Makki's English マッキーの旅行記&英語習得のヒント?


東京オリンピック3 大会ボランティア フェンシング研修/ TOKYO2020 3 Field Cast Fencing Training

2021-12-31 | *東京2020ボランティア Volunteer Fencing

2021年7月23日 /Friday, July 23, 2021

I got up early in the morning and headed to Makuhari Messe checking the Fencing Score System Manual sent by Mr. M the day before.
It was well surmmarized but difficult for me to understand, because I don't know the Fencing rule well and what the buttons mean in fact. 

 /The venue for Fencing Competition the day before the Games

人数が足りないということで、ヘルプの依頼をしていたタブレットチームから、40代の日本人男性H氏が、ほぼ全日チームに加わってくれることになりました。私は、7月8日の会場研修で顔見知りだったので、多いに安堵しました。じっくり話してみると、なんとカナダに長年滞在していた関係で、英語もほぼネイティブ ヘルプというより、英語が必須の審判チームでは、完璧メインです。本当に助かりました。

We, Referee Team (Score Keepers Team) had eight members, two Americans, one Canadian, one Hong Konger and four Japanese. Only six people, four foreigners and two Japanese, have experience in fencing.
From that morning, a Japanese man in his 40's joined our team from the tablet team, because we were short of members and recruiting someone to help us.
I was relieved to hear that, because I had known him since the training at the venue. To my astonishment, he had been staying in Canada for many years and his English was like a native.  He was really helpful, but he hadn't revealed that fact until then. "Wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve."

前日とは打って変わって、照明などのテストも本番さながらの華やかさ 気持ちが高まりますt

We were told that a dress rehearsal would start at 11:00am (~13:00), so we entered the venue for competition beforehhand.
It was so fantasitc with gorgeous lighting that I got excited a lot. 
*dress rehearsal=(衣装をつけて行う)本稽古


The black rectangle in the center of the orange and red wall will be the entrance for fencers.
They said the image of each fencer would be displayed before he or she comes in.

To tell the truth, the exciting time didn't last forever. Can you imagine what happened?

This is my working place to display scores with the controller.
It was my first time to see the real Fencing matches. 

Actually, it was the first time that I touched the real controller to score.
I couldn't understand the manual well with the black-and-white picture of the controller as below, but...

I was explained the meaning of the P card, yellow card, and red card, which were mentioned in the manual, on the day before, but I had never seen the referee putting out those cards. 
 It might have been easier for me to understand if at least the pictures were printed in color from the beginning.




Suddenly, a trial fencing match started. 
At first, as there was something wrong with a machine (an electric signboard?), the staff of Omega was adjusting it.  
As soon as it was fixed, he said, "Press the plus button to score. Hurry up!"
I was in panic.  No one told me directly how to use the controller, though of course the staff of Omega supported me.

The referee was a young Japanese man, but he looked puzzled.
He would never think that I was a real beginner without good knowledge of Fencing.

I was told to score quickly when the referee raised his hand. So I scored 1 point on the left side with a gesture like the one below.
But this is the gesture of "touche" which means "touch", not "point".

Mr. K, a volunteer with the experience of fencing, kindly played the role of a referee.

Shortly after this, the referee made a gesture like bending the arm 90 degrees, saying "powan" which means "point" as shown below.
Then I realized for the first time that it was the gesture that would allow me to score 1 point on the right side.

後日、フランス語も堪能な中国人の大学生ボランティアに聞いたら、「トゥーシュ」は「be touched」。つまり「タッチされた」という意味で、「タッチではない」と教えてもらいました
A few days later, a Chinese university student volunteer, fluent in French, told me that "touche" meant "be touched", not "touch."
I should have met him and been told that ealier...

Here is a gesture of "Points on both sides" in Epee.

さらに、このジェスチャーで両者に点数を早く入れるようにい言われ、すぐに同時に両サイドのプラスボタンを押したところ、「同時に押したらダメ~」と、オメガのスタッフが慌てて飛んできました。どうも、コントローラーが、同時に押す操作に対応していなかったらしく…知らなかったとは言え、私のせいで電光掲示板の点数はめちゃくちゃです やばすぎます
実は、この時までよくわからず点数を入れる操作と格闘していたのですが これは「エペ」の模擬試合担当だったのです。エペはフルーレやサーブルと違って、「両者同時に1ポイントづつ獲得する」と、身を持って体験しました

In addition, I was in charge of a trial "epee" match, but unlike foil and sabre, fencers sometimes earn one point each at the same time. As I was told to score points as soon as possible, I immediately pressed the plus buttons on both sides at the same time.  
An Omega staff member hurriedly flew to me saying, "You can't push two buttons at the same time!" It seemed that the controller did not support the simultaneous pressing operation.
Even though I did not know that, the score on the electric bulletin board was messed up due to me
It suddenly reminded me of the phrase, "Oh, my god!"



The dress rehearsal for us finished as soon as the trial "epee" match was over.
I mean I could practice dealing with the scoring machine only once. I found myself so dumb that I lost my confidence.
I had to study hard about "Scoring" at home after the training was over at 4:00pm...

東京オリンピック4 大会ボランティア ・ フェンシング大会本番初日 へ続く/
Continuing to TOKYO2020 4 Field Cast Fencing Competition First Day 



Tokyo2020 Olympics & Paralympics Field Cast/Fencing Terms(to my site)

オリンピック大会2 ボランティア 幕張研修/ TOKYO2020 2 Field Cast Training in Makuhari

Makki's Let's Speak English!



《おまけ/ Just Extra Sotry from Line Record》


18:54/ 審判チームのMr. Mより、審判チーム全員の大会中の活動日と、各日の人出不足の人数のまとめをエクセル表ファイルで共有。表に間違えがないか、ラインでそれぞれ確認。(23日にタブレットチームから手伝いに入ってもらったMr. HとMs. AOのスケジュールも含む)
…実は、明日と言われた24日に出席する審判チームはたった4名。そのうち1名はフェンシング経験のない私で、Mr. Mは
欠席 機器の使用方法を含め、色々説明して欲しいのは私の方で、とても人様に説明できるレベルではありませんでした 
スケジュール管理のやり取りの最中、私は、審判のジェスチャーを見たことがない人はきっと戸惑うと感じ、「Mr. Kが演じてくださった審判のジェスチャーの写真付き解説」や「エペでは両者同時に点数が入ることもあるが、点数を入れるプラスマークは必ず片方づつ入れる必要がある」ことなど、マニュアルに載っていなかった操作方法などを大急ぎでアップしていました。唯一、今日ヘルプに入ってくれたMr. Hも、24日も終日手伝ってくれることがわかり、それだけが救いという感じでした

19:24/ M氏よりよりメッセージあり。
"Every morning we need to decie how we should cover four pists in accordance with the number of members. For example, if we have eight members, it is easy (two members per pist), however it seems difficult to decide if we have five, six or seven members.  Therefore I believe it may be good idea to share such information to make good practice. So it is appreciated if you could tell us how you covered four pistes that day every night."

19:26/ Ms. MTより、タブレットチームからの応援は、全部で9名(Mr. HとMs. AO含む)になる旨と9名のLINEアカウント名の連絡あり。
…私もトレーニングをしてもらいたいくらいなのに、泣きそうです(><) さらにLINEアカウントと本名の氏名が違うこともあり、後で誰が誰だかわからないという、個人的な混乱もありました。

19:27/ アメリカ人のMs. Eよりメッセージ。
"Idea.  If it's short handed one or two can be a "rover" meaning they can go to each piste and ask if they want to be releaved for a break."

19:29/ リーダーのカナダ人Ms. Jよりメッセージ
"Thanks for the idea. It's a good suggestion, what does everyone else think? Also, what do you all think of using this line group for communication during the day as well."
...このduring the day で、試合中の各ピストの意思疎通をlineで行う提案かな?とこのブログを書いていて気づいたのですが、当時は自分のサイト内ページのまとめで焦っていて、流し読みして意味が理解できていませんでした。

19:30/ Ms. Eよりメッセージ。
”I figured this is what it was for lol.
…実は、恥ずかしながら、今もMs. Eのメッセージの意味が理解できていない私...(lol=笑?)

20:03/ 私からのラインメッセージ。
「Sorry interrupt you. I updated my page for Tublet Team as below (My page's URL attached).  Mr. K was kind enough to play a role of a referee.
タブレットチームの今日参加されなかった皆さま向けに、写真など追加しました。(URL添付)少しでも役立てばと思います。To Mr.M...色々すみません。以下のページの翻訳していただいた機器の使い方で、今日気づいたことを付け加えました。」

21:47/ Mr. Mよりのメッセージ
「Ms. MT...中略24日、25日に説明する際に活動可能日を確認の上、このメールでご連絡ください。」
"I would like to add the availability of members from Tublet team into Schedule Sheet. Therefore, it is appreciated if you could confirm their available days when explain operation of the machines on July 24 and 25 and share the information via this Line Group."

23:06/ Mr. Mより私宛のメッセージ




