Because I have nothing to do, I decided to start English diary...rather "tweet" again. I hope this won't last too long. (This means I will be officially hired.)
For now, I am searching for a ”daily employment" but there's not a good one I can find these days.
Last week I went to a sticker factory. It was phisycally a tough job and on top of everything else, the place was too far away from home. More than one hour travel (one way). In addition, the payment is not so great....Maybe I'm not going there again.
Anyway, I am thinking how to spend this free time.
I already planted some vegetables in the small garden. This year, potatoes, okura, cucumber, mini tomato, aubergine etc... I hope them grow well!
I am also thinking of making Nuka doko (making pickles in a salted rice bran). This will be after a trip this weekend.
Oops, it's already 4pm. Cooking time~~
See you tomorrow!
すでに、庭の野菜は植え終わった。じゃが、おくら、きゅうり、ミニトマト、なす などなど。いっぱいなってくれるといいな。