

Explanation of "Mt. Nishi-Hodsaka In Winter" (冬の西穂高岳)の説明

2023-01-28 21:34:54 | 資料


Explanation of "Mt. Nishi-Hodsaka In Winter" (冬の西穂高岳)の説明


(北アルプスを題材にした曲を作成し、アップロードしてます。) I have composed and uploaded music with the motif of the Northern Alps.
(ここの所、北アルプスの四季を題材とした曲をアップロードしておりました。) Recently, I have uploaded music concerning the four seasons of the Northern Alps.
(春の曲である「上高地の春」から始まり、夏の曲である「光に靡く」、秋の曲である「残照の照葉ノ池」と投稿してまいりました。) I have uploaded a series of music, at first, the spring music named "Spring in Kamikouchi", followed by uploading the summer one "Swaying by the brilliance", and last time is the autumn "Shouyou Pond In Afterglow Of Sunset".
(よって、今回は北アルプスの冬を題材とした曲となります。) So, the music I will upload this time is about winter in the Northern Alps.
(「冬の西穂高岳」と言う曲です。) The title of that music is "Mt. Nishi-Hodaka in winter".


(「西穂高岳」は、「西穂山荘」を経由して登るのが、一般的です。) A ordinary route of climbing "Mt. Nishi-Hodaka" is via "Nishiho-Hut".
(他のルートとしましては、岳沢から天狗のコルを経て、間ノ岳経由で登る事も出来ます。) Another route which you can climb "Mt. Nishi-Hodaka" is from the Dakesawa Valley, through a col named "Tengu-no-col" and then via "Mt. Ainotake".
(更には、奥穂高岳から奥穂高岳のジャンダルムを経て天狗のコルへ行き、後は前述と同じルートで登る事も出来ます。) Besides, there is a route as that you climb Mt. Oku-Hotaka at first and so you will reach Tengu-no-col via Gendarme of Mt. Oku-Hodaka, and after that you should go as mentioned above.
(しかし、天狗のコルを経由するルートは距離もやや長く、且つ、かなり高度な難所がいくつかあり、一般向けではありません。) However, the route via Tengu-no-col is fairly long and has some quite difficult spots, so it's not for the general public.
(従って、「西穂高岳」に登ると言えば、「西穂山荘」経由と言う事になります。) So it follows that if ordinary trekkers climb "Mt. Nishi-Hotaka", they should go through "Nishiho Hut".


(「西穂山荘」へは「新穂高ロープウェイ」を経由して登るルートと、「上高地」から登るルートが有ります。) There are two routes to reach to Nishiho hut, then one is via the Shinhotaka Ropeway, and the other is from "Kamikouchi".
(ただし、冬は「上高地」は閉鎖されるので、「新穂高ロープウェイ」経由で登る事になります。) But in winter, "Kamikouchi" is closed, therefore you should climb via "Shinhotaka Ropeway".
(※ 実際は、真冬でも、「上高地」にはある程度の人出が有ります。) ※ In fact, even deep winter, sort of people get to Kamikochi.
(※ ただし、車では行けないので、徒歩で行く事になります。) ※ However, it's forbidden to go there by car, so you'll have to go on foot.


(「西穂山荘」は1年中休みなく営業している山小屋です。) All year round, "Nishiho Hut" that is a mountain hut is open.
(ただし、1mを超える積雪と、-10℃を軽く超える低温で、環境は極めて厳しいのです。) Nevertheless, the environment of surroundings the hut is extremely harsh, with more than 1m of snow and low temperatures that easily exceed -10°C.
(この小屋が真冬でも営業可能なのは、偏に「新穂高ロープウェイ」のお陰でしょう。) The reason why this hut is visited by enough people to be able to open even mid-winter is existance of the Shinhotaka-Ropeway.
(無雪期であれば、一般の人でも、新穂高ロープウェイの終着駅「西穂高口」から1時間程で、「西穂山荘」に着きます。) In no snow period, even ordinary trekkers can reach Nishiho Hut in about one hour from the Shinhotaka Ropeway terminal station that name is "Nishi-Hodaka-Guchi".
(有雪期でも、吹雪かなければ、2時間も有れば十分です。) Even in the snow season, if no blizzard, two hours is enough.
(※ 酷い吹雪であれば、一般の人は、命が惜しければ、「西穂山荘」へ行く事は、諦めざるを得ないでしょう。) ※ If severe blizzard came, common trekkers would have no choice but to give up on going to "Nishiho Sanso", in the case they think life is so dear.
(しかし、冬に於いては、「西穂山荘」迄は、まだ楽なものです。) Even though, in the case of winter, it is still easy up to "Nishiho Hut".
(そこから「西穂高岳」までは、本当に厳しい世界です。) From there to Mt. Nishi-hotaka, the world is really harsh.


(正直に申しますと、私は冬の西穂高岳の山頂に立てた事は、一度もありません。) To be honest, I have never stood on the summit of Mt. Nishi-Hotaka in winter.
(独標が限界でした。) In the case of mid-winter, It was the limit of my ability to reach to "Doppyou(独標)".
(何度かチャレンジしましたが、多くの場合天候が悪く、そんな時は丸山で引き返さざるを得ませんでした。) Several times I tried, but in most case the weather was so awful and I had no choice but to turn back at Maruyama.
(吹雪の時は、その辺りで「死」を意識し始めますので…) In the case of the blizzard, as it begin to be made aware of "death" at around there…


(一度だけ晴天に恵まれ、「今回こそは!」と意気込んで、「西穂山荘」を後にした事が有ります。) Just one time I got a fine weather, I vowed that "this time for sure!", and then I left "Nishiho Hut" enthusiastically.
(晴天の冬山は美しく、陽射しは殊に心地よく、周囲の雪山もいつもより雄大に見え、将に「楽園(かな?でも美しいよ!)」と言うべきでしょう!) The clear winter mountains were beautiful, the sunshine was especially comfortable, and the view of the surrounding snow-covered mountaions looked more majestic than usual, and the scenery was that it should have been said "paradise (This expression is correct? But just beautiful scene)"!
(MSRのスノーシューの履き心地も最高で、「私の鼻歌を止める事は、最早、誰にもできない!」と言う感じになりますよね!) MSR snowshoes were so comfortable and I thought that anyone was able to feel "No one can stop me from my humming!"


(ところがです、好事魔多し…)  However, "Good luck comes by cuffing…".
(最早、独標は直ぐそこ、と言う所で、物凄い風が吹き荒れ始めたのです。) Just as I went only a short distance to Doppyou, a terrifying wind began to blow suddenly.
(空は晴れていたのに…) Even though the sky was clear….
(雪煙が視界を激しく遮り、風で目も開けられない。) The spray of snow severely blocked my view, and I couldn't have even opened my eyes because of the horrible wind.
(それでも、風が弱まったタイミングで、何とか独標まで行きましたが、その先へ行く事は、自殺する事と等価としか思えませんでした。) Still, when the wind weakened, I managed to reach Doppyou, but I could only have thought moving on beyond that was equivalent to committing suicide.
(それでも行く人はいましたが…) Nonetheless some people still moved forward to ….
(ビレイ無しで、アイスピッケルとアイゼンだけで独標を下るには、結構厳しい風でしたが、何とか命はありました。) In spite of a quite tough wind, I accomplished to go down "Doppyou" without belaying, with just an ice-axe and crampons, then my life was barely with me.
(そこから西穂山荘迄も、その風に打ちのめされ続けましたが、何とか無事に辿り着けました。) From there to Nishiho Hut, the wind kept beating up me, but I managed to get there narrowly.
(この山荘が無ければ、命の危機に直面したかもしれません。) Without this mountain villa(lol), I might have faced a life-terminal crisis.
(この山荘が有るからこそ、私の様なものでも、命を落とす事なく、冬の西穂高岳の厳しさと美しさの一端に触れる事が出来たと言えましょう。) It should have been said that because of this mountain lodge, even someone like me was able to experience the rigors and beauty of Mt. Nishi-Hotaka in winter without losing my life.


(この時だけでなく、天気が悪くて丸山までしか行けなかった時の事も含めて、そのイメージを曲にしてみました。) Not only at that time, but also including the time when the weather was harsh and I could only have went to Maruyama, I tried to make that image into this music. (死を意識せざ
るを得ない厳しさと、吹き荒ぶ風と、無機質に舞う雪、而して、天気が良い時は幻想的な地上の楽園) The severity of death, the boisterous wind, the ruthless snow, but when the weather is fine, it's a fantastic paradise on earth.
(そういった感じが表現できていれば良いんだけど…) I wish I was able to express that kind of feeling with this music… .

