Makki's English マッキーの旅行記&英語習得のヒント?


備中高松城~吉備津神社、岡山県 Okayama Pref.

2019-09-30 | *旅行・中国四国地方 Travel in Chugoku &Shikoku

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2019年5月21日 May 21, 2019


Siege of Takamatsu



In 1582, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was ordered to attack Takamatus Castle in Bicyu (now Okayama prefecutre) by Oda Nobunaga.  The castle was controled by Mori Terumoto, one of the biggest clan in the west side of Japan at that time. 

The most incredible thing is the way Hideyoshi siege the castle.  His famous subordinate Kuroda Kanbe diverted a nearby river with dikes to surround and flood the castle. It is said that 200ha lake appeared and the castle looked like floating in the lake.

During this battle, Hono-ji incident occured and Oda Nobunaga was killed.  Hideyoshi wanted to end the battle before the enemy noticed it and tried to make peace talks.  Finally, Shimizu Muneharu, the loard of the castle, killed himself (Seppuku) and the battle ended.  Muneharu  performed No dance and killed himself on the boat floating in the artificial lake, witnessed by many wariiors of both sides. The scene was so impressive that it was performed in the TV drama and movies many times.

After this incident, Hideyoshi went back to Kyoto. Though the way was 200km long, it took only 10 days for them to reach Kyoto. No cars, no bikes, with heavy armors and arms like swords...

The incident can be considered  the beginning of Hideyoshi's reign. 


siege=スィージ=包囲攻撃、取り囲むこと、~を包囲する divert=ディばートゥ・ダイばートゥ=~をわきへそらす dike=ダイクゥ=堤防、土手、~に堤防を築く

200 hectare=1kmx2km=東京ドーム154面分


































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