Makki's English マッキーの旅行記&英語習得のヒント?


長野県小布施/新生病院 Shinsei Hospital in Obuse, Nagano Prf.

2023-03-17 | *旅行・中部地方 Travel in Chubu

2023年3月4日 March 4, 2023

長野県小布施/ 新生病院 
Shinsei Hospital in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture

最後に彼女から、長野県の小布施に行ったことがあるかと聞かれ、「もちろん。私はスキーが好きだし、小布施の近くにはいいスキー場がたくさんあるから」 と答えました。

I volunteered for Tokyo Olympics in 2021. My role was to keep the score in fencing. The Scorekeepers team consists of eight members: two Americans, one Canadian, one Hong Kong and four Japanese.
One day, during the lunch break, I had a chance to talk with a Canadian woman about travellling around Japan. 
We were excited to know that we both had been to Naruto whirlpools and Amano-hashidate.
I was asked if I had ever been to Obuse in Nagano. I said, "Sure. Because I like skiing and there are a lot of good ski areas near Obuse."


She: "Do you know Shinsei Hospital in Obuse?"
Me: "I don't know"
She: "My ancestor was the director of Shinsei Hospital, which was sent to Japan from Canada and dedicated to treating tuberculosis."
Me: "Really?"
She: "Just before I left Canada for Japan, my grandmother suddenly told me that she was related to the director of Shinsei Hospital."




彼女にラインで新生病院に寄ったことを伝えると、彼女の祖母の叔母 (祖母の母の妹) はスタート博士の妻で、一緒に旅をして小布施に住んでいたと教えてくれました。

She seemed very surprised about her relationship with Japan.  I was also surprised.
This time I drove to Hakuba Happo-one, so I decided to stop at Obuse near the Nagano Interchange and see Shinsei Hospital on the way to Hokusai-kan which I had wanted to visit.

My blog of Hakuba Happo-one is here

My blog of Hokusai in Obuse is here

When I told her on the line that I had stopped at Shinsei Hospital,she told me that her grandmother's aunt (the sister of her grandmother's mother) was Dr. Start's wife and they traveled together and lived in Obuse.
One of my fellow volunteers was a relative of a great benefactor of the Japanese.  How fantastic!




Before World War II, the scarcity of effective treatments made tuberculosis one of Japan's leading causes of death. Sympathizing with the plight of  poor Japanese, the Anglican Church of Canada, in 1932, collected monetary donations to build sanatorium in Obuse town.  The sanatorium, later named Shinsei Byoin (Hospital), had the most advanced medical facilities, plenty of warm sunshine and relaxed atmosphere.

Dr. R. K. Start, the sanatorium's first administrator, headed its medical activities for 16 years, prior to and following World War II.  He and his warm staff worked tirelessly for their tuberculosis patients, who had eagerly traveled from all over Japan to seek treatment in Obuse town.

This relief was created by the Yamabiko-Kai, a group of people that wishes to express their respect and thanks to Dr. Start from the bottoms of their hearts.




この碑は、心の底からスタート博士に敬意と感謝の気持ちを表したいと願う 「やまびこ会」 によって作られました。






The mountain at the back is Mt. Myoko (2454 m)? 

If you get a chance, stop by!


Makki's Let's Speak English!


関連外部サイト・Related external sites
特定医療法人 新生病院

歴史・理念伝承事業|NPO法人 ワンダイム






