


2006-08-30 22:22:59 | ノンジャンル
Tomorrow is the last day of working!

I think this work was the least productive one I've ever done.
But I cant complain about it because i get money anyway.
And i met some people.
One of the staffs has been in Australia, and actually lived in GC.
We talked about Australian memories and it reminded me of lots of small things about there.

there is nothing meaningless in our lives.

reunion & estimate

2006-08-27 22:24:33 | 日常
I went to Kobe the other day (2 days ago?). To hand a contract of my new room!
I finished my mission only in 5 minites. So quick.

Then I met my friends. It was fun talking with them about many stuff such as Kokubun talk...hehe

Today. A staff from a remover came to my house to estimate how much its gonna take to move my stuff to new room. I dont know if its true but it seemed like i knocked down the price.

Im moving to Kobe on 5th of September.

C u!

Sorting n Packing

2006-08-24 22:12:30 | ぼやき
I am sick and tired of sorting and packing..

Yesterday, i went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean2".

I heard about it, but unfinished story was a bit disappointing.

By the way, in Australia, this movie was released on the day after i left for Japan. One thing i dont like about Japan is that movies from overseas come so late!!
X-men3 hasnt released yet. Tokyo drift either.
but I can watch Japanese film(made by the Japanese) earlier. So i guess its natural.

Maybe i should take this opportunity and watch many Jap movies!?
thought Udon looks interesting.

I am going to Kobe tomorrow. wonder if i can meet anybody.......


2006-08-20 23:03:08 | 娯楽
Yesterday I met my old friends from junior high.
We met at Furuichi (bukkake Udon of the specialties in kurashiki) then went to karaoke.
Didnt feel like we hadnt met for more than a year. But two of them are going to graduate from Uni next year and start to work.
Time is going on, everything is changing.

Oh, I finally sang Tornado, Fup**o!!!!!!

Today.....Cos i had a day-off, it was a relaxing day.
cat watched Yokocho-e Youkocho. Laughed.

cat watched ONBATO special. Laughed.

cat went shopping with mom, bought a pot (maybe "kettle" in english.. i dunno) and some stuffs for my new life.

cat felt down seeing my stuffs from former room( before going to Aus, i lived in Kobe alone). They are occupying one room in my house). I have to sort out the things needed from not needed. its gonna be tough...


2006-08-18 23:00:50 | ノンジャンル
My BON holiday finished yesterday.
Work has started again.

I think Im easy to get spoilt.
Was so hard to get out from my bed this morning.
Tomorrow's starting the same time again,,,,,

Oh, I watched volleyball worldcup game(Women's).

I found Im familiar to one player in Japanese national team.
I used to play volleyball games in the same gym(not the same court. our team was extremely weak...) when I was a junior high.
I was a bit excited to find her. Yeah, she stood out as a tall player in city competition for junior high's....
Good memory.

Im sleeeeeepy