桜 夕口ーの明るい森林ブログ



12月9日(月)のつぶやき その2

2013-12-10 | Weblog
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12月9日(月)のつぶやき その1

2013-12-10 | Weblog

米主要500社の第4四半期、103社が利益悪化見通し bit.ly/J4N2xg

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今週の米株は上昇基調継続か、さえない企業決算見通しの影響軽微 bit.ly/J4N48f

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"His invitation is expressed in three loving words: “Come, follow me.” #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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"Peace can come to all who choose to walk in the ways of the Master." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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"Peace can come to all who earnestly seek the Prince of Peace." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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"Peace can come to those whose labors are heavy." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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"Peace can come to our soul as you build faith in the Prince of Peace." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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"Christmastime is cherished family time. Family time is sacred time." #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv pic.twitter.com/qnr4HdTgar

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Symphonyofdissent: Blacks, the Priesthood, and the Hand of the Lord bit.ly/1dZGk9l #lds #mormon

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"One day, we will stand before Him as our just Judge and merciful Master." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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Imperfect people share this world with other imperfect people #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo

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"Whatever may cause the worry, each of us yearns to find inner peace." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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"Imperfect people share planet earth with other imperfect people." #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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Focusing on the Lord and everlasting life can help us through the challenges of mortality #ElderNelson #ChristmasDevo bit.ly/1hDePmv

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What hymns do Mormons sing and listen to at church? Follow @LDSHymns! #lds #mormon #hymns #Jesus #Christ

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"Far, far away on Judea’s plains, shepherds of old heard the joyous strains: Glory to God!" #ChristmasDevo facebook.com/MormonTabernac…

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Our opportunities to do good are limitless, but they are also perishable. -Pres. Monson #christmasdevotional

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去年から考えていた三角形 平成24年12月 blog.goo.ne.jp/sakura-taro/e/… @sakurayoukuchiiさんから

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紹介文の一例 桜 夕口ーさんが、能天気な情報公開をなされています。