


2006-11-15 00:44:41 | ぼやき
i guess im stressed out.

i never cared the noise from upstairs before, but now it really annoys me.
i wonder what he/she is doing, like everyday.
where is this thudding sound from?
is the person fat? or doing excercise????

now i realised the real problem,,,, why dont i know my neighbour well?
it may be much more complicated if i know the person though.


2006-11-10 01:24:21 | 娯楽
I was sooooo excited today!!
I had never watched GEININ-SAN(comedians) that up close before.
laught a lot. especially NICHOKEN's one was awesome.

other than them, i was very happy to see lots of KONBI who i used to watch on TV when i was in high(junior-high) BIKKIES, RANDIES,REAL KIDS(they are not kids any more) and CHIDORI..

Thank you so much for giving me an opprtunity like this, Mi〇aki !!!
Have a safe n nice tripsmile

I wanna go see WARAIMESHI's one someday...


2006-11-07 01:52:12 | 日常
Im procrastinating right now. Surprisingly, I hadnt used this word for a long time!(just because i didnt have to study so hard)
I know this is not what i should do, but i wanna update here now.

I worked tonight(the IZAKAYA one). It wasnt so busy...cos its Monday.
Today my boss's friend from high school came to have drinks and chat. He is a very funny man who is always joking. I enjoyed the conversation, but i didnt know how to deal with his OYAJI joke. There should be some good way to evade to react..i mean, not ignore but...react smartly(?).
Anyway, though i had to come back home early and work on a handout for tomorrow's presentation, i stayed there till late.

It's about time to leave here! My clock inside is striking...

Culture Day

2006-11-03 14:27:16 | 日常
Today is a public holiday...that means i have 3 days holiday from today!
But i dont have any plans for now except a part-time job tonight.
Ive got a group presentation on coming Tuesday, so maybe im working on it.
And,,,i wanna go shopping, but i found i dont have enough money(cos i just bought a new pair of shoes for job hunting yesterday). its gonna be just a window shopping if i is sour.

but but but, last week my boss at NEKONEYA(japanese style bar) said that after finishing the work tonight, they(boss and her wife) will take me out to a restaurant for dinner. im so excited. hehe

ただただ楽しみなのは今日のバイト後のeat outです。へへ。