

【エッセンス】 「アナキストは理想社会をめざす」。。。再再再掲 ※犯罪被害者支援NPOギヴアンドギヴ推薦記事

2019-11-16 14:04:30 | 評論
〇〇大学文学部哲学科 〇〇〇〇教授 様


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Anarchists aim for an ideal society

第一章 だれが決めたんだい?ぼくのこと
Chapter 1 Who decided me?

I am born freely born. My freedom not wanting anyone to decide Who robbed my freedom?

First of all it is my name. From ancient times to modern times, people have names. Who named me without taking my permission? I wanted to name my own name. That would be natural. So my name is prefixed with "temporary"That's why my parents should not give us our name by self satisfaction. This will be called human rights.

If I grow further and I know who I am, I will decide freely my name. Is somewhere wrong?

The next issue is the notification of birth. Why must I deliver my birth registration for anything? I do not remember asking such a thing. I own time and space freely since I was born, I have no obligation to report to the state. I'm not alone. It should be so worldwide. I am born freely born. Freedom around the world!

第二章 だれが学校に行けって言ったの?
Chapter 2 Who told you to go to school?

Compulsory education. What is obligation? Who decided it? Constitution? I do not know that. It does not matter to me.

I will learn with myself. There are many books if you go to a bookstore. I can freely read books of various genres
There are cram schools when it is hard to find it anyway. I do not need elementary school, junior high school. I can make many friends if I go to cram school.
Is somewhere wrong?

第三章 だれがぼくに働けっていったの?
Chapter 3 Who commanded me to work for me?

It is my freedom whether I will work or not. Why should I be ordered such things?
I guess working and paying taxes, the state is. Do not be deceived by such deception. I'm free to work. If labor is a duty, it is a threat to me from the state.
Is somewhere wrong?

第三章 だれがぼくに税金を払えって言ったの?
Chapter 4 Who told me to pay taxes?

I said I'm free to work. Why do I have to pay taxes? What, to maintain the state? Who decided that? If you privatize the state you do not need taxes. Privatization of state. It is only necessary to make a commune without lawmaker, administration,judicial system.
Is somewhere wrong?

第五章 ぼくはユートピアをめざす
Chapter 5 I aim for utopia

What is Utopia?

Utopia refers to an ideal world that does not exist in reality. The word made by Thomas More.

Do you know Thomas More? He is a British politician and social thinker who wrote "Utopia",but, he was charged with treason and was deadly killed. I despise

And this modern day. It is not time to say utopia. War, repression, assassination, terrorism,,, I am already going mad. Everyone is wrong. There is no justice. Each person has its own justice. If you understand it, move one step closer to Utopia. Even now humanity is old people.
Is somewhere wrong?

第六章 生まれながらにして自由を享受する
Chapter 6 Enjoying Freedom by Birth
As I have said so far, people can enjoy the greatest freedom in their birth. It is not a constitution, it is not a right, it is a world-wide principle. No one can infiltrate it.
Whether I live anywhere in the world or not, I do not care whether I work or not. It is strange that there are states or borders in the first place. That's why we are inconvenient. The era does not advance, not progress. It is because there is not enough argument of human "individual"In other words, no new philosophy is born. This contemporary is crazy.
Is somewhere wrong?

第七章 相互扶助って何だい?

In the past there was a Russian anarchist named Kropotkin. Mutual aid is the name of the paper he wrote in the early twentieth century of his later years. Reading is difficult because it is a paper, but what you are talking about is not that difficult.

In other words, he wrote observing and observing the fact that from a microorganism to a human being, each one helping each other living. So he said that we do not need a state. Amazing, Kropotkin. He is orthodox!

We have love. The world of mutual aid, the world of mutual help, the freedom world. A world that nobody binds anyone, Freedom World. If there is love it is possible.

Just because people without love dominates, we can not reach such a world. It's lonely. It should be such awhile.
Is somewhere wrong?

第八章 アナーキーなジョン・レノンってだれ?
Chapter 8 Who is Anarchy John Lennon?

Does everyone know the band called the Beatles in the UK? Long ago they played in Japan only once. Anyway it's a band. They have transformed the world of music so far. One of the members is John Lennon. His wife is a Japanese yoko Ono. That is famous.

So, John Lennon sang "Imagine"People you do not know can hear by checking out on YouTube. Masterpieces.

I do not need a border, I do not need religion, the world becomes one.

Is not this anarchy? This is nothing but anarchy! John Lennon told the ideal society. Amazing, great, amazing! This song is beyond scholars. A message of peace. But he was shot and died. It is too cruel.


※ 英訳はちょっといい加減かもしれない。