This class was about the early history of Deaf culture and education in the United States. It started with Aristotle, who said deaf people cannot be educated.

Then I talked about early forms of deaf education in Europe in 1500s to 1700s. Then I talked about how Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet founded the first deaf school in the United States, with help from a French man, Laurent Clerc. I talked about Deaf education in the 1800s in the United States, and ended with the 1880 Milan conference.
YouTube: JASS_DeafStudies2012.wmv
Future classes will be about Deaf history, Deaf life in the 21st century, Deaf pride and different groups of Deaf people, sign language, Deaf biographies, Deaf publications and communications (such as magazines and videos online), and we will talk about audism. It means discrimination against someone because they are deaf, for example not allowing someone to apply for a job, because they are deaf.
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