Hello Japan! I just began teaching ASL at JASS, and I am very excited to work with all of the students there. Every student has been fun to teach, and I am looking forward to the year here in Japan!
During the first week here, Kumiko, Kazue, and I had a lunch together at a nice place near the Iidabashi metro station, called "hive cafe." Hive means the home of the bees, where honey are produced. So Kumiko, Kazue, and I are like bees flying to the hive to eat our honey!
仕事が始まって初めの1週間、クミコとカズエ、そして私とで地下鉄飯田橋駅近くにある'hive cafe'という素敵なレストランで食事をしました。hiveは、ミツバチの巣という意味で、蜂蜜が作られるところです。つまり、クミコ、カズエ、私たちは蜂蜜を味わうために巣へ飛んで行っているような感じなんですね!
The restaurant is hidden in an alley past a coffee shop, so it is very easy to miss it. You have to look for a blackboard with "Hive" to find it.
The restaurant is very nice, and you can see the kitchen where two people are cooking our meals. There are many different kinds of bread on the counter. They look delicious!
The hive cafe has an Italian theme - I ordered spaghetti with peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes, and it was very delicious. The salad was included for free, and the dressing was very good too. All of the ingredients were very fresh. I ate many pieces of bread also. Kumiko ordered potato soup and she liked it very much. Kazue ordered the same thing as I did. My meal was 900 yen.
hive cafeはイタリアンがテーマで、私は胡椒の利いたマッシュルームとトマトのパスタ(下写真上)を頂きました。とてもおいしかった!サラダもついていてドレッシングがベリーグー
Today's Pasta 日替わりパスタセット 900円
Soup of the Day 日替わりスープセット 800円
I would come here again! I hope to have many more great lunches with the Deaf Japanese people!
hive cafe (ハイヴカフェ)
東京都千代田区飯田橋4-7-4 飯田橋グランプラス1F
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