

Medical Checkup

2009-06-08 21:34:00 | 日常
Today I got a medical checkup.

In fact, I couldn't concentrate on my work at all in the morning...
Because I was really afraid of blood drawing.

I think this was 3rd time for me to have my blood taken. But I never get used to it.
In the first place, I hate injection. I sometimes go pale after making a injection.

This is not injection, but my trauma experience was...
At science class in high school, we needed to look at our blood through a microscope. So I had to sting my finger with needle. I was OK at first, but gradualy I felt sick and squatted down. I was taken to a nerse's office at high school.

Anyway, from that day I became to dread anything like injection or blood drawing.

This time, I didn't really felt sick. Because a nurse asked me if I ever had a feinting fit or felt sick after blood drawing and I answered yes.
I was taken to the another "special" room and laid down on bed and have my blood taken. I didnt have to see it, it was good.

I felt I was like a little child. But all in all, I let it go at this cos I felt relieved.

Sounds like a small, small matter, but this was a huge highlight for me.



2009-04-26 22:54:00 | 日常
Two days until GOLDEN WEEKsmile
I don't have enough time to get prepared...But I will enjoy, I have to enjoy.
I think I am stressed out with work nowadays. I think I am always in a panic..because I don't know how I can manage the troubles popping up one after another.
I need something to change pace of life. I wanna refresh myself!!

This GW, I am going to Vietnam. I am looking forward to it but actually I haven't really researched the country. I don't know where I wanna/should go.
But hope I can survive.

Ummm I dont wanna go to work tomorrow..I have to face with tasks I have to do before the long holidays. But when I get over it, I can be freeeee.
Too much free time (like holidays on Fridays) makes me lonely though...


2009-03-31 00:26:00 | 日常
My working place have "morning speech". And it is my turn tomorrow.
Since I came to the section now, I have had so many chances to give speeches.
Because there are not many people in our group (department), rotation is very fast. Like twice a month. So actually I am run out of materials.
And the problem is not just it.
From the beginning, I'm not good at speaking in front of people. Every time I make a speech, I cant help laughing myself and blow up the story. I'm like lame comedian...

So, tomorrow, my resolution is.....

I won't laugh. I pronounce distinctly.

My end goal is.......

Make a joke and get a laugh.

Yes, I can!
OK, I need to find NETA for tomorrow.

temporary closing

2009-03-29 23:47:00 | 日常
From this week, my company started temporary closing on Fridays.
This means.......I have 3 days-off every week!!!!!

This sounds really good. But in fact it is not for me.
Because....I have nothing to doooooooo.
Even 2 days-off, I was annoyed to make a schedule. Much less 3 days, what should I do???
Maybe I should study....? I dont want to.....
If you have any ideas, please tell me!!

Cos I had nothing to do yesterday, I just slept. Wanted to do anything productive...regret regret.
But today I went to a dorm in Kurosaki to see new recruits. I felt that I'm becoming scared.
But for some reason, I felt good. Maybe because I could remember and felt the feeling I had one year ago. REFRESH & BACK TO THE BASICS dane.
From tomorrow, I think I can do!


2009-02-11 21:44:58 | 日常
I had a hot pot party with my friends today. They came all the way to Yukuhashi from Orio...(About 1hour trip by car)
Cos Yukuhashi is famous for oysters, we had oyster hot pot.
We were supposed to go to the market in Minoshima..But when I called the fish shops, they said "the oyster sales this year has ended".Mmmm
So we ended up buying ones in supermarket.

Hot pot was nice, cheerful atmosphere was even nicer.
I think I like this kind of party!
Next year, should get real fresh oyster at Minoshima :D