インドの大手カフェ・チェーン Coffee Day を保有するCoffee Day Enterprises社の会長(創業者)が先月死亡しているのが発見され(自殺とみられている)、EYが、同社取締役会の依頼で会長の死に至った状況を調査することになったという記事。
EY has been appointed by the board of Coffee Day Enterprises to investigate the circumstances that may have led to the death of its chairman, Veerappa Siddhartha
Indian coffee magnate Siddhartha, who founded Café Coffee Day and chaired its company, was found dead last month.
An apparent suicide note outlined the pressure of financial failings, but also financial transactions which the company’s board said it had not been aware of.
In the letter, which is itself being investigated, Siddhartha shouldered all blame for any financial mistakes. “My team, auditors and senior management are totally unaware of all my transactions”, he is reported to have written.
EY will act as strategic corporate advisor, and will investigate the claims made in Siddhartha’s last letter. It will also scrutinise the company’s books.
V.G. Siddhartha, a billionaire who kept media at bay