


2010-05-23 22:59:57 | Weblog

Hans-Peter Gasser, Collective Economic Sanctions and International Humanitarian Law An Enforcement Measure under the Right of civilians to Immunity:unavoidable Clash Policy Goals ?, Zeitschrift für Ausuländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht ,vol.56(1996) pp.871-904

International Institute OF Humanitarian Law, San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at SeaCambridge Univ.Press,1995

UK Ministry of Defence,The manual of the Law of the armed conflict (Oxford Univ.Press2004)p.420 n49〔以下Manual と略記〕

USNAVY,The Commanders Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations,NWP1-14M1996



Nussbaum Arthur,A Concise History of the Law of Nations,,1946pp.239-292

Karl-Heinz Ziegler,Volkerrechts-geschite(Verlag CHBeck,,1994) p.230-232,pp.255-256,pp.284-286