GREETING & 四方山話etc

“Alive”の歌詞・Rock Jam The Night Beast のチャリティーCD

2019年09月11日 21時18分05秒 | GREETING

Last night I saw it
on the news, I did
A boy within the desert
Sitting up upon a mound,
he smiled
Beneath his legs that
sandy shell of a broken tank

@What is it ,Reflecting
From tears in his eyes
A vision , A place without a war
Within a blue sky

*Just a boy who carries
all the weight of the world
All the pain and agony
he bears undeserved
In the hope that one day
soon a future will come
And realize,
a simple dream
held deep inside “Alive”

~ Scenes of green and
water disappear
And vanish with
our future’s hope
And as I lay there
on my bed at night
I can’t stop
thinkin’ ‘bout tomorrow

*And nothing , Can change it
We say to escape it
And losing
All hope for ever more
And is that all?

Everybody wishes
for a wonderful
future for all we love
But after smoke and fire
there is nothing left behind
but the dusty (desert) sand
A life lived in
fear is a life of desolation
Everyone deserves
a little peace of mind

@ What is it , Reflecting
From tears in his eyes A vision
A place where there’s no war
Within a blue sky

*Just a drop of kindness
brings new life all around
Can you see
the flower as it
blooms on the grass

And the child, who lives without a memory of war
Will light the way,
into the future and beyond

*Just a boy who carries all the weight of the world
All the pain and agony
he bears undeserved

In the hope that one day
soon a future will come
And realize,
a simple dream held
deep inside “Alive”

*このチャリティーCDはRock Jamライブ会場でのみ購入可能です。

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