
今パソコンの練習と英会話、フィットネスジムに夢中 いつか周りの人達をはっとさせる自分に変身するのが夢です。


2013年04月20日 | 日記
My mother is hospitalized for one month. She can't eat and drink.She is very pity.Her omission doesn't work well.
She had omission twice I want her to eat from the omission. I want her to live until my daughter's wedding.
lAll of my family members went to her hospital. I go there every day. I want to meet my mother and her smiling face. I wish her to live more.

I became 60 on 17th. My husband became 63 on 19th. The Kamiko ,my daughter and my daugter in low presented us. thank you.
