
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ クウェート:投獄した活動家を釈放せよ



(Kuwait City, November 24, 2009) – The prosecutor-general should immediately order the release of Muhammad Abd al-Qadir al-Jasim, a lawyer and journalist who is a prominent critic of the government, Human Rights Watch said today.

(クウェート市、2009年11月24日)-検事総長は、弁護士兼ジャーナリストで著名な政府批判者であるムハンマド・アブド・アル-カディル・(Muhammad Abd al-Qadir al-Jasim)の釈放を直ちに命令するべきだ、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。

Al-Jasim was arrested November 22, 2009, on charges of libel and slander. The arrest was apparently the result of criticisms he allegedly made about Prime Minister Shaikh Nasir al-Muhammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah’s policies at a private gathering more than a month ago, Al-Jasim’s lawyer said.

アル-ジャシム葉2009年11月22日に名誉毀損容疑で逮捕された。逮捕は1ヵ月以上前に私的な集まりでシェイク・アル-ムハンマド・アル-アハマド・アル-サバハ(Shaikh Nasir al-Muhammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah)首相の政策について、アル-ジャシムがしたと言われている批判の結果であるらしいとアル-ジャシムの弁護士は語った。

“Locking up apparently peaceful government critics for remarks at a social gathering certainly undermines Kuwait’s image as one of the freest countries in the region,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.


The prime minister faces rare parliamentary questioning on December 8 over his personal expenditures and that of his office.


Jasim’s lawyer, Abd al-Karim Haidar, told Human Rights Watch that al-Jasim reported to the General Prosecution department in Salmiya, Kuwait city, on November 22, in response to a summons. Prosecutors did not tell him specifically what acts he was alleged to have committed in violation of the law. Al-Jasim refused to answer their questions.

アル-ジャシムの弁護士アブド・アル-カリム・ハイダル(Abd al-Karim Haidar)はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、アル-ジャシムは11月22日にクウェート市のサルミヤ(Salmiya)にある検察局に召喚状に対応して出頭したと述べた。検察官は彼が何の法律に違反した容疑なのかを具体的に言わなかったし、アル-ジャシムも検察官の質問に答えなかったらしい。

Instead they sent al-Jasim, who was accompanied by his lawyers, to the Interior Ministry’s Criminal Investigation Department with a sealed envelope. When officers there opened the envelope, it contained a detention order from General Prosecution setting bail at 1,000 Kuwait Dinars (US$3,500), but it did not contain a written charge, his lawyers said. He refused to pay the bail, and was detained.


Abdullah Ahmad, another lawyer for al-Jasim who accompanied him to both the prosecution and the criminal investigation departments, told Human Rights Watch that prosecutors told al-Jasim only that he was accused of “libel and slander” of the prime minister for remarks he allegedly made on October 18 in a group of about 20 people in Rawdha, near Kuwait City, at the ‘Ulayyan family’s diwaniyya – a social gathering at a private home where politics are sometimes discussed.

検察局と刑事捜査局の両方に付き添った、アル-ジャシムのもう1人の弁護士アブドゥラ・アハマド(Abdullah Ahmad)はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに、検察官はアル-ジャシムに、10月18日クウェート市近くのラウドゥハ(Rawdha)で、時に政治が議論されていたウラヤン家の個人宅で行われたパーティーの席上約20名を前にして、彼がしたと言われている発言に首相への“名誉毀損”容疑が掛けられているとだけ告げたと語った。

The prime minister filed a criminal complaint against al-Jasim around November 19, al-Ahmad said.  He said that a representative of the prime minister had videotaped the ‘Ulayyan family’s social gathering, according to al-Jasim.


A statement by al-Jasim’s lawyers on his website says that discussion at the gathering revolved around “public affairs and criticism of government policies.” In separate cases in October 2009, courts fined two Kuwaiti members of parliament 3,000 KD each for slander, one over criticisms he made regarding the Interior Ministry’s treatment of the Bidun, a large group of stateless people in Kuwait, and the other for remarks he had made about corruption in the health system.


Kuwait maintains libel and slander as criminal offenses in articles 209 and 210 of its criminal code, with a maximum prison sentence of two years, Haidar said.


Criminalizing peaceful speech, whatever the content of criticism or the persons concerned, is contrary to the right to freedom of expression. Persons who believe that the speech of others has damaged their reputation may have recourse to the civil courts to seek compensation, but the threshold for tolerating criticisms of government officials should be higher than for ordinary persons, Human Rights Watch said.


“A prime minister should accept that he will be criticized, and not resort to repressive articles of the criminal code to silence his critics,” said Whitson.


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