言った所でしょうか。皆さんに受ける曲を作りたいけど、その能力と技量を身に着けるには、年を取り過ぎたなあ… と言う思いを曲にしたものです。つまり、「もう届かない」と観念した曲です。)
 The main body is divided into three parts, and the end of each part ends with a set phrase saying "MOU TODOKANAI(≒I can't reach it anymore)", so I think it's definitely a "ballad" song in terms of classification. However, that is a case of Japanese, and in my poor English translation, those three phrase are different from each other in English… . (主体は3部に別れ、各部の終わりは「もう届かない」と言う決め台詞で終わっているので、分類上は「バラード」曲で間違いないと思います。ただし、それは日本語上の事であって、私の拙い英訳では、三者三様の表現になっていますが…)
 I have never played pianos. I only touched pianos when I played a trick in a junior high school music room. Due to my carelessness, before I noticed that, a piano-based song was completed by me! I think, for those who play the piano, it has become an extraordinary bizarre and nonsense song. It's a song that makes me realize that I've done hard what I shouldn't do, but I'd be happy if you could understand the sad feelings of an old man who is me and listen to it with patience.(私はピアノに関しては、弾いた事がありません。触ったのは、中学校の音楽教室で悪戯した時だけです。つい勢いで作ってしまったピアノ主体の曲です。ピアノを演奏する人からすれば、著しく珍妙な曲になっている事でしょう。やっちまった感満載の曲ですが、老人の哀しい気持ちを汲み取って、我慢して聞いて頂ければ有難いです。)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)