

Explanation of "Great Killet[Mt. Kita-Hotaka In Morgenrot]"(大キレット[モルゲンロートの北穂高岳]の説明文)

2023-02-13 05:41:56 | 資料

Explanation of "Great Killet[Mt. Kita-Hotaka In Morgenrot]"(大キレット[モルゲンロートの北穂高岳]の説明文)

 This music is based on the motif of "Mt. Kita-Hodaka" and "Great Killet" located in the central part of the Hodaka mountain range, the largest group of rocky peaks in Japan.

 This group of rocky peaks originates from Mt. Yari-ga-take in the north and continues to Mt. Nishi-Hotaka in the south.

 If you follow the peak from Mt. Yari-ga-take [3180m], next is Mt. Ohbami-dake [3101m], continueing to Mt. Naka-dake [3084m], Mt. Minami-dake [3033m], and further south of that, there is Mt. Kita-Hodaka [3106m].

 And between Mt. Minami-dake and Mt. Kita-Hotaka is the "Great Killet".

 The meaning of "Killet" is a col(= saddle).

 Of course, it's a Japanese language.

 However, it is a dialect of the Shinshu region and is not a common word.

 When I started climbing mountains, many trekkers didn't know this fact.(But now, it's maybe a minority…)

 It may be because it was written as "キレット(kiretto)" in katakana on the climbing-map.

 Because in many case, the word written by katakana notation is used to express a foreign word… .

 In case "killet" write in kanji, it's "切戸".

 The notation "キレット(Kiretto)" is also not like Japanese language, so it may have been easy to mistake it for a loanword.

 If you pronounce "キレット(Kiretto)" in Japanese, the spelling would be "Kiretto".

 However, many of Japanese people at that time misunderstood it as a foreign word and pronounced it "Killet", so I wrote it that way.

 By the way, the standard Japanese notation for col is "Anbu(鞍部)".

 Even though, in Japan, there exist various ways to say "col" depending on the region.

 In Etchu where is the northern part of the Northern Alps, it’s called “mado(窓)”.

 In the Hida and Nanshin regions, it is called "Nokkoshi(乗越)".

 In the Kanto region, it is called "Dawa(ダワ)".

 In the Chugoku region, it's seemed to say "Tawa(乢)".

 In some regions, it seems to be called "tarumi(弛み)[meaning is 'sag']".

 Probably the etymology of "dawa" and "tawa" would be "tarumi(弛み)".

 "Great Killet" is particularly large scale col in Japan.

 From the ridgeline at an altitude of over 3000m, descend 300m at a stretch, move laterally about 1km from there, and climb at a stretch toward the summit of Kitahotakadake at an altitude of 3106m.

 So if you face Mt. Kita-Hotaka across the Great Killet, you would witness a very magnificent scenery.

 I have climbed Mt. Kitahotaka-dake over the Great Killet three times.

 But the most memorable moment was that I first went there.

 At that time, I stayed at Kitahotaka-Hut, which is located directly below the summit of Mt. Kita-Hotaka(Or rather, almost at the top. You'll recognize if you go there.).

 When I waked up in the early morning and went out of the hut, it was still before sunrise.

(北穂高岳の上空は、結構雲っぽかったかもしれません。(はっきり覚えていません… ))
 The sky above Mt. Kita-Hotaka may have been cloudy to extent. (I've not apparent recollection… )

 However, Matsumoto-daira and Hotaka town were that the weather cleared up.

 Ueda, Shiota-daira, and direction at Mt. Asama were covered with thick clouds, and lightning seemed to have been striking them, and the thick clouds caused halation many times.

 And before long, the sun came up.

 In the direction of the rising sun, there were thin clouds near the horizon and slightly above it.

 The sun was rising from down side cloud to up side cloud.

 The sun's rays gradually began to arrive, and the surroundings were dyed bright red.

 It was too red, therefore I got a feeling so as to headache.

 Even the air around me seemed to turn red.

 Mt. Kita-Hotaka in Morgenroth must have been majestic and beautiful.

 But I couldn't see it.

 Because I was on that mountaintop.

 It was only way to imagine it in my mind.

 In my brain, which overdrove me to be completely in delusional mode, I vividly pictured that the climbers staying at the mountain huts in the surrounding mountains, were cheering with trembling with tears of gratitude.

 When of that time I had felt that this mountain, where I was that time, was without a doubt the most divine place in Japan.

 This music is the image of that time.

 A feeling is that the sun peeks out from the horizon, and the intense, piercing light gradually turns the surrounding mountains into a vermilion color, and eventually the scenery changes to the refreshing and peaceful morning.

 I wish I could have conveyed this impression… .


