

星の絆(Ties of Lives on the Planet)

2021-03-28 22:17:54 | 資料

      星の絆 (Ties of Lives on the Planet)

(lyrics translated in English)
Could you image about that 
it was born in an empty space 
and during the heavy heated molten state, 
the time had come for a new planet to begin.

It had begun to orbit around the sun,
water and sky had covered the ground, and ere long, 
in a little bubble, 
a faintly life was born and began to dwell.

When the life of beginning had started continuously,
it was like ephemeral but never extinct,
in search of a place to live, every kinds of creatures 
inherited their life to their offspring, and gradually began to prosper.

Eventually the sky was blue and clear, and clouds flowed through it.
And the earth was full of light that brought tribulation and grace to living things.
In that time, life diversified into countless species, 
and each of them repeated conflict to secure their own place.

When one who survived the battle ruled everything, 
it makes the gaia's power its own, 
before long, it exhausted everything on earth, 
and after all, all of the land and the sea were completely frozen.

How many times? Dozens of times?
Will we repeat this moronic act, over and over again?
Is this the original sin of life, 
and is it the unchanging nature of life that will take away billions of species of life, finally?

Humankind knows the fact that 
species have been extinct countless times in ancient. Therefore, 
we must seek a new way.
It's a way to harmonize any species.

Human beings, who are born 
with the ability to think and learn, so 
as a parent of lives, 
we are destined to seek a way to reconcile them.

We create a new trend of relationships for all living things 
and should change from the way of extinction to the way of living in harmony with every creature.
Let's find in your heart the will to create such a way 
just like blowing a clean and pleasant wind over the land of this planet.

Everyone will feel to love everything that is alive.
The affectionate heart is like a branch that comes out endlessly from the surface of empathy.
A circle of affection created by tying the branches created by the empathy of life together,
proclaims the beginning of an era in which new relationships of life are created.

Now, would you please think 
about human who governs all lives, 
about the sin of determining the weight of life, 
about the misdeed for choosing lives, robbing lives and killing.

About human who plays around with the life of creatures according to his own convenience.
About human who takes away the life of creatures according to his own convenience.
Is every life just tool used by humans?
Is all life just a means to satisfy human desires?

Humans capture other lives, tame them, and preoccupy their hearts,
and when the time comes, take their life away.
The life human uses for himself, and the life human throws away, 
it makes me think deeply about the sinfulness of managing that.

Who can decide the hostile life?
Who can decide the unnecessary life?
The shape of the human's mind that determines unnecessary life,
its state is horribly ugly.

The shape of the heart and the state of it, 
I hope the day when that will be what it should be will come.
We will find out hope to be like that in the principle of the cosmos, 
and if so, it will come a time to live together in harmony.

Only then will the circle of life be connected, and then
"Ties of Lives on the Planet" will be created.
The image of the new way of connecting life and its state, 
let's plant that image on everyone's heart like a tree that grows tall.

How should we connect life to life?
What is the ideal form of the ties between life and life?
I hope that the day will come 
when all the ties of life that live on this planet will be connected.
I wish so…




水と空が大地(わ)を覆い やがて


青く澄む空 渡る雲


霊(ち)の汚穢隈(おえくま)の その果てに

多くの霊(ち)絶ゆる これ有るを… だから


清(すが)しい風を この星に

生きとし生ける霊(ち) 皆 愛(いと)し
慈しむ心 情け枝
新たな生(い)の霊(ち)の時 告げる

さあ 考えてみて…


時至るなら これを屠(ほふ)り
これ司る咎 思うの

仇為す生(い)の霊(ち) 誰が決める

その在る形 在り様(さま)が
有るべく成る日 その時を

霊(ち)の輪が繋がる その時は
新たな繋がり 在り様(さま)を

絆の繋がる その日まで


Explanation of "星の絆(Ties of Lives on the Planet)"(「星の絆(Ties of Lives on the Planet)」の説明)

 I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

 This song was made last year (May 2020).This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、去年(2020年5月)作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 Don't you think that it is a miracle to live fortuitously all life on this planet in this moment! I think such all the creatures are connected by miraculous ties. Of course, it also includes the relationship between predators and prey. Still, I was born on this planet. I feel that precious deep.(この瞬間に、この星に生きるのものは全て、奇跡の巡り合わせをしていると思いませんか?そのすべての生き物は、奇跡的な縁で結ばれていると思うのです。勿論、それは捕食者と被食者の関係も含まれています。それでも、この星に生まれ合わせたのです。その事を、とても愛おしく思います。)
 Human's status, on this planet, are the rulers of the biological hierarchy, completely. Any organism may be able to resist our decisions in the short term, but will be to obey in the long term. Doesn't it mean that it is that we are in a position to take responsibility for all living things on the earth? (人間は、この星では、生物の階層として、完全に支配者の立ち位置です。どの様な生物も、私達の決定に対し、短期間、抗う事は出来るでしょうが、長期的には従わざるを得ないでしょう。それは、地球上の全ての生き物に対し、責任を負う立場になったと言う事を意味するのではないでしょうか。)
 If so, we have no time to keep throwing away plastic shopping bags in the sea as if draining into it. I am likely to hear an angry voice saying, "Japanese do it the most! You Japanese say it?". I bring my-bag for shopping. You would probably say,"No, not such a problem!". You are right. I'm sorry.(であれば、海にレジ袋を垂れ流している場合ではありません。「一番それをやっている日本人が、それを言うか?」と言う、怒りの声が聞こえてきそうです。私はマイバックを持参して買い物をしています。「そういう問題じゃあ無え!」ですか…。全く、その通りです。すいません。)
 However, in order to solve environmental problems, I think that it is necessary to exist underlying it that we have a deep love for every companion who lives on this planet. Do you think what environmental improvement is like while treating other lives as a convenient tool? I'm too scared so I don't want to imagine it. I think that the essence of environmental protection is to realize an environment where all living things can live together. (でも、環境問題を解決するためには、この星に生きる同朋達への深い愛情が根底に無いと、駄目なのではないかと思うのです。他の命を便利な道具として扱いながらの環境改善とは、どの様なものなのでしょうか?私は恐ろしくて、それをイメージしたくありません。全ての生き物が共に生きる事が出来る環境を実現する事こそ、環境保護の本質だと思うのです。)
 So what kind of way should we aim for? After all, I couldn't give an answer. I hope this song becomes a trigger for you to ask yourself the answer of that solution. If you don't dislike that, I wish you thought about that, it would have been worth making this song. (では、どの様なものを目指せば良いのでしょうね?結局私には、答えが出せませんでした。この曲は、皆様にその答えを問うものと考えています。もし嫌でなければ、その事について考えて頂ければ、この歌を作った甲斐が有ったと思います。)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)




明日(Next Today)

2021-03-28 22:10:59 | 資料

 明日  (Next Today)

(lyrics translated in English)
Flying butterflies don't know 
that the period which they can fly in a graceful appearance 
is not so long time, 
but they must return to soil soon.

Flowers are swaying in the wind, 
until petals fall 
and those are struck by rain, 
get hurt and withere.

Just because they can't reach to next "Today", 
I can't do anything.
Inevitably they will disappear, so I don't mind for that.
That will… , that will not be helped.

Countless times, waves come hard and return calmly,
today… and tomorrow… .
Waves just repeat it endlessly,
and in vain those time is only passing by.

Where have all the hopes gone?
Those have gone to distant places 
where are unrecognizable for me.
I can't find those anymore… 

In front of me, oh, 
what's going on?
I will also go with it,
even though I already recognize that it's empty ,whatever it is…

Teardrops catch the wind, 
shine faintly, 
fall on the ground and fade away 
that no one is imperceptibly.

The pain which this little hand receive

is never even realized a little by anyone.
That is buried in time…

Anyone can't escape 
the fate of passing away.
Nevertheless, I can't even halt, 
as long as next "Today" comes…

as long as next "Today" comes…

as long as next "Today" comes…




それで それで いいさ

今日も 明日も
繰り返す それだけで

もう…  見えない…

何が僕の前を 噫 

微かに… 光って 
地面の上に落ちて いつか 


誰でも いつかは
だけど それでも立ち止まれない




Explanation of "明日(Next Today)"(「明日(Next Today)」の説明)

 I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

 This song was made in 1976 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1976年に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 First of all, I would like to talk about why the title in English became like this. "明日[Ashita]" in Japanese is usually "tomorrow" in English. Generally speaking, the title should be "tomorrow" instead of "next today". Then, do you think why I did that? That's because there are contents in the lyrics that say "tomorrow come" and "reach to tomorrow". (先ず、この曲の英語での題名について話します。日本語の「明日」は、通常「tomorrow」です。普通に考えれば、題名は「next today」ではなく、「tomorrow」です。では、何故そうしなかったのか。それは、歌詞の中で「明日が来る」「明日に届く」と言った内容があるからです。)
 Thinking in English, the moment a day comes, the day will be "today" instead of "tomorrow". Thinking in English, you reach to a day, the day will be "today" instead of "tomorrow". To wrap it up, "come" or "reach to" day is always "today". Come day is always "today" and you never reach to "tomorrow", forever. (英語で考えると、来た瞬間、それは「明日」ではなく「今日」になってしまいます。英語で考えると、届いた瞬間、それは「明日」ではなく「今日」になってしまいます。つまり、来たり、届いたりするのは常に「今日」です。明日が来たり、明日に届いたりする事は、永久にありません。)
 So what is "tomorrow" in this song? I thought about it with my poor English ability and intelligence. As a result, I came to the conclusion that it was the "next today" seeing from today. I'm sure that native English speakers will think, "This guy is fool." Well, I would like to forgive you considering to my immaturity of English and low intelligence.(では、この歌の「明日」とは何なのか?乏しい英語力と知能で考えました。結果、それは今日から見て「次の今日」なのだと思い至りました。きっと、英語のネイティブスピーカーの方々は、「こいつ、馬鹿だな~」と思うに違いありません。まあ、私の英語の未熟さと知能の低さに免じて、許して頂きたく存じます。)
 This song expresses "view of impermanence" and the emptiness that accompanies it. I can't take a philosophical view of impermanence like a Buddhist. For me, what is in impermanence is ephemeral, beautiful, sad and empty. I love that thing so much helplessly. "Impermanence", that is the fountain of gushing out  my love. Everything in this world is in impermanence. Therefore, there are often times when I realize that I feel loving everything in the world.(この曲は無常観と、それに伴う虚しさを表したものです。私は仏教者の様に、無常を達観して見る事は出来ません。私にとって、無常の中にあるものは、儚く、美しく、悲しく、虚しいのです。私は、その事が愛おしくて仕方が無いのです。無常こそは、私の愛情の湧き出す泉の様なものです。この世の全てのものは、無常の中にあります。したがって、この世の全てのものを愛おしいと感じる時が、屡々あります。)
 It is no exception to myself. In other words, that is I feel myself impermanence. Then, I feel that I am so cute. Well, am I a narcissist?(それは、自分自身に対しても、例外ではありません。つまり、自分自身に無常を感じると言う事です。すると、自分自身を、とても愛おしく思ってしまうのです。さて、私はナルシストでしょうか?)
※ I think but it's not what the 60-year-old man says… . (※ とても60歳の爺の言う言葉じゃないな…)
 It's almost like a quiz(?), but life is beautiful because it's ephemeral. Everything goes ahead to its disappearance from the moment it is born . People are heading toward death straightly from the moment they are born, too. I never see a careless person who can say, "Every time, he only swing by many kind of place and he hasn't died yet. It is sure that he will forget to die because of detouring too much!" I feel that I may want to become such a kind of careless man… . No matter how painful or sad it may be, everything is beautiful because it will completely disappear someday! (殆どクイズの様?になってしまいましたが、人生は儚いからこそ美しい。あらゆる物は、生じた瞬間から消滅に向かって進むのです。人も、生まれた瞬間から死に向かってまっしぐらです。「寄り道ばかりしやがって、何時まで経っても死なねえな、こいつ!」と言える不注意な人間を、未だに知りません。そんな不注意な人になら、私も成りたい気もしますが…。どんなに辛く悲しい事が有っても、必ずいつか消滅してしまうからこそ、あらゆるものは美しい!)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)


二人(Alone Together)の歌詞と説明文

2021-03-28 22:03:48 | 資料

 二人  (Alone Together)

(lyrics translated in English)
At autumn dusk of like just about to be poured down stars,
a setting sun has already burned out and it has become dark,
and like snuggling up together …,
like snuggling up together
they are quietly lingering by two.

The autumn breeze soaks through into their clothes,
so they cuddle each other's shoulder unconsciously,
like faint and sorrowful …,
like sweet and painful,
they are both in love.

On that field path, no one is there except them,
only withered grasses
are whispering to them single-mindedly.

Both of two can't think of where they hope to go, 
they faintly recognize that… ,
but till whenever …,
and till wherever,
They keep walking together.

Allover things in the world are reaching to terminate.
While snuggling up to such an era,
despite that… ,
why are they
snuggling up to each other evermore… ?

Their way is closed to darkness 
and they can see nothing… ,
the light is no longer anywhere,
but they hold hands together
and they hug shoulders together and they… .

Even with each other's gentle smiles 
now that these are also closed in the darkness, 
but the two quietly snuggle up…


星降る 秋の夕暮れ
彳(たたず)んでいる 二人…

秋風 服に浸み込み
思わず 肩を寄せ合う
恋をする 二人…

枯れた草だけが 二人に

歩いていく 二人…

寄り添っている 二人…


闇に閉ざされた 今
静かに寄り添う 二人…


Explanation of "二人(Alone Together)"(「二人(Alone Together」の説明)

 I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

 This song was made in 1978 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1978年に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 The situation in this story is that at doomsday, that season is autumn, two lovers left behind wander in the wilderness aimlessly at dusk.(この物語のシチュエーションは、人類の黄昏時に、取り残された恋人二人が、秋の夕暮れの荒野を当ても無く彷徨うと言うものです。)

 From junior high school, I had vaguely anxious that humankind would soon perish. Even now, depending on the situation, I think that human beings would easily extinct themselves by egoism. But it's a vague anxiety. In spite of no dependable thing, as if to go against unidentified and unreasonable destiny, the pair live through relying on each other's existence, that is a situation which is my image of this song. (中学時代から、人類はもう直ぐ滅びるのではないかと、漠然とした危惧を抱いていました。今でも、人類のエゴが、自分自身を滅ぼすだろうと認識しています。でも、それは漠然とした不安なのです。その、正体不明の理不尽な運命に抗う様に、当てが無いにも関わらず、お互いを確かめ合いながら、静かに生き抜こうとする二人の姿を想像して、この曲を作りました。)
 The setting is autumn because autumn is the season that reminds me of the twilight. I overlaid it at the time of twilight of human race. By the way, I unconsciously associate spring with morning, summer with noon, and winter with night. For those who don't have the image of the twilight to autumn, it might be a song like "What's this?"(設定が秋なのは、自分の中で、黄昏を連想させる季節だからです。それを人類の黄昏の時に重ね合わせました。因みに私は、春は朝を、夏は昼を、冬は夜を連想してしまいます。秋に黄昏のイメージを持たない人にとっては、「何?これ!」と言う感じの曲かもしれませんね)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)



2021-03-28 13:30:35 | 資料

 霧 (Fogs)

(lyrics translated in English)
Outside is shrouded in dark and fogs, 
and we're sleeping in a room.
No one knows that it is from what time, 
but everyone is already used to it.

No one notices even the power of own soul 
that is going to disappear little by little.
Even as for own ability,
no one does not try to be confident in it.

(What time do you intend to do that?) It's only now 
that the time you should open the door of this room is!

It's not late yet!
Like breaking through this fog… ,
break through a hesitancy,
come on!

Someone is whispering to each other
to forget the painful reality.
Every person is smiling lifelessly, 
forgetting to even light a cigarette.

No one makes an effort to live.
Even only a heart, no one will to have, but in vain, 
everyone wish vaguely that 
tomorrow will come naturally.

You should produce "tomorrow".
If you don't notice it now, the times will perish!

Now let's get started.
For you, you are the only one 
to be able to do it.
Let's try!

Only memories are drifting through the air around.
No one is in condition to distinguish between the past way and the present.
Though no one even looks out the window, 
it's in a state that everyone intend to figure everything out.

All of wrong condition is all because of this room!
Someone is screaming such that even though he won't leave the room, 
and won't break through the fog himself, 
without so much as trying to search his heart.

Don't talk about others.
Face yourself, more… more!

Come on, regain your own energy!
Show your own life, 
Now go!


外は 暗く 霧が閉ざし 
僕等は 部屋で 眠っている
何時からかは 知らないけど
その事に もう皆 慣れている

少しずつ 消えようとしてる 
魂の 力にさえ 気付かず
自分の 力さへ 



誰かが 囁き合っている 
辛い 現実を 忘れるために
みんな 虚ろな 笑顔で
煙草に 火を付ける事さえ 忘れ 

誰も 生きる 努力をしない
心を 持とうともしない ただ… 
明日は 当然 来るものだと
朧に 思っている….

今気付かなければ 時代が滅び去る

さあ 歩き始めよう

思い出ばかりが 宙を舞う
昔と今を 錯覚してる 

誰かが叫んでいる 部屋を出て 
霧を 突き破ろうとしない


さあ 力を取り戻せ


Explanation of "霧(Fogs)"(「霧(Fogs)」の説明)

 I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

 This song was made in 1977 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1977年に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 The world is divided into those who actively improve their environment and those who justify their environment and who are there and do nothing. Alternatively, some of the latter may be willing to say only dissatisfaction with the environment in which they are placed, not just for one person's volume, but for about five. Of course, I don't think everyone can be divided into these two extremes. I think people form a spectrum between that two type. But isn't the former a minority and the latter an overwhelming majority? (世の中には、自分の置かれた環境を積極的に改善する人と、置かれた環境やそこにいる自分を正当化して、何もしない人に分かれます。或いは、後者の中には置かれた環境に対する不満だけは、1人前どころか5人前ぐらいは平気で口にする人がいるかもしれません。無論、全ての人を、この両極端に分けられるとは考えていません。この両者の間でスペクトラムを成していると思います。でも、前者は少数派で、後者は圧倒的な多数派ではないでしょうか?)
 I am aware that I am one of the latter. My behavior is conservative, even though I think I have to reform. Most of the people around me are the latter. Therefore, when I see the former, who is an active reformer, I unconsciously look down because of dazzling. (私は後者の一人だと自覚しています。改革しなきゃあと思っている割に、行動は保守的なんです。私の周りも、殆どが後者です。従って、積極的な改革者である前者を見ると、とても眩しくて、思わず下を向いてしまいます。)
 This song is that it urge everyone to become an active reformer of the status quo. So to speak, "crying for the moon!", might you say idiomatically. It's fun to imagine myself as such a reformer. Because that's the moment I became a hero in myself… . "Gross!, this guy is!", now did you think so? (この歌は、皆、積極的な現状の改革者になりましょうと言う歌です。言わば、無いものねだりですね!その様な改革者になった自分を想像するのは、楽しい。それは、自分が自分の中でヒーローになった瞬間だから…。あっ、「こいつ、キモッ!」って思いました?)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)


僕らの時代 (Our Era)の歌詞と説明文

2021-03-28 13:30:35 | 資料

 僕らの時代  (Our Era)

(lyrics translated in English)
Let's leave on a trip
to our era.

In this small frame of the world,
it has been stagnated old days.

People who live in there are ruled over
by hope,
by laziness
and by confusion.

And even though only anything suffers,
they can not get hopeful prospect of tomorrow.

Here, the color of the sky is gray, even if it's sunny.
In this city like dusk,

who will tell a dream?,
who will glorify life?

Here is about to ruin, no longer!
Even here, some flowers
but they never go to seed,
even a single grain.

In state of your eyes closed,
what are you trying to see?

Come on! We should go to new era.
And look! The era in which we live has come!

The brilliance of the city,
like a fleeting hope,
gives off a light for deceiving you.

let's go
to our era,

where to go?,
what to do?,
to make up your mind.

People who live in the past
believe that the way they are now
will continue,

History flows like an incredible great river,
leisurely, but never stays.

Even if no one can find a new way,
this flow can never be held down,
no matter who uses any force…

It's gone here.

No matter how huge embankment is,
in this flow
nothing can be done 
and it must collapse.

to this flow,
let's launch our ship,

and to the distance of the blue sky,
let's open the way which lead.

Even if flowers are beautiful,
even though you miss your hometown,

now, it's time to say good-bye to them
and depart for our era.

let's start walking
toward the distant undeveloped land.

While stepping firmly 
on the unexplored road,
let's seek a new era.

In structured happiness,
people who live in lazy present

will never see the sublime shine of dawn again.

The end of the dream is comming soon.

When the sun shines through the window,
can you sing a vigorous life?
with a brand-new ability!

Now, we are trampling
on our suffering together.

This anger!,
this passion to overflow!,
let's bite these with our molars.

From the world where the bright morning is closed,

so we
set out

to seek for our era.



小さな この枠の中で



日暮れの様な この街に


もう ここは終わりだ



























Explanation of "僕らの時代(Our Era)"(「僕らの時代(Our Era)」の説明)

I have something to tell you in advance. I am hardly able to speak English. If English sentences do not make any sense, would you please translate the Japanese in parentheses into English? I really apologize to you for having to read my incomprehensible English sentences! (最初に断って於きたい事が有ります。私はほぼ、英語が話せません。意味不明な英文は()内の日本語を英訳して頂きたく存じます。私の出鱈目な英文に付き合わせて、本当に、御免なさい!)

This song was made in 1978 when I was in high school. This is a Vocaloid song. This is an arrangement made using "domino", and made to be sung by "Hatsune Miku V4" using "Studio One 4".(この曲は、私が高校時代の、1978年に作ったものです。これはボカロ曲です。これは「domino」を用いて編曲したものを、「Studio One 4」を用いて、それを「初音ミクV4」に歌って貰う様に作成したものです。)

 Do you think that it needs the system called nation? When I was in high school, I noticed that there was no need for a system called nation already. The expression "noticed" may be wrong. Because no one has agreed with this opinion yet. I cannot deny the possibility that I am the only one among the 7 billion human beings who think so. I don't want to admit it, but maybe I can't deny that I'm the most foolish of all humankind. So it may be just a misunderstanding rather than "noticing"(あなたは国と言う制度が必要だと思いますか?私は、国と言う制度が必要なくなった事に、高校時代に気が付きました。)「気が付いた」という表現は、もしかしたら間違っているかもしれません。なぜなら、この意見に賛同してくれた人は、未だ嘗て、一人たりとも居ませんから。人類70億人の中で、そう思っているのは私だけの可能性も否定できません。それを認めたくはありませんが、もしかしたら、私は人類の中で一番頭が悪いのかもしれません。だから「気が付いた」ではなくて単なる勘違いかも… )
 However, at least after World War II, I think that the system called nation has become a little profit existence with a lot of harm. Because humanity have spread to every corner of the world, and there are hardly unexplored lands. You no longer have to worry about unreasonable attacks from unknown foreign enemies. There is a conflict for profit only between those who are known already what kind of opponent. (でも、少なくとも第二次世界大戦が終わった段階では、国と言う制度は百害あって一利もない存在になったとしか思えないのです。なぜならば、人類は世界の隅々まで行き渡り、未踏の地が無くなったからです。未知の外敵からの理不尽な攻撃の心配は無くなりました。あるのは、既にどういう相手か分かってる者同士の、利権争いです。)
 Borders are a wall of mind that refuses to understand each other. If you set up a wall of mind between an opponent you already know, it will only become a chicken run.(国境は、分かり合う事を拒否する心の壁です。既に分かっている相手との間に心の壁を設ければ、チキンレースになるに決まっています。)
 Whether it's an environmental problem, a military problem, or an economic disparity problem, etc., as long as this wall exists, there is no way to solve it. Dealing with those issues means making many concessions. The more the country deal with it, the weaker the power of that country will be. Since some countries are aiming for hegemony that violate human rights, no country can make effective concessions.(環境問題にせよ、軍備の問題にせよ、経済格差の問題にせよ 等々… 、この壁がある限り、解決する訳がない。それらの問題に対処すると言う事は、多くの譲歩をすると言う事です。より大きく対処をする程、その国の力は弱まるでしょうね。人権に干渉する様な覇権を目指している国だってあるのだから、どの国も有効な譲歩が出来る筈がない。)
 If you oppose nuclear weapons and armaments, you should oppose the existence of a system called a country on the earth. Anyone who does not oppose the system called country and talk about military opposition is mere crazy l think. As long as a country exists, the world will be ruined if there is a chance. (核兵器や軍備に反対するのなら、国と言う制度が地球上に存在する事に反対するべきです。国と言う制度に反対しないで、軍備反対を口にする人は、私には気が狂っているとしか思えません。国が存在する限り、切っ掛けさえあれば、世界は破滅へとまっしぐらです。)
 Oh, It is only me who think so. I apologize for saying too much. (噫、そう思うのは私だけでした。言い過ぎた事を謝ります。)
 However, on the premise that security is guaranteed, if the border wall is removed, the area will prosper. Aside from the information on security, all kinds of people, money, technology, and information gather there freely and go out of it, that is a reason, which makes it a hub for economic activities. When I was in high school, I came up with the idea that the country is the shackle that binds prosperity. But it has made me realize time and again, at least in this country, that I'm the only one on the planet to think so. (でも、安全が保障されているという前提ではありますが、国境の壁を無くせば、その地域は大繁栄するでしょう。なぜなら、安全保障に関する情報は別として、ありとあらゆる人・金・技術・情報が、そこに集まり、そこから出て行くので、そこが経済活動のハブとなるからです。国こそは繁栄を縛る枷なのだと、高校時代に思いつきました。でも、そう考えるのは、地球上で私だけなのだと、少なくともこの国では、幾度となく思い知らされました。)
 The reason why I write this is because I thought that there is no guarantee that there will be no one in the world who agrees with this opinion even if there is no such person in Japan. Those who agree with my opinion are joining the ranks of the idiots, but would you not be offended, please. If there is another person who thinks this way, the ratio will change from "1/7 billion" to "1/3.5 billion". If there are 9 other people, the digit will rise to "1 / 700 million". Some people may get angry at me saying, "It's natural. You don't have to bother to say it." Certainly it is a matter of course. However, if that happens, I feel that my loneliness has eased at once, which makes me happy. (では、何故この事を書くのかと言うと、日本には居なくても、世界にはこの意見に賛同してくれる人が、絶対に居ないという保証はないと考えたからです。私の意見に賛同する人は、バカの仲間入りですが、気を悪くしないでください。もう一人いれば、この考え方をする人間の割合が、「1/70億」から「1/35億」になります。9人いれば、「1/7億」と桁が上がります。「当たり前だ」と怒る人もいるでしょう。確かに当たり前です。でも、寂しさが一気に和らいだ感じがします。)

The useless talk has become long.(閑話休題)

 This song was made with excitement when I realized that the system called nation had already lost its role. Because of so excited, I forgot to put a statement about the system called nation in the lyrics. Well, please forgive me for thinking that it might be a little my cute charm point. I remember noticing this a few months after the song was completed.(この曲は、国と言う制度がすでに役割を終えていると気づいた時、興奮して作った曲です。興奮のあまり、歌詞の中に国という制度に関する言明を入れ忘れています。まあ、それはご愛嬌と言う事で、勘弁してください。この事に気が付いたのは、この曲が完成した数か月後だったと記憶しています。)
 At that time, I still believed in human intelligence. Of course, adults would definitely hate to let go of their vested interests and to suffer poverty. Well, now I'm already an adult… rather than an old man… . (あの当時は人間の叡智を、まだ信じていました。無論、大人たちは既得権を手放して、自分が困窮するのは絶対に嫌でしょうね。まあ、今ではすでに、私も大人… と言うより老人ですが…)
 That's why I made this song with the belief that the time will come when young people who have no bondage will proclaim an era without countries. It would be great if young people could cross borders, create a virtual government that unifies the world, make it meaningless by emulating the borders, gradually embody them, and finally, make the borders get rid of actual condition… . The idea is to leave the country behind without touching the system called nation.
At that time, I was thinking so… , It is too naive, isn't it! (だから、何のしがらみもない若者が、国の無い時代を高らかに宣言する時代が来ると、そう信じて作った曲です。若者が国境を越えて連帯し、世界を統一する仮想政府を作り、国境をエミュレートする事で、それを徐々に実体化させ、国境を有名無実化させて行く事が出来ればなあ…国と言う制度には何も手を付けず、国を置き去りにしてしまうと言う考え方です。当時は、そう考えていたのですが… 、青臭いですよね!)
 Now that nationalism is emerging, it may be a clown song.(ナショナリズムが台頭している今となっては、道化と化している歌なのかもしれません。)
 However, these specific contents are not included in the lyrics of this song. The excitement of a new era coming, that was the only thing that dominated my head. Humankind may be destined to extinct together with the flawed system called nation, which naturally occurred 6500 years ago. (ただし、これらの具体的な内容は、この歌の歌詞には入っていません。)新しい時代が訪れると言う事への興奮で、それだけが頭を支配していましたから。人類は、6500年前に自然発生した、この国と言う欠陥だらけのシステムと、心中する運命にあるのかもしれませんね。)
 Well, that's what the most stupid of the 7 billion human beings says. Please laugh with holding your belly. And forget that all… . (まあ、人類70億の中で一番のバカが言う事です。笑ってやって下さい。そして、忘れて…)

※ Please realize that my English ability is extremely poor, so in case questions and comments in English, it may be extremely slow to respond.(※ 尚、英文での質問やコメントに関しては、私の英語力では、対応が極めて遅くなるかもしれない事を、ご了承ください。)
※ Or, in that case, the possibility of giving up response is not low, either.(※ 或いは、対応を諦める可能性も、決して低くはありません。)
※ It would be very helpful if you could use Japanese.(日本語であれば、非常に助かります。)