

ショッピングサイト アリババ

2016-02-04 10:19:15 | 日記

送り出している。 残念。
The world's largest shopping site that China is
proud of is "Alibaba". It is to be deplored that this
Alibaba sends copy products and goods of poor quality
of the record-breaking quantity off into the world.
Some organization fighting against the company
making imitations announced, “ 80% of products that
are sold in the "Alibaba’s Taobao" is regarded as a fake.”
Hundreds of thousands of Chinese open a store in
shopping site "Taobao" which Alibaba runs and make
their living.
Jack Ma or Ma Yun really dislikes lawyers.
This is because lawyers of many countries are going
to break "the Alibaba empire" which he built.
First-class lawyers of New York, agents of French
corporations such as "Gucci" or " Yves Saint-Laurent",
appeal that "Jack Ma violates a trademark and sold
an imitation". When mentioned the issue of imitation
in an interview, Mar leaned forward from a sofa, and
strengthened a tone; saying "there is no possibility to
be reconciled with each other."
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