


2017-02-13 01:12:00 | 引越し準備
It has been already one & half a month passed since 2017's start.
There's one big news from the last year end that my hus will be transfered to Scotland!
Actually, the news made me happy and released my stress. Winter holiday was very fun not only because I met many friends from IH and old friends but I felt releaved that I will be quitting my job soon.(It will be April though)
Now we are in preparation period.
Last Tuesday had health check and got a tetanus vaccination. I hate injection...I hate doctor....
I need to get two more injections yellow22
But I think I can put up with this....Compared with the hardship I had in these years, it will be nothing!
Anyway, there are lot to do from now. My job in ”black” section is continuing, too.
For the bright future, I will try my best!