

back from kinosaki

2007-08-31 00:01:40 | 日常
The overnight-stay was so much fun.
I went to the beach for the first time in one year!
And this was maybe my first "the Sea of Japan"(Nihon Kai) experience.

Now i came back to the reality. that is, working life.

I don't know why, but recently I'm super sleepy when i am at my working place. Do i need more sleep??(i already have 7 or 8 hour sleep a day)
Tomorrow is eiga service day, so we'll have many customers....sigh

uuuuummmmmm ive got so much to do. But I havent done anything i really need to do.
JAFSA report and of course.....thesis. I'm so scared when i imagine myself being cornerd in near future.

pursuit of happYness

2007-08-25 00:00:51 | 日常
How do you get rid of your stress???

For me, sing, sing and sing.
Sometimes walk, walk and walk.
once in a while, watch movies and cry.

Yesterday, I went to Palcinema(again!) and watched two movies.
One is called "Dreamgirls", the other is "Pursuit of Happyness".
both were good but they weren't enough to cry to release my stress. I mean...

Dreamgirls was good to listen to(jennifer hudson's sining was really nice!) and Will Smith and his cute son moved me, but i wasn't cry.

After that, i walked there to Sannomiya station.(from shinkaichi)

And I sang a lot of songs today. guess my neighbours are annoyed. hehe

From tommorrow, i have three days off. For my society's overnight stay.
hope i can be refreshed.

summer sonic 07 report

2007-08-13 12:02:44 | 娯楽
Cobra Starship
The Goo Goo Dolls
Gwen Stefani
Avril Lavigne

B'z, Ai(just listened from outside)

This year I wasn't OBACHAN at all.
I didnt headbanging(like a*-chan lol) though.

All I can say now is TRAVIS is awesome!!!! and lovelysymbol1←the video fran mentioned


☆cobra starship パンクだし、期待せずに行ったらいい感じ。何がいいって、曲も結構いいけどのらせるのがうまい!!ボーカル絶対いい人。the academy is のvo.も出てくるし(かっこいい)GYM CLASS HEROESの人も出てくるし(後で知った)楽しかったー、って思いました。

☆OK GO youtubeでみてから(youtube awardもらってた)見よう!と思っていたバンド。UK。ビデオ面白いし、曲も割と好きなのでちょっと期待しすぎた感あり。今年見た人たちはentertainerが多かったせいか、結構普通だったかも。スーツはよい。

☆Shitdisco あ*ちゃんとの予習ではまってしまった人たち。ギター(ベース?)すぐ脱ぐし、楽器にガムテープの補修跡があるし、マイナーそうなのにコアなファンは歌ってるし、ほんと意味わからん。でも、かなり楽しかった。初めてmoshというものを体験したかも。こわかった。でものりのり。I know kung fu-は、必聴です。

☆the goo goo dolls 安定感。渋い。途中で移動したから最後までみてないの。

☆interpol 前半飛ばしすぎて疲れたので休憩。音にこだわってるんだろうな。ボーカルの声がオペラのようだな。私ははまらんだろうな。

☆Gwen Stefani グウェンちゃん♥ステージから降りてきたり、日本人ダンサーに通訳させたり、たっぷりファンサービス。Harajuku girlはOsaka girlになるし。日本好きなんだろうなー。「You are so Kawaii」発言に、Clai*e-chanを連想。あと去年オーストラリアでよく聴いていたせいか、結構歌えた自分にびっくり。個人的にはNo doubtの曲がすきなのだけどね。

☆Avril Lavigne Klaxonsあきらめてアブちゃん。こっちでよかったかも。だって、一緒に歌うの楽しい!後ろの女の子も熱唱してた。最初前にいすぎたのか、押されてしんどかった。うた下手じゃなかったよー

☆Travis 今回のメイン。トラビス見るためにいったんです。だから、いつもなら座って聴いてるだろう私も、前の方に行ったんです。結構近かったのに前の人がでかくてFran(vo.)の姿はチラ見だったんです。登場の時、トラビスファンってこんな人ら!?って言うくらい押されたんです。でも、でもでもほんと、めっちゃよかった!!!!何がいいって、もう全て。曲もだし、MC最高。ほんといい人だよ、Franは。ファンが呼んだら答えるんだよ?質問にも。Korea いけるようにがんばるらしいよ?しかもhis sense of humour is awesome!!スウェーデン(だっけ?北欧のどっか)からわざわざピアノ弾きに来たクロースかっこいいよ?そしてベースのDougieえがおがかわいすぎる・・・。ほんまみんな楽しんで演奏してるんだろうなーって思いました。
最初から最後までほとんど一緒に歌いっぱなし。まわりも歌っている人多し。ファン層厚いね。となりのにーちゃんずっとエアーギターしてるし。最後はやっぱり大合唱でした。でも、まさかトラビスの曲でジャンプするとは思わんかった・・・。selfish jean t-shirt ほしーい。



cant wait

2007-08-10 01:07:49 | ノンジャンル
One more day till summer sonic '07!!
cant wait to see TRAVIS.
Recently Im singing in a loud voice in my room. what an annoying resident!

After summer sonic, I'll have horrible, horrible 6 days straight working.
In fact, there is another 6 RENKIN after having one day-off. so scary...will i be able to survive??


2007-08-05 00:18:35 | ノンジャンル
The result was that the LDP(the Leberal Democratic Party...wonder if they are truly Leberal Democratic) was defeated. Hopeless abe-san.

Main topic todayanimal2

Some of the visitors of this blog may know about SUPER TSUKAMOTO.(That's the nearest grocery from my apartment)
Today, Occhan from TSUKAMOTO took me(in fact, three of us) out for dinner and cake!
I said three of and one couple. I met them for the first time! The guy is regular customer of TSUKAMOTO as well.

When Occhan appeared, he was in BMW with buzz.
When he got out from the car, he put on normal wear(grocery style)with dirty towel around his neck.
He kept talking unbelievable stories like....i don't know how to say, something big, people from show business, and his life in general.

Though i listened to his stories for a long time, i don't still understand who he is. Occhan is mysterious!!
He said next time he'll take us(ha*umin, ts*cchi!! are you reading this??) out by maybe Rolls Royce.

By the way, we went to a restaurant called "cafe the terrace", which served fine dishes. And also, Henri-charpentier for desserts.
Oh sounds like Ashiya celebkirakira