December 7
Telegram while walking
To see the mysterious riverbed.
The name of the valley [kuraratani]
And to "Nanamagarigoe" pass Above sea level 500m
nana=seven magari=Curved goe or koe=Mountain pass
QTH tougou-tawn hyuga-city miyazaki-pre
Site map of the Japanese government
I tried to struck Morse code while walking
28.650mhz 2w mx-28s(mizuho)
Telegram while walking
To see the mysterious riverbed.
The name of the valley [kuraratani]
And to "Nanamagarigoe" pass Above sea level 500m
nana=seven magari=Curved goe or koe=Mountain pass
QTH tougou-tawn hyuga-city miyazaki-pre
Site map of the Japanese government
I tried to struck Morse code while walking
28.650mhz 2w mx-28s(mizuho)