


2006-10-30 22:58:39 | 日常
Yesterday i went to an exhibition of Orsay art museum held in Kobe.
I dont really know well about "art", but i thought it was quite good.
Only if the museum wasnt so crowded that much, it would have been much better though.

The reason why i went there was that my mom and sis came along to Kobe for day trip and they contacted me. My sis wanted to see paintings at Orsay, so she decided to come to Kobe day before, and carried it out.
They had been to aquarium at Suma before we met, so when i met them, they looked somewhat tired already. but it was really good to meet them.
also i was impressed to look at Monet's painting which i was familier with. i thought that going to museum is a bit too noble hobby to do, but it was good for my weary mind. maybe....

today i was such a useless worker at "ultraman building". i hope i will not get fired next time.


2006-10-28 01:01:07 | 日常
As some people might know, the title is the name of a small shop(grocery) where i frequently go.

This shop became one of my favourites after coming to live here. the reason why i like this shop is not only because it is very close to my apartment, but it is `locally-friendly' shop. I often hear customers and the cashier talking each other friendlily. and off course, cheap.

This evening(around 9 i reckon), i went there to buy some milk for tomorrow's breakfast. As usual, though i went there only for milk, i bought some other stuff which were at a sale prices....

and when i was about to go home, OJISAN from the shop called me to come close to him, and put something in my shopping bag. he said "keep it, OJYO-CHAN(young lady)". It was KAKINOTANE, a small pack of...what is it called??? sort of junk food..
Then i came home, feeling a bit happy.

Right after coming back to Japan from Australia, i thought Japan has such a cold and unfriendly society, but now i think it is not always true. i should try to look at the good side of everything i see!!!

Anyway, i will keep going to Tsu〇amoto.



2006-10-23 23:52:32 | ぼやき
Nowadays i am forced to think about my future.
I spend many hours browsing web sites which are something to do with JOB HUNTING. I get nothing from them so far..I mean, i dont know what i wanna do and what i should do. I just stay up late for it and cant get up early..bad habit.

What's more, I gave a brief presentation on my graduation thesis on last Friday..and professors put me down. Now Im not in the mood for working on it. I dont know if i should keep on doing with this theme or change it.
Maybe i need some time to get back to it.
In any case, i cant get away from writing it. I need a reeeeest!

Ah, too much complaint. but please let me off, cos here's just my TSUBUYAKI.

By the way, i went to a public bath in Nada the other day. My friend and I were supposed to go to an institution for study, but we found it was already a bit late to go there on that day. So we ended up taking bath(i cant explain why...because i dont know why). The place was good, had many kinds of bathtabs including natural hot spring. it was a real refreshment, so we talked that we will visit there when we are tired of job hunting or other stuff.

another news. i started working at the Ultraman building from today.
it was really easy..maybe the easiest job ive ever done.
and the place and the owner will be on TV on Wednesday morning ("OHAYO ASAHIDESU" local TV show in west) check it out yo. if you wake up early.

a, if you know well about using outlook, tell meeeeeeeee


2006-10-15 23:51:36 | 日常
finally i got my PC back!!
thanks Ha***in for letting me use the internet the other day!
Now I can use the Internet as much as i want. hehe

But yeah, PC is needed not only for fun. I need to make an outline for the presentation...and maybe i have to check emails about job hunting stuff....
when the pc was not here, i could make such a useful excuse; "because i dont have pc now, i cant,,," But it doesnt work any more.

I guess i should start something i have to start...
I shouldnt be addicted to the internet surfing!!

By the way, i cooked TONJIRU(miso soup with vege and pork) today. Tasted really good.


