

movie and procrastination

2006-05-28 02:09:20 | 映画
What am I doing these days????????

Obviously I am going to be a last-minute-girl(giri giri girl).

In fact....recently my film consumption is boosting(I know it is not the right expression) although i have 3 assignments next week...

I watched "Inside Man" on Wednesday at UQ schonell, "Finding Neverland" on Thursday in IH, and "da Vinci Code" tonight at Southbank cinema.

All they were good movies. Inside Man was a bit hard to understand for me though. my favourite Johnny Depp was cool in the "finding neverland", which was moving film. I didnt read the book before watching "da vinci..". so i dont know if it is because i didnt know the original story or not, but i really liked it regardless of heaps of criticism. i will probably go for the book after this "supposed-to-be busy" week...hehe

anyway, id better to start assignment seriously.
tomorrow's gonna be a STUDY DAY!!

recent events

2006-05-16 00:50:10 | オーストラリア
went to valley to eat dim sum with No****, Mi**, Fu***, Sa**** and Sh**. the restaurant was packed because it was Mother's day.
We ate a lot, but it wasnt so expensive. wanna go again...

nothing special. started feeling pressed by assignments. found its better to study in the dining hall than in my room.. in my room... in my room~~ ♪

went to a group meeting for presentation. im worried about it so much..cos the readings for the presen is soooo difficult. will i be able to do it???
watched Shrek while studying(of course couldnt study) in N**'s room.
after choir practice, i am carrying out hikikomori plan. but the plan hasnt worked well so far....thats why im writing this. animal4


2006-05-13 00:36:56 | ノンジャンル
I wanna go to Summer Sonic this year. Does anyone want to go with me? otherwise, im gonna go there alone...of course, Osaka's one.
I think last night's Band fest made me wanna go to a music fest.

i worked until 5 today. exhausted.
but after i came back to IH once, went to botanic garden to see possums. i didnt know we can feed them and even pat them.
possum were everywhere... possum possum possum....animal7