

halfway done?

2007-09-27 01:13:11 | ノンジャンル
Our KOUZA(course at Uni) had a interim report meeting(i dont know how to call it. i meant SOTSURON CHUKAN HOUKOKU KAI) on graduation thesis.
Though it is called "CHUKAN", which means "the middle", I can't say I finished half of it. even nor 1/3.

I could come through my presentation today, but I know this was surface work. Cos I worked on it for only 2 or 3 days.

Now,I'm pressed. I have to study. maybe i want to study.

By the way, my mum and sis came to Kobe to see me on weekend. it was good to see them, coz i havent gone back home for long! mum went back soon, but sis stayed for 2 nights. I felt how comfortable it is to be with her. I dozed 2 days straight from 8pm and found all the dishes washed when i woke up.hehe

OMAKE: Occhan gave me asparagus. I boiled them and ate them with mayo. yum.animal10


2007-09-20 23:00:50 | ぼやき
I wonder how many times i used this title.

After spending "much work(i mean work, not paperworks) no study" days, now it seems like i have to pay for it.
I'm going to have a consultation(it's SOTSURON ZEMI) with professor tomorrow.

What have i done in this summer?

I dare not to answer this question. Cos my summer hasn't ended yet. My summer-work will be done from now!

It's good to call it summer now because it's still so hot. isn't it supposed to be autumn??

Anyways, i will do it. i can do it, i can do it.