


2007-04-27 01:08:57 | 小旅行
I went to Kitakyushu yesterday. To see robots.(insufficient explanation..)
Cos I left my house early in the morning and came back home at night, the trip was sooooo tiring.
That's why I slept till 2 pm today.
So lazy...

Welcome Party

2007-04-20 23:01:41 | 日常
Went up to Uni in the morning.
Totally forgot to bring rice-cooker. sorry.

Went to Osaka to have job interview and test.
I dont know what the interviewer wanted to ask me...
And i dont know if i wanna work for that company when i could go to the next step....

Went to Uni in the evening (mountain climbing twice in a day!) for welcome party for international students. When i arrived there, it was a bit late to enjoy the party to the full. but it wasnt bad.

Tomorrow Im gonna have volleyball practice.
Wanna play?? join us...


2007-04-13 00:22:42 | 小旅行
Finally I went to Tokyo, the capital of Japanpenguin
The main purpose of this visit was to have job interview.
Buuuut i had another mission, or rather this was my actual purpose: To meet IH mates!!

Though I could stay there only for a short time, it was soooo nice to catch up with people. And I was happy to know they are well and funny as always.
Thanks sooooo much for meeting me, Mi*a-chan, Jen**, Mo*-chan, Ky*-chan and special thanks to No*-chan!
I also need to thank the company which gave me the opportunity to go there for free(!)

By the way...I experienced some small culture-shocks there. Though I already knew them, never get used to those...
・the position they stand on escalator
・standard Japanese(Chooo---)
・complicated train lines(worse than osaka)

I was afraid if i can survive in the City, but i could. because im GATty young. hehe
Next time i wanna stay longer and have to go sightseeingflag1

busy but fulfilled

2007-04-09 01:50:27 | 日常
10:30-10:40 Maintenance of cable TV
      ↓mountain climbing

11:30-15:00 UKEIRE tour from Uni to Bank

      ↓train travelling from Rokkomichi to Yodoyabashi(got lost again)

16:40-17:10 Job-interview

      ↓from yodoyabashi to Rokkomich
18:00 came home to change

      ↓from home to Sannomiya

18:30-22:30 part time work
      (there were so many company presidents tonight. was packed. busy busy)

I am exhausted. But now I know that I can do anything, if I try.


2007-04-05 23:40:57 | ぼやき
Though I was staying home to have maintenance of cable TV this noon, the cable company didnt show up. I need to be at home next monday as well. boooooooanimal4

I am waiting for the ring which never rings. im left hanging in the air. Nowadays I sometimes feel insecure.

Oh, sounds too sentimental. maybe i can write a song.