

declaration of Hikikomori

2006-05-09 23:48:11 | ぼやき
This time I am serious.
I really have to be a Hikikomori until the end of this semester. Long way...;(

when i counted my tasks, i was about to cry.
how could it happen?

I think i was a bit high at the beginning of this semester, so did wrong choice of courses... and was fool enough not to have started studying earlier.
but i still have time. I can do it, I can do it.

so, dont disturb me.

.........but occasional Annoying Tai is welcome.
or rather am I waiting for it? hehe :)


2006-05-06 19:51:34 | オーストラリア
At last I did it,,,
I missed the bus for the work this morning!!

I had never been late for work when I was in Ipswich(1 hour from City, they have unbelievably incredible bus service).

but why???
I left IH well in advance(I thought so), met Da**** and talked for a while on the way to the bus stop.

Then, i saw the bus going off....


Why? it was 11:30 on my watch. It was supposed to leave at 11:32.....
anyway, today is Suturday, which means there are bus service only every 30 minutes.I was sure I would be late more than 25 min if I caught the next bus. So I walked to Gyatt Park to catch City cat, being not sure if they have right timing service.
then,,,,I found they have 11:57 one.
Actually it came before 11:57 and arrived at North Quey at 12:07. yes i was late, but luckily my boss was out, so i was only blamed by collegues(but not seriously).
today i couldn't work as a cashier cos i have husky voice, you know. I found it is very hard to work with this voice.

since the oldies(staffs) quitted job to go back to Japan, I think I worked double compared to the new people. tired tired...
but new members are nice as well, and rather younger, so i dont have to be caring so much. I mean, they are more friendly... im sleepy, i might go to bed soon though shag fest is going on at ivor cribb. its very noisy from my room. oo

...i didnt go have a look after all.
my voice is terrible now.
Im really sleepy. but I cant sleep. I dont know why.....


2006-05-01 21:44:37 | ノンジャンル
Labour Day. Yes, today is a public holiday!

I had a ring from Pet* and Shar**(my host family..or host couple in Ipswich)around 12, and they asked me out for the picnic in Mt. Cootha. so I went there with them.otherwise I was going to study whole day today....lucky me:)

They looked fine, having a Japanese highschool girl at the moment, so she was there as well. She said she doesnt like Australia so far, but she's stayed there for only a week. So i understood her.
I was excited to meet them coz we couldnt catch up during easter holiday althoguh we promised to.
I found it was quite comfortable to talk with them. Its probably because they know me well.
Anyway, I enjoyed the rhythm of their conversation, their jokes(they always say something funny, but i dont really get it) very much.

and they gave me a lift to IH.
had a dinner.
practiced how to sign.
watched scary(or disgusting) movie in N**'s room.
and...trying to study.
oh, my stomach is aching.